8. The World Moves Faster

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

I open my eyes, it's dark. I can only see the moonshine. The sky is bright but gloomy. Where am I? After a while, my eyes have adjusted to the darkness.

But I can't hear anything. I feel like a big cork is stuck on both my ears. My head then ached so bad. I tried to get up.

An excruciating pain suddenly hit my shoulders and my back. I tried to look at what seems to be wrong, my arms, my chest, my thighs? But it's dark, I couldn't see at all. But I can say that I feel my whole body is sore.

I recall what happened. Oh yes! An explosion. We were about to glide down the wing of the plane. Very few were handed the emergency parachutes. I know planes like these really weren't supposed to have one.

But it was already a mere chaos. Others were just instructed to buckle up, others wanted to run to the exit. I didn't know what I was thinking at that moment. I just really wanted to get out of the plane to see my son.

And after some time, something exploded again. And it sent all of us flying. The ones left inside must have not survived the explosion. It was so loud that it penetrated my ears causing me this aftershock.

Before I even closed my eyes, I remember seeing the explosion caused the plane to break into two, or into parts. I'm not sure anymore. The next thing I know is that I landed somewhere then completely lost consciousness.

Slowly, I can now hear the wind blowing. Its hustling sound sent shivers down my whole body. I didn't realize that it's so cold.

I'm sitting on a pile of snow. It's getting really, really cold now. But I can't get up, at least not now. It's still dark that I can't think of what to do or where to start.

After a while, a ray of sunlight is slowly peeking from the peak of the mountains. I blinked my eyes to fully grasp the brightness.

I looked around, it's so beautiful. The crystal white snow on top of some rich bright greens of the mountain, the woody scent of the dried oaks around me that's dominating the air - all of it just gave me a boost of hope. A hope that I can go thru another day.


Thankful and alive.


Author-nim's P.O.V.

Jin slowly stood up. He's surprised that he has no broken bones. Just lots of scratches and cuts but tolerable. He wandered around, trying to sink into his mind the place.

There's really nothing much. Just peaks of snowy mountains, some trees that are dried from the winter air. He can't see any water, food or a place that may keep him warm.

His head and eyesight are getting blurry. So he looked far the edge of the cliff to catch some air and breathe deeper.

He then saw the ruins of the plane. Not very far from where he's standing. The only thing that came to his mind is he wanted to go there.

Srruggling, he walked into the ruins of the plane. It is only a part of the huge aircraft.

"Hello?! Is someone here?! This wouldn't explode anymore, would it?" Jin tried to look around and thought of entering the wrecked place.

"This looks like the storage room. And the galley is here too!" Jin saw some luggage on the cabinets. He took towels, jackets, shirts, pants, underwear - just a couple of pairs he thought will do. He pulled the curtains that still look okay, he thought he can use them as blankets.

"I can't take too many. It'll be hard to walk around." Then he went to the galley and see if there are still things that are edible. He took a few packed snacks, biscuits and bottled water. He tried to fit everything into the luggage he found.

He's now crying while fixing the things he gathered. Tears won't stop streaming down his face.

He thought he's still so lucky to find these. All he needs to do is to go find some help to go home. Everything else is provided for him in an instant.

"Oh, there should be some first-aid kit here." After a few minutes of going around, he found one. He also took some toiletries.


Jin now tried to walk just around the ruined planed. If help would come, it should first come to the area where the ruins landed, he thought. So he didn't want to walk very far.

He rested for a while, sitting under a tree with no leaves. Then he heard something that sounded like a man groaning in pain.

Hoping that someone else has survived, Jin stood up and followed the sound. He then found a man lying down on a pile of snow right below the edge of the cliff, with a bloody thigh clearly visible from the white snow under him.

He ran to him and slumped down to check on him. The man looked up, both of them surprisingly blurted out,

"Kim Taehyung?!"
"Dr. Min?!!"


Hi lovey's! I'm dividing what I wrote into two chapters as I feel it's too long.

Hope it's not boring you 😣 I'm actually quite excited at this point! 😊

Pls don't forget to vote and leave your comments.

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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