Part 44

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As Lando and I were chilling by the little pool he bought the doorbell rang.
"Do you want to open it? I'm wet and don't have a towel"
"Yes no problem and no I won't bring a towel for you"
I stood up and walked in to open the door. Lewis, Daniel, Pierre, George, Charles and Emma walked through the door and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
They already knew their way around here so they went straight to the yard and greeted Lando.
"Well what does everyone want?" Lando asked, several things were said so I was ready to help but Emma gave me a pat on the back "I'll help, relax" with a smile I sat down and we all started communicating with each other at the same time.
Only now did I realize that I didn't have my phone with me, I quickly walked in and entered the kitchen where Lando and Emma were almost licking each other's faces.
"Oh god" I said in shock as I covered my eyes
"Sorry to disturb I left my phone here"
I looked through my fingers, Emma and Lando were standing there like 2 caught teenagers. I grabbed my phone "feel free to continue..." I laughed and walked back to the garden.
"We'll have to wait a while for our drinks, they were busy" I laughed as I sat back down. Moments later the two lovebirds came out with our drinks. Their heads still as red as before, I tried so hard not to laugh.

Everyone was having a good time, everyone was busy talking until the bell rang. I looked at Lando with a frown, "are you expecting anyone else?"
But he shook his head, I pushed myself right on the back of my chair and walked in to open the door. With a friendly smile I opened the door but his smile disappeared as soon as I saw Max standing there. Sadness, anger, everything came back up. His face looked like he had been crying for 4 hours, somehow I felt bad but then again I didn't do anything wrong.
"Nora please come back to me"
"Why? So you can cheat on me one more time? Is that something you find exciting to do? I'm not a toy you can play with when you are bored or lonely or horny."
"Nora please"
I felt my anger start to bubble up so I continued, my voice being louder this time and angrier.
"I'm not a fantasy! If you want me Max you have to fucking earn me!" I yelled at him while pushing him away from the front door. I looked at him with teary eyes "until then... we are done"
I slammed the door hard before he could say anything. I rested my forehead against the door and closed my eyes to calm down. My trembling hands folded into a fist so I could press my nails into my palm.
"What was that?" I heard a voice behind me say.
Cautiously, I lifted my head, quickly wiped a lonely tear from my cheek, and only then turned to face Charles.
"We thought so, we heard it outside" he said while opening his arms, with careful steps I walked towards him and fell into his arms. "I know it really hurts now but things will get better, I promise"
He kissed the crown of my hair and guided me back outside where everyone fell silent as I sat down next to them.
"You mustn't stop talking" I said as I took the bottle of white wine that was on the table. Everyone resumed their conversation but I just followed along. Max's face did not disappear from my train of thought, I kept seeing his red, puffy eyes. Was he so sorry for his actions?
I took my phone and sent a message to Max.

Nora: If you're really sorry, leave me alone all day tomorrow, then I'll be willingly to talk to you tomorrow night. I'll send you a message.

Max: Okay x

I was really curious if he would succeed and if he really wanted me back. Time will tell us that.
"Guys, I'm going to sleep. Enjoy your evening! Don't do things I wouldn't do" I got up and gave Lando a goodnight kiss, the others just said goodnight and I went to my room. I was completely exhausted and I had no idea why. My stomach also hurt, for a few days already actually but now the pain started to get worse. It was most likely from the fatigue and all the drama that had happened over the past few days. I might have to calm down a bit.

The next day passed so slowly, the abdominal pain had gotten worse and I had a little bleeding. I knew that with an IUD you could also slightly get your period, but I had never experienced so much blood loss. Slowly but surely I walked down the stairs with my hand on my stomach and then I flopped down on the couch. I checked the time and it was already 6pm, Max had in fact left me alone all day so I thought he deserved an honest talk.

Nora: Where are you staying? I can come to you so we can talk.

Max: I'm currently in the park near Lando's house, otherwise I can pick you up in 3 minutes?

Nora: Good.

The timing was just right, as if he were waiting at the door. I got a message that he had arrived so I walked out and got into his car. He drove to a cute little house and parked along the road "I rented this for a week" he said to lighten the atmosphere, but I didn't respond. In complete silence I got out of the car and walked to the front door of the house. Once inside the pain started to get worse and worse and I felt myself getting warmer as well.
"Are you okay?" his voice sounded genuinely concerned and I felt his hands on my arms, with my hands I pushed lightly on my stomach and took a few deep breaths in and out.
"I'll get you some water" he said and ran to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Pushing my hands on my stomach, I walked back and forth in the living room until I felt something slide down my leg. I immediately stopped and looked down and at that moment Max was also watching.
"That doesn't look good" came out of his mouth, he quickly threw the bottle in the seat and ran back into the kitchen to get a towel.
"I'm taking you to the hospital now"
Because of the shock and fright, I could only nod, Max guided me back to his car, let me sit on a towel and drove at full speed to the hospital. I closed my eyes so I could focus on the pain I was feeling. Max quickly parked his car and helped me out. He decided to lift me up and carried me inside, I held on tight by wrapping my arms around his neck. So we walked into the emergency room where some nurses immediately took us to a room and called a doctor.
There my temperature was measured and several questions were first asked.
"What is your age?"
"I'm 22"
"Are you pregnant?"
"Is there any possibility that you could be pregnant?"
"No not at all, I have an IUD and took a pregnancy test a couple weeks ago that said negative"
The doctor wrote everything down and nodded
"We will draw some blood and do an ultrasound, your temperature is too high as well"
While they took an ultrasound Max held my hand the whole time, I tried read the doctor's face but I couldn't make something out of it. The nurses looked at each other and left the room in silence. "I'll be right back with you" the doctor said , who now also had left the room.

After a while the doctor came back in, took a chair and sat down with us, his serious face created a whimsical atmosphere.
"Okay... I'll start at the beginning. The negative pregnancy test wasn't a good one because you were actually pregnant..."
I felt Max squeeze my hand and look at me wide-eyed, I looked back at the doctor and looked at him incomprehensibly.
"On the ultrasound we saw that your IUD has shifted and that's how you got pregnant"
I put my hand on my stomach while different feelings went through my whole body, I wanted to say something but Max was ahead of me.
"You said 'was pregnant'..."
There was a pause before the doctor continued.
"Indeed, miss Norris was pregnant, she had a miscarriage. The severe abdominal pain, heavy blood loss, fever and the ultrasound have clearly shown this. I'll leave you alone for a moment to let this sink in. Then I will come back to you."
As soon as the door slammed, I let go of Max's hand and ran both hands through my hair, there was silence in the room for a while. Max sat next to me on the bed and I took him into a hug that I needed more than I thought.
"We were pregnant" he whispered, it felt so unreal.
It was like having my back pressed against a wall and I had no control over my body at all. As if my own body was deceiving me... at this very moment I felt everything. I felt sad, there was disbelief, I also felt angry somehow, but I also felt like I had failed in some way. Max gently kissed my forehead "I love you, we'll get through this together"
I couldn't help but nod, still in shock at the news. The doctor came back to give us some more information and to support us and make sure to inform us that this will not harm us in the future if we want another child. He also mentioned that I had to stay in the hospital for a day for observation and to replace the IUD in its correct place. Max had promised me that he would stay with me in the hospital so that he would sleep there too. Once in the room it was now our job, or rather Max's job, to inform our parents, brothers and sisters and closest friends because I wouldn't get it over my lips.

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