28. I Can't Bear My Story

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❗ WARNING: Violence ⛔


Author-nim's P.O.V.

It was a quiet ride at the Min's car as Yoongi and Soobin picked Jin up from his clinic. Jin, feeling down from what happened at the hospital earlier, still tried to keep his spirits up for Soobin and as to avoid any suspicion from his husband.

"Soobin baby, do you want appa to cook anything for you tonight at dinner?" Jin asked his son at the backseat.

"Hmm, spaghetti appa!! Daddy loves pasta too! He always asked Uncle Hoseok to make it for us when you were away. But it wasn't as yummy as what you usually make!" Soobin pouts.

"Ah really?!" Jin was a bit surprised at what he heard from his son. Then he turned to Yoongi, "I didn't know he's been doing things around our house."

Yoongi cleared his throat and gulped before he can answer, his eyes are still on the road, "You've been doing things for someone too those times so don't question me."

Jin just stayed silent until they reached home.

Dinner was peaceful as Jin's boys dig in to the spaghetti and meatballs he made. While he just picked into his food. He just had a bit of the green salad since he doesn't have much appetite after the long day he had.

After dinner, Jin cleaned the dishes while Yoongi tucked Soobin into bed. He's done wiping the counter when he felt his phone vibrates. When he saw it's Jimin, he looked at the stairs to make sure that Yoongi isn't going to overhear their conversation.

"Hello Chim?"

"Jinnie, is it safe to talk?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"He just got out of surgery, Kook said he had a minor bleeding in his brain because of his head injury. He's still under observation but out of danger now, so don't worry yourself anymore okay? That won't be good for the baby."

"Oh thank God! Thanks Chim for updating me. Can we see him again tomorrow?" Jin whispered.

"Yeah, sure. But I heard we got captured in the news earlier being at the hospital."

"Oh no, really? You don't think Yoongi saw that, do you?"

"How can I tell? If he's not going berserk right now, then he didn't." Jimin said.

"Well, he isn't.. yet. I should go now before he does. Thanks Chim. Good night."

"Ok call me if you need help. Bye."


When Jin stepped out of the shower, Yoongi is already out in the balcony, smoking his cigar while having a glass of whiskey.

Jin wanted to have a talk with him but is hesitant to go out because of the smoke. He's been feeling a bit guilty too knowing he's carrying Yoongi's baby but he's been sneaking out to see Taehyung every chance he gets. He thought after all that his husband has been trying to work hard for in their marriage and accepting just everything he did, Yoongi doesn't deserve to be cheated on anymore.

Jin has been watching him who's leaning against the balcony while these thoughts run in his mind. He was a bit surprised when Yoongi caught him looking, so he just walked out to the balcony while he adjusted and fixed his robe.

"Hey hun, are you not sleepy yet?" Jin asked as he walked closer to Yoongi, who looks blank right now.

"Nahh. I'm still trying to comprehend why the fuck do you still go to him when you are fucking pregnant for my kid??!!" Yoongi shouted then he suddenly poked his cigar on Jin's bare chest showing out of his robe.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" Jin screamed in pain and slumped on the floor. His tears instantly streamed down his face, he's breathing rapidly and his hands are trembling due to the pain of the burn that just striked him like lightning.

Yoongi leaned down and gripped on Jin's hair to make him stare up at him. "I have been sooo fucking patient Seokjin! Must you shit on me over and over again?? Or maybe you don't really want to have this baby so you can be with him?!"

"N-no, no! I-I'm sorry Y-yoongi." Jin still trembling from fear and pain.

Yoongi slapped him across the face then gripped back his hair, Jin is now crying helplessly. "Maybe I should get rid of this baby on my own! Do you want that Jin??!! Coz I don't fucking care anymore!! You'd choose him over me, Soobin and our baby so I don't give a shit anymore!!!!"

Yoongi was about to kick Jin in his stomach but Jin quickly stood up and threw himself to Yoongi for an embrace.

"P-please no!! Please n-no, no, no, Yoongi honey p-please!!!! I-I'm s-sorry!! I didn't choose him. I-I was supposed to end things with him. Please b-believe me. I-I'm sorry. P-pleassee!!" Jin screaming as he pleads to Yoongi and spoke into his neck, crying hard at the pain he's feeling physically, mentally and emotionally.

Yoongi took a deep breath and after a while of listening to Jin's pleas, his face softened and he calmed down. He then put his arms around Jin and brushed his hair while he cries against his neck. He can feel his husband's tears flowing down his neck and shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry hun. God, what was I thinking. I'm so sorry. I never would want my child hurt. Forgive me, pls hmm? Jin, I'm just so fucking hurt right now. Seeing you go to him, I don't know what to do anymore." Yoongi started to cry too while whispering into Jin's head.

"You're not gonna leave me, Jin?" Yoongi asked.

"N-no, I-I won't." Jin whispered, still trembling despite being in Yoongi's embrace.

Yoongi smirked to himself before he whispered into Jin's ears, "Prove it to me, honey. Let's make love."


Lovey's, let me just remind pls, this is only a fanfic. It is never okay to let someone treat us like this.

What Jin is enduring here can also be happening to a lot of women in an abusive marriage, even those who aren't married actually. Most of them always do not have the confidence to walk away.

But it never means that they are thinking less or not using their brains to do the right decision. Most of them are afraid of the world outside, sometimes more frightened than their current situation. They wouldn't know who to trust anymore. So they feel little of themselves. They would sometimes think that they deserve what's happening to them.

Hence, what they need is not our judgments, but our love and support. So if ever you encounter someone in this situation, please help them. It's what they need the most. Let's always keep in mind that not all people are mentally strong. There are really those who needs more of the help.

As for this story, okay, you can continue cursing at Yoongi!! 😂

But you see that pic above? That Yoongi can never do harm, right?! 😍

Pls vote and just leave your comments. Thanks lovey's!

Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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