24. I'll Come Get You

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Chim, it's confirmed. I'm positive. I still have here th-" I reached for my pocket but, shit!! Where are the pregnancy kits?! I'm sure I've put them here.

"Eeww Jinnie! You walked around with your pee'd kits?!"

"Jimin-ah, I lost them! They must've fallen somewhere, what if Yoongi finds them?!" How can I be so careless! I swear, Yoongi will kill me if he sees those!

"Relax. They must have landed somewhere here in the hospital. Don't worry too much. If Yoongi has already found them, I'm sure he'll be barging here already. For now, let's focus on what's important. I told Namjoon we'll head out for a while, he's fine with it."

I asked Jimin to accompany me to my OB to further check how long have I been pregnant. I really hope it's an obvious period of time so I can easily determine to whom I am pregnant for.

Part of me is already imagining things. Mainly about being with Tae. Being pregnant for him gives me quite a wonderful feeling of hope. I thought that this baby is a blessing to us. And that we can be happy together someday, with Soobin and our baby. We just have to go thru with my divorce. I may not know what to do as of yet, but I'm sure Tae has a way to deal with Yoongi as soon as he wakes up. And I know he'll fight for me, he'll come and get me, especially if this baby is his.


I inhaled deep as the doctor slid the probe, covered in gel, into my asshole. Shit, I swear I never liked Trans-V ultrasound! And the cold gel adds to the strange feeling. The probe isn't as soft as a dildo. If so, I could've enjoyed this as much.

As he pushed it forward and explored my insides while looking at the monitor, Jimin whispered to me, "Jinnie, how does it feel? I'd like to do a Trans-V too! This doctor is fucking hot!!" He giggled at my ear.

"Would you stop it! I'm gonna tell Jungkook!!"

"I'm just kidding, you're so serious!" He pouted, obviously he's trying to act cute in front of Dr. Seon.

"Here, you can see the baby. Its measurement is normal. Your amniotic fluid amount is normal too." The doctor points to the monitor. "From its size, it's more or less four weeks old."

Four weeks? Fuck! How can I tell it's Taehyung's? My flight was just like a month ago. Yoongi fucked me in the bathroom the day before my flight. Then Tae and I made love three days after. Shit, I'm so screwed, now I'm thinking why am I such a whore!!

"Are you okay, Dr. Min?" Dr. Seon asked as he removes his gloves and hands me a tissue so I can clean myself up. "Congratulations on your new baby! I'm sure Mr. Min Yoongi will be very excited. Your eldest is already a big boy."

"But Dr. Seon, I believe I was on birth control."

"Ahh I see. That explains your reaction. I thought you weren't happy about the baby. You must have just been surprised? Well, from your records here, your shot should have expired about three weeks ago. It's possible that its effectiveness wears out when it is near its due. That's why I always recommend that you visit me two weeks before its expiration."

I looked at Jimin and he knew what I mean. He bit his lips before asking the doctor a question, "Uhm, Doc, how soon can we possibly do a pre-natal paternity DNA test? Can you recommend us to a trusted lab where we can rely to an accurate result?" I love my bestfriend. He always know what I need.

"Oh!" Dr. Seon seemed shock. He looked at me confused. He knows my husband as he's been my OB for Soobin. Then I looked at Jimin. I hate this, he seemed to be judging me now by how he looked at me.

Jimin held my hand and rubbed my thigh, almost near my crotch, which surprised me but he squeezed my hand as if telling me to be discreet.

"It just happened like that, Doc. And we'd like to keep it just among us, please. Right babe?" Jimin turned to me, still caressing my thigh. Eeww! I just threw up in my mouth!! This guy always surprises me of his weird ways!

"Ahh, I understand." Dr. Seon cleared his throat before proceeding. "We can do the DNA test when you turn as early as five weeks. Accuracy is already high at that point. Though if you want a 99% accuracy, the fifth month is the most preferred period."

"We'll do the five weeks, Doc." I said. I have to know this soon. I'd really like the answer so when Tae wakes up, I can already be sure of what to tell him.


As we walk back inside to our clinics, I whispered to Jimin, "Chim, please help me get samples from Tae. Blood would be better, but hair or cheek swab will also do."

"Ok, don't worry. I'll ask Jungkook."

"Thanks Chim, I'll see you later." I kissed him on his cheek when his eyes went wide as we approach my office. Yoongi is there, already talking to my secretary.

I whispered to Jimin, "Shit! Does he know now?!"

"Don't worry. I won't leave your side."

I walked to my secretary's table, and tapped on Yoongi's shoulder. "Hey hun, you're here?"

He turned to me and smiled, "Jin, honey! Where have you been? Clara here said you left really early."

"I asked him to accompany me to a doctor. That's why I called him earlier." Jimin quickly said.

Yoongi just nodded. Ok, he seemed convinced already? Very unlike him.

"Ok. Did you both go to lunch already?"

Is he just here to take me to lunch? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. He couldn't have already found out about me being pregnant, right?

I shook my head, "No, we didn't. I'm actually hungry, are you here to ask me out to lunch?"

"Yeah. And you can join us Jimin, if you like." Yoongi smiled.

Is he serious? He never liked Jimin, neither did he ever asked him to hang out with us. But this is good, at least I'm with Jimin. I wouldn't be worried about Yoongi that much.

"Oohhh! Yoongi, I thought you'd never ask! Let's go Jinnie, I'm starving too. Your treat, hmm?" Jimin pointed at Yoongi before he pulled me to go outside. Then I turned around, Yoongi just let out a small laugh.

Well, this is not a normal Yoongi, but it wasn't so bad.


I'm not a med expert so for any errors, just let it go pls! It's a fanfic lovey's!

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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