Part 13

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Full of tension I looked at the screen, it was free practice and I already thought this was tense. What would that be in terms of qualification and the race. Seeing everything here made me regret not coming sooner to support Lando. But now I had plenty of time to catch up. Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that Max had gone off the track until I was pulled out of my thoughts by others who made a painful noise at the sight of Max on the screen. I frowned as Max got out of the car and kicked the wheel angrily. I didn't quite understand why he was so angry, it was just free practice, right?
I shook my head and looked further at the screen to see how Lando was doing.

Not much later an angry Max walked by with his head looking at the ground, I put my headphone around my neck and decided to go after him. "Max... Max!" He didn't hear me, he was so lost in his thoughts, he kicked a softened wall when walking by and at that moment I grabbed his arm. He turned and our eyes meet each other's "Nora..."
"What's the matter with you? Why are you so mad?" I looked at him questioningly, why did I go after him I was still angry with him but it was stronger than myself.
"Nothing works, everything just goes wrong again and again," he said.
I had the feeling that he is not just talking about free practice but about much more.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"With you? Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?"
"Because I care about you"
With a sigh he sat down against the wall and finally took off his helmet, his head was red and sweaty but he was still sexy.
"What's the matter with you?"
He shrugged his shoulders at first, he probably didn't know where to start, he stared straight ahead with a deep sigh. There was silence for a while and he started fiddling with his helmet, this started to get on my nerves so I took his helmet and sat down next to him with the helmet on my lap. "Talk to me"
"That's the problem... the more I talk to you or look at you the more I want you".
"Then why did you drop me after 1 date, what you're saying now doesn't make sense"
"You don't understand..."
"Then explain it to me!"
I looked at him uncomprehendingly, but he kept staring straight ahead.
"I have a soft spot for you Nora, I don't want to feel weak. That's why I went to Ava because I do have authority over her and the second reason because you're my best friend's sister, in movies it never ends well"
I rubbed my forehead with my hand "this is not a movie Max this is real life"
Again there was silence but this time it was not an awkward silence, we were both lost in our own thoughts.
"So you and Ava..." finally came out of my mouth, I had to know. He opened his mouth to say something before being interrupted by Ava.
"Maxie are you alright?" She knelt in front of him and placed her hands on his cheeks and turned her face towards me "what is she doing here..." I looked at her with raised eyebrows "excuse me?"
Max stood up "Ava we need to talk" he took her hand and walked a little further away from me. I sat there with his helmet on my lap and tried to listen to what they were saying, unfortunately I couldn't hear them because of the noises from the cars so I turned my head towards them to see what was happening. Ava wanted to put her arms around Max's neck but to my surprise he pushed her arms away.
Now her expression changed, about 5 seconds later Ava left with an angry face and Max returned somewhat relieved. He plopped back down next to me on the floor "that happened"
"I told her it wasn't going to work."
"Let me guess she didn't take it very well?"
"Not really"
I nodded "at least she got an explanation" I couldn't help but say something about it. He nudged me with his elbow "so... are we okay?"
"You'll have to do your best for me, though because Charles is doing his best at the moment"
"Hmh I noticed with the roses... do you feel something for him?"
"That's for me to know and for you..." I shrugged
He rolled his eyes as he smiled softly.
"I'll go back and discuss what went wrong on the track" he stood up and held out his hand to me, I looked at him and then ran my eyes down his body to his hand for mine to put on his. He pulled me up a little too enthusiastically causing me to hit his chest "sorry for that" he whispers, his breath brushed my face and for a moment I was lost in his eyes.
A small smile formed on my lips and I took a step back "go quick they must be wondering where you are" he nodded and left, I looked down and realized I still had his helmet in my hands.
"Max! Wait a minute" I yelled as I ran towards him.
"Here's your helmet." I held out his helmet to him and he took it with a smile "thanks, see you soon" he winked and continued. I decided to return to the McLaren garage as well, when I got there I saw that Lando had just returned. Full of enthusiasm he walked in my direction and gave me a hug "where did this suddenly come from?" I laughed as I hugged him back "It went well don't you think?"
I nodded a bit unsure because I had only seen half of it "You don't know much about it yet, but you will! Then you will also say that it went well or badly."
"Go back to the motorhome and wait for me there I have to go to a meeting first"
Before I could say anything else Lando walked in a different direction so I just did what he told me and walked back to the motorhome. I decide to sit outside and enjoy the sun and maybe get a tan. With my sunglasses on my nose, I sat down on a chair that was out there, sliding another chair right in front of me for me to put my feet on.
There were already some drivers passing and waving at me, I definitely felt welcome here. Maybe it's partly because I'm Lando's sister, but I feel like they like me. I thought it was strange that I hadn't heard from Charlotte yet, she should have been here by now... maybe her plane was delayed and she was on her way here now. I decided to wait a little longer before calling. I did see that I had several notifications on Instagram which surprised me because I hadn't posted anything at all. I decided to look and saw that I had some DMs. Some were fans of Lando, also one of Charles, one of Max (this made my heart happy) and one of....

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