23. An Answer For This Love?

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Author-nim's P.O.V.

"Thank you Dr. Min!" A teenager boy said while flashing his new braces in the mirror and showing it to his mom. "You really are the best and most handsome dentist!! And you are so lucky to end up with my favorite rapper too! Min Yoongi is sooo dope!!"

Jin forced a laugh at what his patient said, "Ahaha! Yeah I'm really lucky, aren't I?! Well, thank you. I'll see you again next month." Then Jin turned to the boy's mother to finish their session.

As Jin closed the door to his clinic, it opened once again and Jimin came in quickly.

"Jinnie! Jungkook called, Taehyung is already in the hospital here. But they are forbidding visitors for the meantime, just his parents are allowed to be there. But he promised he'll let us come as soon as they accept visitors." Jimin said almost whispering while they sat down in Jin's receiving area.

"Oh. Okay, I expected that already. But I hope we can come soon. Did he say how Taehyung is? Is he stable right now? Are there any complications?" Jin asked worriedly.

"He didn't say much as the hospital is yet to make various tests on him. Don't worry too much. He'll wake up soon. Just stay positive, Jinnie." Jimin tried to comfort his bestfriend.

"This is all my fault. I think he's paying for the wrongs we've done to Yoongi." Jin said looking down. He knows that Jimin supports him all the time, but he still feels awkward to admit it to his friend.

Jimin clicked his tongue before he speaks, "Oh c'mon Jin! Your dear husband isn't a saint anyways! I think he already started to date that Hoseok guy as soon as you were buried! Who knows, there must be something going on already between them even before you died! Why do I sound weird talking about your death?!"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief, "No, that couldn't be. Hoseok is his bestfriend. They've been working together since Yoongi started in the agency."

"So that means they've been fucking ever since!" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"No, Chim. You must've just misinterpreted their closeness. I know Yoongi, he must be abusive but he never tried to cheat on me. He always comes home on time, he doesn't keep his phone from me, I didn't really see any signs of him cheating."

"Oh please, Jinnie! How can you be so blind?! Anyways, try asking Soobin next time! Children don't lie!"

Jin just bit on his lips, he didn't know how to take everything in. He thought how can Yoongi be so jealous when he himself looks at other guys too. The way he behaves, he seems to be so in love with Jin, so how can he even try to cheat.

Jin thought it would be much easier to walk away if what Jimin says is true. But to prove it is another thing. He knows his husband too well. If he was able to keep it from him for who knows how long, he's sure that Yoongi knows too how to get away with it effortless.

All these thoughts cloud Jin's mind that he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Jinnie, are you okay? You're turning so pale!" Jimin held Jin up on his shoulders.

Jin quickly stood up as he felt so sick after feeling that his sweats are turning cold. He quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.

Jimin followed him to the bathroom, "Jin, what are you feeling??" He walked to his friend and rubbed his back while pinching his nose.

"Must've been something I ate." Jin stood up to the sink to gargle and wash his face.

"You just puked everything you ate from breakfast! Do you think, oh my-"

"No way. I'm on birth control. Could it be?!" Jin started to wonder too as he faced Jimin, whose mouth is covered in shock.


That next morning.

Jin, leaning back at the sink, sighed deep and brushed his hair with his fingers as he stared at the two pregnancy test kits in his hand. Both showing positive results.

It's not that he doesn't want a child, but the timing isn't just right. A big part of him wishes that he's only two or three weeks pregnant. So he could be sure that it's Taehyung's.

But he knows it'll be a huge advantage to Yoongi to fight him in court if he's pregnant for another man. And Jin couldn't forget how his husband threatened him that he'll throw him and Taehyung in jail. He knows his husband is so capable of doing that.

He cried silently when he remembered his son. Yoongi was right, he thought. Soobin will hate him for the rest of his life if this happens.

On the other hand, if it's Yoongi's, it will only ruin further his chances to be with Taehyung.

"Why is everything a mess?? Will I ever find the answer for these?!" Jin cried as he hugged himself. He then took his phone to text Jimin when Yoongi started knocking on the door.

"Honey, aren't you done? We'll be late in Soobin's school. Are you okay in there?!"

Jin wiped his tears and fixed himself in the mirror. He then wrapped the pregnancy kits in a tissue before putting them in his pockets. He didn't want to throw them in the trash as Yoongi might see them.

"Yeah, I'm coming out it a minute, sorry!"


"Are you feeling sick, Jin honey? I heard you were throwing up in the bathroom earlier." Yoongi asked while driving.

Jin gulped, he suddenly felt his throat ran dry, but he tried to remain calm so Yoongi won't notice. "I'm fine. I don't know, maybe it's the sashimi I had yesterday with Jimin. My stomach was hurting since last night."

"Is that so? Let's go to the doctor later then. I'll cancel my meeting with an artist later so I can pick you up earlier."

"I don't think that's necessary, hun. I'm feeling better now. I'll let you know otherwise." Jin smiled at his husband to ease his mind from any doubts.

As they pulled over in front of Seoul Dental Hospital, Jin's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and when he saw it's Jimin, he answered it right away as he whispered and kissed Yoongi goodbye.

He then went out of the car while talking on the line, but Yoongi noticed that there's a big lump of crumpled tissues that fell from Jin's pocket when he picked up his phone.


Anyone misses our Taehyung?

Pls don't forget to vote and let me know your thoughts lovey's.

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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