Part 47

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My heart was racing in my chest, "Uh yeah she was cold and I offered her a sweater..." Lando said, he was so bad at lying, what an excuse this is.
Anyway, Max believed him and started talking about something else as I continued on walking towards Lando's room.
"I would love to talk to you about Nora" I heard him say, because of this my just calmed heart started beating like crazy again.
"What is going on?"
"Will you come to my hotelroom when you have your keys? Then I can discuss it with you."
Footsteps came my way, but I recognized from the pass that it was Lando. Together we walked in and I immediately pulled the hood off my head "what would he like to talk about?" I asked a little suspiciously, but Lando shrugged nonchalantly "I have no idea."
With a sigh I plopped down in the couch in the corner "Tell me everything when you get back, okay?"
He nodded gently and walked back out of the room, in the meantime I decided to take a bath with some music in the background and a glass of champagne.

The warm water caressed my skin as I sank into the tub. The warm water immediately relaxed my muscles, allowing me to relax. With one hand I rubbed my stomach while closing my eyes, it was still unreal to know now that Max and I were parents or are, I don't know how to put it... I had to take another pregnancy test just to be sure, then we would have a baby, it was my fault... I shook my head to shake the thoughts out of my mind. I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me. My phone rang, I glanced at the screen and saw Lando's name appear.

Put on something nice and then come to the front entrance of the hotel, I will be waiting for you there.

What was he going to do... I quickly put on a silky dirty coloured white dress. Luckily I hadn't removed my mascara from my face and my hair was still straight. I grabbed my phone and my handbag. With big strides I walked to the front entrance of the hotel and let the sun's rays warm my body. Lando was waiting by his car with the biggest smile on his face. "Where are we going?"
"That's a surprise"
"You're acting really strange Lando"
He began to laugh mysteriously and got in, waving his hand as a signal for me to get in too.

We arrived at a large lake and the sun was setting, which made for a beautiful view. We both got out of the car and Lando walked over to me and took my hands.
"I'm going to leave you here"
"What? How so?"
"Trust me now, just walk towards the lake"
Lando gave me a light push in my back and I started walking towards the big lake with a frown on my face. There was a walking path made with candles, I followed the path and saw Max standing in the distance with his back to me. My heart raced in my chest as I walked closer and closer to him. Lando was therefore a double agent... Max had known I was here for some time and Lando had probably told him that. That sneaky little muppet...
Max turned cautiously and held out his hand to me. "Hey you"
I laughed and took his hand "hey there, what's all this?"
"This is all for you... I could repeat everything I wrote down on the letter but let's just get straight to the point."
Frowning, I looked at him as I watched him get down on one knee.
"What are you doing..." my heart started racing even faster and I put my hands over my mouth. Max pulled a tiny black box from his pocket.
"Dear Nora Norris, we've been through so much together and I'm so grateful for everything you do and for all you are. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you because I love you so much... so Nora Norris will you marry me?"
There was silence for a moment as we stared at each other "I-y-yes of course!"
We flew into each other's arms and he swings me through the air, after he put the ring on my finger I gave him a kiss and at that moment I heard whistling and cheering and the sound of clapping in the hands. We watched a small group of people approaching, there were Lando, Emma, ​​Victoria, Daniel, Pierre, Charles and other people. They congratulated us with hugs and kisses, bottles of champagne were opened and that's how our engagement was celebrated.

Once back at the hotel I went with Max to his hotelroom, everyone had to go to bed early because it was raceday tomorrow and everyone had to be fresh for the race. We crawled into bed together and cuddled a little more.
"How did you know I was here? I wanted to surprise you"
"I knew it from the moment you got on the plane... Lando was on my side so you couldn't surprise me anyway and in the hotel? Baby I recognize you out of a thousand even though you're wearing a sweater that's 20 times the size of you"
I tried to look at him pitifully but less than a second later we both laughed.
"I'm glad you said yes"
"I was doubting though"
"Oh doubting?" He said as he started to tickle me, a burst of laughter filled the room as I tried to push his hands away.
"Stop! Have mercy! I had no doubts."
He grabbed my hands and held them over my head, our lips only a few millimeters apart.
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you too"
Our lips touched gently before he lay down next to me again and a few minutes later he fell asleep, soft snoring now filled the room and a moment later I fell asleep too.

 "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" Our lips touched gently before he lay down next to me again and a few minutes later he fell asleep, soft snoring now filled the room and a moment later I fell asleep too

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Nora_Norris: Sooooo, this happened ❤️ I love you
👥 maxverstappen1

emsverstappen, landonorris and 793.503 others liked this post

danielricciardo: So you won't marry me?
josverstappen7: Gefeliciteerd lieverd!
User1: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
landonorris: My little sister is becoming an adult 🥲
emsverstappen: I'm so happy!!
User2: You've got to be kidding me...
victoriaverstappen: Ik ben zo blij voor jullie!
pierregasly: Congrats! Power couple!
User3: Omgggg this made my day 🥰
lewishamilton: So happy for the both of you, congratulations!
maxverstappen1: I love you ❤️

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