37. Let Me Know

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A week later.

"Oh shoot!! I'm late!" Jin yanked up from the bed, waking Hyunjin and Seojoon up. Fortunately, they are in good mood waking up side by side with him, so they were giggling as soon as they woke up, which made him smile a bit.

Soobin came in running to Jin's room, "Appa! Appa!! I thought we're going to the beach?"

"Yes, baby, we are! If we hurry up, we can still go." Jin said as he placed several pillows around the babies so he can go to the side table and make two bottles of formula. He then fed it to the two and turned to Soobin who is kissing the babies a good morning.

"Soobin, I'll just feed the babies then we'll go downstairs to get you some cereals, okay? How about you arrange first the toys you want to bring in your backpack while you wait for appa, hmm?"

"Okay, appa!" Soobin ran to his room to do what his appa said.

Jin took his phone to see a couple of messages unread. One from Yoongi saying they're already boarding the plane to Macau. And the other is from Jimin who said he's on his way with Jungkook to pick him up and the kids.

Jin dialed Jimin's number quickly, "Hey, Jinnie! We're almost there, like in five minutes." Jimin said on the line.

"Uhm, actually, I have a bit of a problem. I just woke up, I'm so sorry! I must've dozed off and slept in too much. Yoongi left so early this morning, and then I had to take Seojoon from Hoseok who came to drop him. I had put him and Hyunjin to sleep again after that. I think I just got too tired. Now I'm still in the middle of feeding them."

"Ohh! Okay. So you really agreed to babysit your husband's baby with Hoseok, hmm?" Jungkook who's driving glared at Jimin, thinking he was being harsh at Jin.

"Chim, please. We talked about this. I told you I just feel sorry for Seojoon that's why I did it. Look, that's not even the topic here okay! Can you wait for me and the kids? Soobin is already expecting this trip."

Jimin looked at the time, he knows he can still make time for Jin but thought he'll take advantage of the situation. "I'm not sure Jin. Jungkook and I need to meet with the wedding planner and be there early. It would be embarrassing if we arrive so late."

"Oh, I'm sorry Chim. I don't mean to be a burden to you guys."

"No, but my baby Soobinie is already expecting, right? Wait, let's see. Hmm, how about you ride with Taehyung instead? He'll come a bit later coz he finished late last night at a shoot, so I think he just woke up too." Jimin said biting his lips, looking at his fiancé who's just shaking his head in disbelief that he came up with the idea.

"What?! No! I'm not going to be stuck with him for, what like, four hours?! Especially with three kids! No Chim!" Jin yelled, startling the two babies who were about to cry. "Ooopps, no, no babies, appa is sorry!!" He whispered to them while tapping their thighs.

"Aww, but what other options do we have??" Jimin said on the other line.

"Appa!! I'm ready!! Is Uncle Jiminie coming now??" Soobin came back running to his room with his backpack full of toys and a cap on his head.

Jin sighed and closed his eyes before he spoke, "Okay, Chim. Can you call him for me please? We'll be ready in less than an hour maybe."


"So sorry for the inconvenience. I could've just decided not to go, but Soobin is already expecting this trip." Jin said while Taehyung is fixing the car seats at the back.

"No worries at all, Dr. Min. I honestly don't want to drive alone. It gets so boring after the first hour. So, it's nice to have three beautiful angels with me in the car. Oh, make that four, actually." Taehyung smiled.

"Just call me Jin, please." He felt a bit conscious, so he just started to put the kids into the car seats from their strollers. Taehyung helped him by picking Seojoon up who flashed him with a big boxy smile.

Jin stared at them as Taehyung smiled back to Seojoon, "You do have the same smile, don't you?!"

"We do? Oh, so that means you'll grow up so handsome too, hmm?" Taehyung said to Seojoon while placing him in his car seat. Seojoon is giggling at him giddily.

"Uncle Tae, I will grow up as handsome as appa too, right?!" Soobin said in a pout.

"Of course, you will! You're the most handsome amongst you three. Just don't tell Hyunjin and Seojoon, huh? So, they won't get hurt." Taehyung said which made Jin smile and shake his head while he gets in the passenger's seat.


Their trip is going smooth with Taehyung driving while Jin keeps watch on the kids. The three are already knocked out, sleeping at their inclined seats. While Jin and Taehyung continued to talk about different things.

"So that's why the shoot yesterday was delayed, only because the lead actress was late as she wanted her prophylaxis to be done thrice to get ready for our kissing scene!" Taehyung and Jin laughed.

"Wow!! She must have felt a great pressure doing the scene with you. I mean, many would feel the same, right?" Jin said who quickly bit into his lips, realizing what he said.

"You think so?" Taehyung smiled, his eyes are still on the road. "I honestly don't do much of kissing or bed scenes, so I haven't done it with many actresses. Only this time, I had to do a few as I had to come back strong. Jungkook will soon get rid of it again. I don't think my fans like it, they're very protective of me."

Jin just nodded at his response. Then he tried to divert the topic, "Does Jimin attend to your teeth care regularly too?"

"Yes, Jungkook and I go to him together. Shall I switch dentists now?" Taehyung gave him a quick smile.

Jin shook his head, "Nope. That's against our ethics code. Well, Jungkook seems to be serious with it, right? I heard from my son that Jimin cleans his teeth like every week, even at his home. I don't know, I think Kook just didn't have too much of a choice, my best friend was so fixated at his profession!"

"No way! Who could be more serious at being a dentist than you are?!" Taehyung said.

"What?! I'm nothing like that!"

"Yeah right! Coming from the one who said he'd rather starve than not to be able to brush at all!"

Jin's smile faded as he thought for a while. Then his eyebrows creased and said, almost teary-eyed.

"What did you say? You remember when I said that, Tae??"


Y'all remember too when Jin said that?!

🌟 and 💬 please!

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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