Part 41

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Max and I had booked an extra few days at the hotel so that he could rest enough until he could travel to go home. Once at home I helped Max into the couch and made sure he had everything he needed.
"I have to go back to England for a family dinner tomorrow," I said as I sat down next to him.
"Too bad I can't come"
"They understand dear, what you need to do now is rest a lot so you can race in Hungary"
"Will you tell your family that I'm sorry I'm not there"
"I will "
I gave him a kiss and went to the bedroom to prepare a small suitcase with some clothes. I had to leave tonight and I didn't want to leave Max behind for sure after what happened but luckily Victoria and Emma would come over a lot.
"Do you want anything before I leave?"
"Another kiss," he said like a child wanting a lollipop. I laughed and walked over to give him one last kiss.
"See you in 2 days, if there is anything call me okay?"
"I will do Nora, have fun"
He gave me another kiss and I left our house.

It was really nice to be surrounded by the whole family again. Everyone was in a good mood and there was a lot of drinking and laughing, Lando was sometimes distracted by his phone and I could already guess who it was. Many questions were also asked about Max, how he was doing, whether it was a good idea to leave him alone and so on. Lando sat down next to me and put an arm around me "hey sister"
"How are you feeling after the race weekend?"
"Good actually, had hoped for a 3rd place but it wasn't bad"
"I'm really proud of you"
I hugged him and we sat like this for a while, everyone had left by now so it was only Lando and I who remained.
I started cleaning the table while he answered his phone, it sounded very serious and urgent. I put everything I could in the dishwasher and turned it on. With a yawn, I waved to Lando who was still busy talking, then walked to my old room I had when Lando and I lived together.

 With a yawn, I waved to Lando who was still busy talking, then walked to my old room I had when Lando and I lived together

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Nora_Norris: Glad to be back with the family
👥 landonorris, ciscanorris, flonorris1

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After the 2 days I returned home, when I drove my car into the large driveway where, to my surprise, was a second car that I did not immediately recognise. Maybe it was Max's family or a friend. I walked in carefully so I would not disturb them but there was no one downstairs. I walked to the kitchen where there were 2 glasses of wine on the counter. From that moment on my heart started to beat faster I carefully walked up to our room, the door was open a little so I looked in between the crack. My worst nightmare had become reality... again. Max was kissing someone else, it was the girl from the Red Bull event, I recognized her immediately. The girl was sitting right on top of him and they were both almost completely undressed. We've been together for almost a year and now he's doing this, carefully I tried to close the door gently with tears in my eyes. I quickly ran out of the house and got into my car. Where could I go now... I decided to call Charlotte and she let me sleep with her tonight.

The next day I drove back into the main driveway with a scared heart and yesterday's car was gone, so that meant she was gone. I opened the front door and walked in, the house was completely silent except for the sound of the shower. I quickly ran up the stairs to our room to fill my suitcases with my clothes, I didn't want to confront him now. I quickly threw everything in my suitcases and walked down to my car to load everything. I looked at my bunch of keys and took the house key off, with the house key in my hand I walked back inside so I could leave it on the table.
When I opened the front door I heard Max's voice down the hall.
"Nora! Where are you going?"
I stopped and turned to look at him, there he was with a towel wrapped around his waist, still wet from the shower. And me who thought he was the boy of my life.
"Why do you care? Have fun and good luck with your new girl"
Max looked at me shocked "it was nothing, I promise!"
"Just like you promised me that you and that same girl weren't intimate at the Red Bull event?"
"No Nora please I promise, it was just a kiss"
"Just a kiss? But Max it's not the fact that you kissed her yesterday, it's the feeling of betrayal that I just can't seem to shake. And everything I know tells me I should walk away. But I just want to stay..." I broke down in tears
"Then just stay" he said walking closer to me
I took a step back "I can't... the moment you know I won't be with you for a few days, you grab your chance to do something with someone else. And don't come back with your Wild heart's excuse because I'm tired of it, you can't always put it on that and just a kiss? Don't make me laugh you were both half naked so I don't believe a single word you say, I should have known you would do it again. Charles had warned me... Emma, ​​Victoria, Jos and Sophie will be so disappointed in you"
I kept talking, all my anger and sadness turned into words while the tears still ran down my cheeks.
At that moment he grabbed my face and kissed me, where did he get the guts from. I pushed him off me and slapped him in the face "you fucked up Max, I will never trust you again"

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