29. Though You Pass Thru Me

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Jin woke up, feeling his lower body sore from last night with Yoongi, he looked around their bedroom to see if his husband is still there. But it is already silent. He sit up from the bed slowly, but felt a sudden pain in his chest.

Surprisingly, his burn from Yoongi's cigar is now covered with ointment and a small bandage. He closed his eyes as tears are threatening to flow again. He took a deep breath and tried to take in everything that has happened.

Thinking back, nothing's really changed. He is still the same battered husband, only this time, there is a real reason for it. He really cheated. It's not a mere speculation anymore from Yoongi. So he thought, what is better then? Getting beaten for something that you didn't do, or being battered for something that you really did? Either way, the pain is the same. At least for the latter, he once became happy following his heart.

After a while of contemplating, he looked for his phone. There was a message from his husband saying that he already went to work after taking Soobin to school.

He then dialed Jimin's number.

"Hey Chim, is it okay if we go back to the hospital? Do you think it's fine if I talk to Taehyung?"

"Kookie said he already woke up earlier at midnight and can receive visitors now. Sure, let's go. But maybe you shouldn't bring up anything stressful yet. You know his condition."

Jin can't help but sob on the line, causing Jimin to worry, "Are you crying, Jinnie? What happened?! Is it Yoongi?!"

"I-I need to end things with T-tae, Chim. But as you said, I c-can't talk to him about a-any kind of distress. So maybe we shouldn't come f-for now."

"What are you saying, Jin?! You know you can still walk out of your marriage even if you're carrying Yoongi's baby. That shouldn't be the reason. You love Taehyung, right? That should be enough reason to do so. I am here for you. Always. But you have to tell me what's happening with you before I can help you." Jimin said on the other line.

"I know, Chim. But it's not that simple. You don't know Yoongi. He won't let me walk away that easily. And I think it's time for me to choose my growing family over my selfish happiness."

Jin took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. "Look, I'll meet you at the clinic then we can go to Tae after. I promise I won't stress him out. I just want to see he's doing okay."


At the hospital.

Jin feeling nervous, he felt a bit nauseous so he leaned back at the elevator to support his body.

"Are you okay, Jinnie? We don't need to go today, you know. Tae might just worry about you, that bruise on your face won't do you any good today in facing him, believe me." Jimin said.

"Shit!! It's that bad again? Really, fuck this concealer! Do you have one, can I borrow it so I can fix myself before we go in?"

Jimin took out his foundation and gently patted on Jin's cheek as he talks, "In case you don't know, I am your best friend. I have memorized your face more than your husband did. You don't wear too much makeup, so when you do, I know you're hiding something." Jimin finished up fixing Jin's face.

"He saw the news. He knew I came here. So he went berserk, as you've said." Jin sighed while closing his eyes.

"That asshole!! Jin, I'm tired of watching you like this. Let me help you, please?" Jimin said.

"I know and thank you for being patient with me. For now, I just want to go thru this pregnancy with a complete family. I hope it's worth another shot, you know. That's all I can think of.

As for Tae, I just really want to see him doing alright. Then we can talk about us later." Jin added.

They were disturbed by the elevator door, opening for them to go out. It is more peaceful today along the hallway into Taehyung's room. No more reporters. And no other visitors.

As they walked inside the room, they heard Taehyung chuckled a bit while talking to Jungkook, who is opening a tangerine for him.

"Oh, come on in. Hello Dr. Min!" Jungkook greeted them but continued to give Taehyung his tangerines. "I was already expecting you so I told the security to let you in as soon as you arrive."

Taehyung looked at them with a confused stare, "Dr. Min?! Do I have new doctors, Kook? I thought we've talked to all of them this morning already?" He asked while putting more tangerines into his mouth.

Jin and Jimin looked at each other confused, there are no words that left their mouths. So Jungkook said, "Tae, are you okay? What the hell are you saying? This is my boyfriend, Dr. Park, and this is Dr. Min, your--"

"Ohh! When did you start dating a doctor? You didn't tell me. Oh hello, nice to meet you Dr. Park and Dr. Min, right?" Taehyung extended his hand to Jin, waiting for him to take it.

"Shittt!" Jungkook muttered then he dashed to the door and asked one of the securities to call for the doctor. Then he walked back to Taehyung.

"Tae, are you sure you don't know them?" Jungkook said softly to Taehyung. Jimin took Jin's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Am I supposed to know them already? Coz I really can't remember meeting them before." Taehyung said. He is now eyeing the two doctors standing at the middle of the room.

Jin felt a tinge of pain in his heart hearing that the man he loves does not recognize him anymore. The thoughts of those days when Taehyung looks at him dearly rushed into his mind. Now he just stares at him blankly, with no hint of memories of them together.

Jungkook stared back at them with an apologetic look. Then Jimin started to talk, "Maybe we should go for now, babe. Have him checked first. Just let me know what the doctor says later, hmm?"

Jungkook nodded and guided them towards the door. Jin looked back one last time at Taehyung, watching them go and looking at him, clueless of who he was. As soon as the door closes behind them, Jin let his tears out he's been holding since they came into the room.

"Oh gosh Jinnie. I have no idea what's happening. But don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. He'll be alright." Jimin pulled Jin for an embrace. He just cried his heart out on Jimin's chest, with mixed feelings of regrets, sadness, hurt and worries.

Inside the room, Jungkook brushed his hair as he sits beside Taehyung's bed, waiting wearily for the doctor to come to examine what could have gone wrong with his best friend. The surgery seemed to turn out fine. But he now thought how possible could Taehyung get a short-term or even a partial memory loss.

"Tae, how could you not remember them? What is the last thing you remember then? The plane crash, you remember that, don't you?" Jungkook asked him.

Taehyung leaned back the bed, he placed the tangerines back to the plate. He seemed to have lost his appetite.

"Can you not answer me?!" Jungkook asked him again.

Tears are already streaming down Taehyung's face. He then looked at Jungkook,

"Don't worry about it anymore, Kook. Just let me be. Please do me a favor though.

Just check on Jin if he and his baby are okay. I saw his bruised face. His husband must be beating him up again."


'Inside the white fog,
Even though you pass thru me and turn to water,
You are still in my heart.
I watch you shining and reflecting on every single sparkling thing.
I'll wait for you no matter where
I want to see you,
Even if you're pretending,
Please hold this hand.'

~Crystal Snow


I am crying while I write this so don't rant on me. Just please click on the Star button lovey's!

Love y'all! Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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