Part 2

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I can feel the sun shining on my face through the curtains. I slowly open my eyes and stretch, while I do that I sigh softly and grab my phone to check the time "damn 8.40" I say with a raspy morning voice. Lando must still me asleep, at that moment I've got the perfect plan to wake my little brother up. With a huge smile on my face I get out of bed and walk to my brothers room, opening the door slowly and as quiet as I can. I peak my head inside and see a sleeping Lando in the bed, a smile forms on my face as a run inside and jumps right on top of him. Lando lets out a scream and I start laughing. "You sounded like a little girl". Lando looks at me like he has seen a ghost "you are literally the worst ever" he says still with the same look on his face. I lay down next to him still laughing "you love me anyway" he hits my shoulder with his fist. "Auch" I pout as I get out of his bed "let's get ready and get some breakfast" I say before I leave his room.

I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I take a quick shower, I straighten my hair and put some mascara on, after that I put on some clothes I could quickly get out of my suitcase. "Lando are you ready! I'm hungry!" I shout while grabbing my sunglasses and putting them in my hair. Lando walks over "how can I be ready when you were in the bathroom the whole time" He says while walking into the bathroom. A little while later Lando walks back out dressed and ready to go "wow that went fast" I pet his shoulder, he rolls his eyes and we are off to eat some breakfast.

We sit down at a little table I ordered a coffee and a croissant, Lando ordered a croissant as well. His phone is buzzing the entire time "Oh god does my little brother have a girlfriend?" I lean on my hand looking at him with a big smile. He starts frowning "girlfriend? No Nora I don't have a girlfriend, my phone is buzzing because of the boys" he grabs his phone and starts reading all the messages. Meanwhile I take a sip of my coffee and post a picture that Lando took earlier on Instagram.

Nora_Norris: What's better than a coffee in the morning ☕️              charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 443 others liked this post

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Nora_Norris: What's better than a coffee in the morning ☕️
              charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 443 others liked this post

JessieNetonn: Miss you!
charles_leclerc: 👀
User1: why are you so pretty
User2: are you with Lando????
maxverstappen1: Gorgeous

"The boys asked if we wanted to meet up with them for lunch" I hear Lando's voice and put my phone down. "Who's going to be there?" I asked before taking a sip of my coffee. "Uh from what I know Max, Charles, Pierre and Daniel" he says while looking down at his phone "it would be nice for you to meet them before race weekend". I nod "yeah sure why not, I'm excited to meet them" I smile at Lando, who's already typing to tell the others we will meet up. It was like was feeling nervous about meeting them, what if I say something wrong or stupid and they all laugh at me. My thoughts were going crazy, all kinds of awkward scenarios were running through my head. "Nora... Helloooow Nora!" I heard a voice say, I looked up at Lando a little confused "huh?". Lando shakes his head "I said... I want you to promise me that you won't speak Dutch with Max the whole time, I speak a small amount of Dutch not like you who can speak Dutch fluently" he crosses his arms. I went to college in Belgium that's why my Dutch is so good and Lando is in fact a little jealous of that. "Yeah sure I promise" I assure him.

After a while we decided to pay and meet up with the others since Lando and I were sitting there for a while now. We had a lot of catching up to do about our lives, I know that sounds weird but with him being busy with formula 1 and I was busy with college and work, so some brother sister time did us good. The closer we get to the restaurant the more nervous I start to feel, normally I don't get nervous very easily but today was a whole other story.
"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" Lando asks looking at me, I shrug "I was thinking and admiring France" I give Lando a smile while biting on the inside of my cheek. "There it is! I see them!" I can hear the excitement in his voice and his face is brightening up. He ran to the others and gave them all a hug, I took a deep breath and walked over to the boys with a little smile on my face.

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