Part 8

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We ordered a new round of drinks, the drinks were bigger and had more alcohol in them then before. Pierre and Lando were singing now and just like Daniel and Max they sounded like a cat that was being tortured. Speaking of Max... he still hadn't returned to our table, in fact he was sitting with the blond girl and her friends. I was biting on the inside of my cheek when Charles laid his arm around my shoulder "that must hurt right" he said.
I turned my head in his direction and frowned "what?" I was literally confused.
"Well you went on a date with Max and 3 hours later you are being replaced"
Those words cut in my heart, I don't know why they hurt me. It was only one date...
"Come on Nora you know that he will sit there for the rest of the night, let's have fun and sing our song we put on the paper"
"Your right let's do it" I smiled ignoring the other things he had said. We walked on stage and took a mic, I looked at Charles and he nodded with a smile.
The song started playing and we sang together, he didn't really knew the lyrics but he was trying. I looked over at Max but he wasn't even paying attention, he was to busy talking the girl and taking shots together.

After the song had ended we got an applause as well and returned to our table "we are the perfect team when we sing" Charles said as we sat down. I just nodded and ordered another round of shots, I needed it. After a while we decided to go to the club next to the karaoke bar, Pierre walked over to Max to ask if he was coming. He shook his head and turned to look at us, at that point he realised I was looking at him as well. It looked like he was about to come over and say something but the blonde girl took his attention once again. I rolled my eyes and walked out the karaoke bar followed by Charles, Lando, Pierre and Daniel. Daniel stopped me before I could walk in the club "you guys go ahead we'll be right there, order us some shots will you" he said and the others just nodded and went inside.
"You okay Nora?" Daniel asked
"Yeah sure why not, just had a date a couple of hours ago and now he has totally forgotten about me. But yeah Daniel I'm perfectly fine" I said now realising that I reacted a little hars "Sorry Daniel I didn't want to snap at you". He laughed a little "don't worry about it, I understand... just try to have fun for now, I'll have a chat with him tomorrow"
"You don't have to Daniel, let's have a dance" I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.

We found the others who were waiting on us with the shots. "Finally!" Lando yelled and pushed a shot in my hands "Calm there little Norris"
"You may be older but not bigger so you are the little Norris, now drink up"
I laughed and drank the shot, I walked to the dance floor and started dancing not long after Charles, Lando, Pierre and Daniel joined me.
Daniel showed us his fantastic dance moves again, I tried to copy them and Daniel reacted like he was watching a horror movie "Stop, stop, stop! You are shaming my dance moves Nora!"
I laughed at his reaction "then show me how it's done" I didn't have to say that twice.

A few drinks later I could feel in my legs that I had more then enough drinks, but dit I listen to my body... the hell I don't think so. I went to the bar with Charles and we ordered another drink, he was looking at me and the moment I turned my head to look at him I could see Max walk in with the blond girl hand in hand. It made my heart skip a beat but not in a good way and I could feel my stomach turn. Charles saw my facial expression change and turned around to see what I was looking at. Once he saw that he turned back to me and placed his hands on my shoulders "don't give them any kind of attention, focus on something else" he said into my ear so I would definitely hear it. I looked up at him "I'll focus on you then" he smirked and pulled me with him to the dance floor. We danced together like no one was watching but believe me we were being watched...

Charles and I were dancing close to each other, why you may ask... because I wanted to make Max jealous, hoping I could. The alcohol was rushing through my body and I wasn't thinking straight anymore. Charles placed his hands on my hips as we were dancing and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was enjoying every second of if, his eyes spoke louder then words. He moved closer to me and our foreheads touched, we moved in sync on the music. I could see in the corner of my eyes that Max was watching us closely but with his arm around the girl. "Want to go back to my hotel?" Charles said into my ear, I looked straight into his eyes "your hotel?".
"Yes my hotel, let's go" he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside without saying goodbye to the others. "We should've said bye, my brother needs to know where I am" Charles nodded understandingly "sure I'll wait for you here" he kissed my cheek, I stumbled back inside looking for Lando, Daniel or Pierre. As long as I didn't see Max it was all fine by me.

I grabbed Lando's arm when I found him "I'm going back to the hotel I'm tired and but not drunk" I spoke trying to sound as sober as possible. "You are not walking alone right"
"No no don't worry Charles is with me"
"Okay be careful I'll see you in the morning"
"Be careful" I said and Lando gave me a kiss on my forehead. I stumbled back to the door so I could leave but walked into Max who grabbed my wrist "I'll take you to the hotel"
"No you won't, where's your new date?" I put up a bitchy face and tried to get his hand of my wrist but I failed he was 10 times stronger than I am.
"I'll explain when we get to the hotel, just come with me" I rolled my eyes at him and we walked out. Max walked up to Charles and said he had to go to his hotel, Charles looked at me and I nodded "I'll text you" he said and walked to his hotel.
So did Max and I, together we walked to the hotel Lando and I were staying. Once we got there I immediately walked in the hotelroom straight to my bedroom, I could hear Max his footsteps following me.
"You can return to your date now" I said while kicking my shoes off.
"She is not my date"
"Oh really? Mhm that's weird because you most have forgotten about me" I said the first part full of sarcasm.
"I had to do that, I needed to know something" was his answer.
"Know something? What how fast you can go from date to date?" I pushed him, it didn't have a lot of effect but it was something.
"No to know if the connection we have is real and what I'm feeling for you is real" he pushed me against the wall, one hand holding my wrist in a tight grip but not hurting me and the other hand next to my head. Our faces only millimetres away from each other "Oh how I want to kiss you right now" he said softly.
"Do it" I whispered looking into his mesmerising blue eyes.
"I can't... not like this while we are both not thinking straight" He took a step back and let go of me.
A long silence came up on us and we just looked at each other, the tention between us was back and you could cut it with a knife. My heart was already racing in my chest as we kept staring at each other, Max took some big steps my way and cupped his hands on my cheeks his head resting against mine "fuck it" he said...

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