He's a stubbron, young formula 1 driver with an unknown weakniss for his best friend's sister.
She's the older sister of Lando Norris and she has an attidude with an unknown weakniss for her brother's best friend.
We are now a year further and it was summer break. Max and I had the best year ever and I couldn't be happier. We had decided to spend our first week of summer break in Monaco, away from everyone for a while and just some time for ourselves, we needed that now because our wedding was planned next week. In the meantime, I had started looking for a job that could easily be combined with traveling for the raceweekends. Max told me he would support me in whatever job I chose or got. I loved kids so I thought about something that has to do with kids but that wouldn't be easy to combine with travelling.
With a sigh I threw my laptop next to me on the couch after another failed attempt of finding a job. What the hell am I supposed to do... Max walked over to me with a frown "are you okay baby?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest "I just can't find a job that I like..." He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug "you'll find something, just take your time. I don't want you to rush into finding a job that you don't like... just take your time so you can find the job you love" I nodded and played with the ring around my ring finger "everything will end up on its feet, just let it come to you" I smiled and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek "thank you" There was a moment of silence before Max cleared his throat, doubtful I looked at him. "I have something to tell you... it's about this weekend" "What's up?" "The girls organized a bachelorette party for you and the boys for me" "Oh since when?" "I heard this an hour ago" "Now it's stressing me out, especially because I don't know anything about it" He gently placed his hands on my leg "Calm down, remember what I just said? Just let it come to you" I sank deeper into the couch and rested my head against his arm "so we can't spend our last weekend as a not married couple together?" "No, but we still have a few days to spend unmarried"
The weekend was just around the corner and the uncertainty made me very nervous. There was a knock on the front door, I slowly opened the door and Lando's smiling face appeared, behind him were Daniel, Pierre, Yuki, Lewis, Carlos and Checo "we're coming to pick up a package" They stood with the biggest smiles on their faces as if they were angels. "Max?!" I yelled as I continued to look at the boys one by one. Max came running with a suitcase and a big smile on his face, someone was happy to leave. "Come on, we don't have much time. We have a lot to do and a lot to see" Daniel said excitedly as he grabbed Max's hand. Max just managed to give me a quick kiss before he was blindfolded and taken into the car. Lando gave me a kiss on the cheek "don't worry, we'll take care of him. Just make sure you have fun." I nodded and watched as Lando disappeared into the car and then as the car sped off the property. Just as the boys left my field of vision a bright red convertible pulled up into the driveway with loud music, Emma waved to signal me to get in the car. Quickly I grabbed my suitcase and got into the car, all ready for what was to come. First we went to Mel's house to start off quietly with a drink and the pool. We had agreed not to talk about Max or any boy we knew. The second agreement was that we were only allowed to use our telephone for certain assignments. That promised to be a difficult task for some, but I was looking forward to having fun surrounded by the girls I love.
The whole afternoon was filled with tasty cocktails, laughter and talk. But still I secretly wondered what the boys were doing now, hopefully they hadn't arranged anything with a stripper or a strip club... since that Max is kind of wild hearted. But it had been going super well for a year, that wouldn't change in 1 swing... right?
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Nora_Norris: I'm ready for what you guys have planned for me... I hope
👥 emsverstappen, victoriaverstappen, JessieNetonn, melbrown, charlottelane, lenaheggings and jessicabrown
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Around 6 pm we started getting ready for something to eat and after that Victoria and Emma had something else in store that they didn't want to reveal. I let them have their fun and waited as Max had told me. I put on a white dress with white heels and a pink sash with "bride to be" on it. The others put on a pink dress to match my sash. A taxi was arranged so we didn't have to think about anything. The taxi dropped us off at a busy restaurant and then disappeared. I followed the rest because only they knew what the schedule was.
We ended up at a bar, Charlotte was handing us a paper where we had to put our name on. I started to read what was on the paper. 6 points ◽️get the bride-to-be a free drink ◽️get a photo with the dj ◽️get a stranger to write advice for the bride to be
5 points ◽️take a picture with an alive animal ◽️get the bartender to sign a body part ◽️get a group of guys to serenade ◽️dance an a table / bar
4 points ◽️take a picture of someone wearing a toilet paper veil ◽️get a guy to post a photo of your group on his Instagram with #whensthewedding
3 points ◽️photo-bomb a stanger taking a picture ◽️get a video of someone in your group crazy dancing ◽️make a toast on Instagram
2 points ◽️find a guy who has the same name as Max ◽️take a shot of the brides choice ◽️take a group picture at the bar ◽️take a stranger hand and tell them their fortune
1 point ◽️find someone who will give the bride-to-be some cash ◽️get a video of someone singing a song with the word 'love' in it ◽️sneak a drink or flask into the bar
What an evening / night this would be...
————————————————————————— Note: I'll be uploading once a week because I'm super busy with work and I'm doing what I can. So here you guys go! Hope you enjoy it! See you guys very soon...