46. Wherever We May Go

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Author-nim's P.O.V.

"You! You seem so worry-free, aren't you? But you are so fucking annoying!! You are the product of that bastard fucking my one and only love!!" Yoongi yelled at Seojoon, sitting in front of him while playing on his pacifier in his hands.

The little boy just stared blankly at the man crying rivers in front of him.

"You and your fucking father ruined my life!! You both ruined the family I built for so long!! It's all your fault!!" Yoongi shouted, his cries echo loudly outside the balcony of their bedroom.

He's slumped on the floor, while eyeing Seojoon closely who crawls just back and forth in front of him. His disheveled hair covers his swollen eyes with dark circles beneath. While tears stream down his face, he continues to puff on his cigar and blows the smoke at the little kid.

He's waiting for Jin to come, as he texted him earlier to see him in their house. He begged for Jin to talk to him, but he didn't tell him that he has Seojoon. Right now, he just wants to keep Jin inside his home, and he's planning to use the little child to make Jin obey what he wants.

"Yoongi!! Yoongi?!" His eyes widen when he heard his husband's beautiful voice.

"Jin!! Honey, I am here!!" Yoongi stood up and watched Jin enter their bedroom. But he looked hesitant to approach him in the balcony.

"Y-yoongi, what are you d-doing out there?!" Jin is trembling but trying to keep his cool. He's trying to look for his son but he couldn't get a clear view of Yoongi out in the balcony. He's not making it obvious as he knows Yoongi will only do the worse thing if he is mad and out of control.

"Hun, you're coming back to me right? You're coming home now with our kids?!" Seojoon was trying to get up and held on Yoongi's leg, getting his attention.

Jin gasped as he now sees his son, but when he stepped forward, he was stopped by Yoongi. "Oh no, honey! Just stay there. You can't come closer unless you promise me you're coming home back to me. And that you'll stop seeing him."

Yoongi picked Seojoon up in his arms and smirked at Jin. The latter gulped and said, "Yes, yes, I promise Yoongi. Now can you step inside the bedroom, please? Let's talk here."

"It's honey. CALL ME HONEYYY!! Why don't you call me that anymore?!!" Yoongi shouted which startled Seojoon, so he started to cry.

"Y-yes, yes! H-honey. I p-promise hun!! Now please, come inside, please?" Jin said nervously.

Yoongi grinned at him, "Does he fuck you better, hun?! Is that why you are now leaving me. Are you leaving me, Jin?! ARE YOU FUCKING LEAVING ME?!!!"

Jin's eyes widen when Yoongi threw his cigar in front of him and held Seojoon up past and hanging down the balcony railings. "NO!!! NO, I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!!" Jin shouted as he burst into tears.

"What if I get rid of this bastard?!! So you won't have the reason to go to him anymore!!! This fucking kid ruined everything for me!!!"

"NO, NO PLSSS DON'T YOONGI!! HONEY!!  NOOO PLS!!" Jin already ran in front of Yoongi but he shouted at him to stop and to not come any closer.

Jin inhaled deeply and organized his thoughts so he can convince Yoongi to stop. "Hun, p-please. You said you trust me, right? I didn't do anything with him. I love you, Yoongi. And only you. Please, believe me hun. I don't give a fuck about him anymore."

Yoongi's eyebrows creased, "Really?! Then you won't give a damn about this child too, right? I can just toss him down this balcony then?!"

"NO PLEASE, NO!!! The child is innocent, please!! You know, we can keep him as ours, right? Taehyung doesn't need to know about him. So we'll have more kids, hun. Then we can add more, maybe a girl?! You want that, hmm?! Just please, don't do that. Your kids will be sad if they knew about you doing that. Please, hun. You are not like this at all. Come here, come to me please. I just w-want to hug y-you."

Jin's hands are trembling as he spoke, but he tried his best not to give Yoongi any doubt.

Yoongi's eyes soften and cried more. "Are you telling me the truth, hun? Coz you know how much I love you, right? I don't give a fuck about Hoseok. He's just a bitch to me. You don't have to worry about him. We'll still live happily together, right? Promise me?!"

Jin nodded, his eyes are still on Seojoon, crying and wiggling his feet hanging by the edge of the balcony railings. "Y-yes, yes. I promise."

Yoongi pulled Seojoon back to his arms and Jin quickly ran to hug them both, crying so hard. His hands and mouth are trembling at what has occurred in front of him. He tightly embraced Yoongi's arms to secure Seojoon as well, and he pulled Yoongi into the bedroom.

Jin lowkey took Seojoon from Yoongi's arms, biting his lips to suppress his cries as he finally got hold of his son.

Yoongi then embraced Jin's waist and kissed his lips. Jin stayed and did not move a muscle so as to not anger Yoongi.

Yoongi pulled back, "I'm so sorry for everything. I love you, Jin. I did everything because of my love for you."

Jin said, still crying, "I-I know, hun. L-let's go downstairs, Soobin is th-there."

So Jin quickly walked to the door, as soon as he opened it, Taehyung stepped in with three cops behind him. They have been on stand-by while they see if their plan of Jin convincing Yoongi will work on him. More cops are downstairs, stealth right under the balcony, just in case worse comes to worst.

"Fuckkk!! Jin, what the fuck is this!!!" Yoongi yelled at Jin. Taehyung did not hesitate to throw him a punch, and he fell down the floor. Hovering over Yoongi, Taehyung continued to punch him.

"You psycho asshole!! That's for kidnapping my son!! And you deserve more for abusing Jin!! Fuckkk you, go to hell!!!!" The cops pulled Taehyung from Yoongi to stop him from inflicting further injury to the latter.

Jin was shocked, he covered his mouth and tightly hugged Seojoon, keeping the child's head on his neck so he won't see what's happening.

As the cops were putting handcuffs to Yoongi, he said to Jin,

"Jin, how could you do this to me?! I am your husband!! I am Soobin's father! How can you betray our family!!"

Jin just cried as he stared at his husband being taken now by the cops out of the bedroom. Yoongi was still yelling, blood is dripping from his mouth as he speaks,

"Jin please!! I'm sorry! I told you I did everything because I love you!! Jin, please!! I love you so much honey!! Jin! Jinnn--"

Taehyung embraced Jin as soon as Yoongi was already out of sight to comfort him and calm him down after everything that took place. Then he kissed his forehead and Seojoon's head too.

"You did well. It's over now. I'm sorry, baby. It has to be this way. I'm so sorry." Taehyung cried as he looked Jin in his eyes.

"Thank you, Tae. Thank you for being here for me and our son." He passed Seojoon to Taehyung's arms, and embraced them both.

Tears did not stop from streaming down Jin's face, but they are not anymore from fear and pain. They are now tears which are a mixture of relief, joy and the feeling of being safe in the arms of the person he loves.


Morning lovey's! I had to update to celebrate this book's 10k reads!! 🎉🎊

Thank you so much for showing this a lot of love.

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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