Part 19

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The next morning I woke up and I felt so happy. How could a boy make me feel so blissful. Everything was going well at the moment and I couldn't wait to see him soon. I decided to go with Lando to the track so I could surprise Max there. I got ready quickly so that Lando wouldn't have to wait too long for me.
"Good morning this morning!" I said enthusiastically
Lando looked at me with small eyes "why are you so excited this morning?"
"Oh... let's just leave so you won't be late again, like last time"
"People who are late are cool"
"No not anymore from now on"
We left to the track together and the closer we got the more excited I got for the weekend. I was already completely sucked into the entire Formula 1 world.
Lando looked at the time "now we are way too early"
I laughed and linked my arm with his "then we can go to the motorhome together"

Arm in arm we walked to the motorhome, we went inside and I plopped down in a small chair that stood there.
"How long do you think the interviews will be?"
"Probably an hour, then I will explore the track with Daniel by bike and then we will go for a run on it. Oh and we have to record a video to put on YouTube, do you want to be there?"
"Ooooh yes I'd love to follow behind the scenes!"
"Okay fine then I'll come pick you up, in the meantime don't do anything I wouldn't do"
He put his cap on his head and left for his first interview. I was wondering if Max would be there yet so I decided to find out. I walked to the Red Bull motorhome and saw Max standing outside, busy talking to someone. The closer I got, the better I saw who he was talking to. I felt my heart skip a few beats as the two hugged. I decided to walk to them anyway, when Max heard me coming he interrupted the hug. I smiled at him and wanted to kiss him, but before I could do that he pushed me away slightly and looked at me in disgust.
"What do you want?" his voice was no longer warm and pleasant but rather cold and without emotion, I looked at him uncomprehendingly "w-what do you mean?"
"You're unbelievable Nora... please get out of my sight and let me be happy now."
My eyes stared at him in disbelief, I looked to the side and saw a smiling Ava.

Tears stung my eyes, I clenched my hands into fists to hold back the tears. Without saying a word, I turned around and walked back with great strides as some tears made their way down my cheeks. A hand grabbed my wrist and I stopped walking, looking straight into Charles's concerned eyes.
"What's going on?"
"I- I let this person in... I let him in... I don't let people in, never" my breathing shortened and I started to panic, I ran my hands through my hair and looked at the floor while I took a few steps I lost my balance. Charles caught me and lowered us both to the floor, he put his arms around me and soothed me, he tried to calm me down and it worked. I rested my head against his chest as I stared ahead, processing what Max had just said. There was his Wild heart again, but why... we had such good days and now he does the same exact thing like last time. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Charles' soft voice.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Cautiously I nodded and sat up straight, we were now sitting directly opposite from each other.
"So... Max and I were building something, or so I thought. I wanted to surprise him here so I went to see him but he wasn't alone, Ava was with him again. And he pushed me away and said I was unbelievable and that I should leave him alone and let him be happy... Like I had done something wrong but I'm
getting the feeling that he just used me" a lost tear slowly slid down my cheek, Charles quickly wiped the tear away.
"You can't blame yourself... you've done nothing wrong. That's just how I know Max... he doesn't deserve someone like you"
I shrugged and let out a deep sigh "that's why I don't let anyone in... it always ends up wrong for me"
"Don't say that, I know that this hurts now but I'm here for you"
I smiled weakly at him and nodded "thank you"
"Come with me to the interviews so you can follow everything and see how things work around here, that will distract you a little"
"That sounds nice, but what if we see him?"
"Then we see him... show that you are the bigger person and that you are strong"
Charles stood up and held out his hands to me, I gently put my hands in his and he pulled me up "let's go"

Charles stood in the right place and he got a microphone in his hands. I stood nicely to the side and followed the interview, first there were some questions about the previous race, then about the upcoming race.
"We see you brought someone, I think that's Lando Norris's sister, right?"
"Indeed I promised her to show her around and to take her everywhere here as much as possible so that she could see everything"
"That's very sweet of you, but there was a kiss with Max Verstappen on Sunday, right?"
Charles looked at me and I felt my face darken.
"It was indeed there, but that was some miscommunication" he said, trying to soften the situation.
"So there's nothing going on between you and Max Verstappen?"
The interviewer now looked my way and the camera turned my way too, I shook my head briefly "no there is nothing between us" I looked at Charles showing that this was a bit uncomfortable, he understood my attitude and immediately pulled the attention back to him by starting over practice 1 on Friday. He finished his first interview and walked up to me saying "are you okay?"
"Actually yes... it had to happen and now that I've said it, this will be doing the rounds within 5 minutes and I don't have to answer the same questions 20 times"
"You have a point there, still want to go to the next?"
"With pleasure"
We walked a little further for the next interview, I took his drink can from his hands "that looks better"
"Thank you"
While he was giving his second interview I looked around at the others who were also busy talking, how could they stay so enthusiastic when they get the same questions 50 times over and over again, they are not very creative.

Now Max arrived too, he was a bit late because everyone was almost ready. I pretended not to see him and held my head up a little, but he knew as well as I did that we've seen each other. I tried to listen as unobtrusively as possible to the questions being asked, it was a bit quiet but loud enough to follow perfectly.
"Hey Max how are you?"
"I'm great thanks for asking"
"So before we ask anything else what's going on between you and Nora Norris?"
There was a moment of silence and I knew he was looking at me right now.
"Me and Nora? Naaah we are nothing, not even friends"
"And what about the kiss on Sunday?"
"Oh that kiss, that was a mistake. Can happen"
He started to laugh awkwardly and put his cap on his head.
"So just friends?"
"Look let me be clear, I'm seeing someone at the moment her name is Ava. It's not Nora, never will be, not even friends"
He clearly knew I was listening and I could feel the tears burning but I held my ground and stared ahead with a fake smile. Lando who was not too far away from him had heard this too and he turned around with a jerk "now you have to be careful mate" Lando's face looked like he could explode at any moment. Luckily Lando had just finished his interview and was taken to the motorhomes by Daniel. Max continued his interview after stating loud and clear that we are nothing, not even friends.
Charles quickly finished his last interview and came over to hug me "let's go" I nodded and we walked like Daniel and Lando to the motorhomes.
"I promised Lando that I would follow along with the making of a YouTube video"
"Go ahead and I'll see you later"
"Thank you Charles... for being there for me"
"You don't have to say thank you silly"
He gave me another hug and then walked towards the Ferrari motorhome. I walked in and saw Daniel and Lando waiting for me, without saying a word the boys took me in their arms and almost squeezed me to death.
"What did I tell you" Lando whispered
"Don't Lando really, not now"
"Let's make a fantastic video about cookies" Daniel said as lightly as possible to boost the atmosphere. I followed the two boys and sat down in a chair just out of the cameraframe. Daniel and Lando sat down and were still busy talking before they started recording. To be honest, I only listened and watched half of what they were doing, my mind stuck with Max. Although I knew very well that I had to forget about him without explanation, again...

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