36. Unclear Strange Feeling

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"You okay, Jinnie?" Jimin asked his best friend as he walks him and Soobin to his car.

"Yeah. I just didn't expect Soobin to say that in front of Tae and Jungkook. It must be a shock especially to Taehyung, he had no idea. It's just so embarrasing." Jin said looking at his son running ahead of them.

Jimin just bit his lips, trying to find the right thing to say. "Uhm, well Kook knows about it, I'm pretty sure he can explain to Tae clearly. Don't worry about that anymore."

"Chim, I can't keep this up like this. You see how he was the past days we've been meeting. He is always close to me, today he's been so good to Soobin too. I hate that I'm enjoying his presence too much. I'm afraid I'm falling back in love for him all over again." Jin said while staring and playing with his car keys in his hand.

"Correction, Jin. You have already fallen in love for him, you never fell out of it."

"You know what I mean, Chim."

"Yes, I know. Okay look, just one last meeting. If you still feel uncomfy with him around, I promise I won't drag you along anymore whenever he's with Kookie. Please, Jin?!" Jimin asked, afraid that Taehyung won't have a chance to talk to his best friend again.

Jin sighed, while he helps Soobin buckle up in the back seat. "Okay, Chim. I don't know why I love you so much that I torture myself like this." Jimin smiled and gave him a hug and turned to Soobin.

"See you again soon, my baby. Your promise to Uncle Jiminie, hmm? Pinky swear?!" Jimin held up his pinky finger and locked it with Soobin's.

"Yes, Uncle! Pinky swear!!" Soobin smiled from ear to ear.


As Jin and Soobin walk into the door, Hoseok is on his way out with Seojoon in his arms, asleep.

"Ohh! Hello Hoseok! You are here? I thought Yoongi will come over to your place?" Jin asked.

"Hi Jin! I told Yoongi it's better if we come over as Hyunjin has more toys than Seojoon. Instead of them carrying a lot over to my place, we just came here." Hoseok answered softly.

"Ahh I see. Maybe you should go once your baby wakes up. His sleep will be disturbed when you put him in the car seat."

Yoongi then came walking down the stairs, surprised to see that Hoseok met Jin on his way out. Soobin ran to greet his dad, "Daddy!! Where's my brother? I have cake pops for him!!"

"Soobin, my big boy, did you have fun? Your brother is asleep, I just put him to bed. Maybe you can give him those tomorrow, hmm?" Soobin nodded and ran back to his appa in the living room.

Yoongi gave him a peck on the cheek before turning to Hoseok, "I thought you already made your way out?..

Well, I told Hoseok to wait until Seojoon is up but he said it's getting late so he wanted to go." Yoongi gave Hoseok a knowing look.

"Well, Jin is right. I should at least wait for Seojoon to get up. Thanks Jin." Hoseok said, causing Yoongi to grit his teeth and roll his eyes behind Jin.

"Let's go sit on the living room then. Make yourself comfortable, Hoseok. Or do you want to lay him on bed?" Jin said.

"No, I'm good, thanks. He likes sleeping in my arms." Hoseok smiled at him.

"He's a really handsome boy." Jin smiled back at him, then stared closely at Seojoon. He is mesmerized by the kid sleeping who looked so sweet and gentle.

"Thanks. I think he comes aft--"

"So hun, how was your day?" Yoongi butts in, cutting Hoseok off.

Jin then turned to Yoongi, taking Soobin on his lap who's busy counting his cake pops inside his backpack. "Ohh. It was nice picking the wedding cake. Jimin is really excited. And Soobinnie here got to eat a lot of cake."

"I bet he did." Yoongi brushed his son's hair then slid his arm on Jin's shoulder. "I missed you today, though." He whispered to Jin.

Hoseok just looked away, feeling annoyed at what Yoongi is doing.

Jin just smiled and tried to change the subject, "Uhm, by the way honey, Jimin wants to go on an ocular to a couple of venues in Busan next weekend. Can I come with him? Or I was thinking we can take the kids. I mean, the venues have hotel rooms anyways. We can have an overnight stay, I'm sure the kids will love the beach. It'll be a nice get-away for us too, what do you think?"

Hoseok said trying to join in the conversation, "Yoongi, next weekend is Yeonjun's tour in Macau."

"Oh shit, yeah! About that hun, it's just a whole weekend. We'll be back Monday. We won't join his whole Asian tour. We're just needed in Macau coz we have to meet some Chinese producers. After that and Yeonjun's Macau concert, we'll fly right back."

"We?! You mean you and Hoseok will go together?" Jin asked.

"Honey, the whole team is there. Not just me and him." Yoongi squeezed on Jin's shoulder.

"Jin, I was actually hoping to ask you a favor regarding that. I was wondering if I could leave Seojoon to you? My parents are in Daegu and they're quite old already to take care of a one-year old. But if your kids are already too handful for you, it's okay. I'll just find a babysitter to hire for the weekend." Hoseok said.

Jin was a bit surprised hearing Hoseok's favor. He thought it was such a bold move that he's asking him to look after his son, then he gets to spend time with his husband overseas.

"Hoseok, what the fu-- what are you saying?!" Yoongi realized that Soobin can hear them talk. "Jin is already taking care of two kids. How can you ask that?? Just get someone, it's just two days anyways."

Hoseok just bit his lips, not wanting to get into further trouble with Yoongi. He knows that Yoongi doesn't want Jin to even lay eyes on Seojoon. That's why he was pushing Hoseok earlier to go home right away when Jin texted that they're on their way home.

But he purposely delayed himself from going so he can at least show Seojoon to his real appa for a short time. Now that he's suggesting to leave Seojoon to Jin, Yoongi must be hoping already to choke him to death.

Jin looked at Hoseok's reaction then to Seojoon. The thought of leaving the child to a stranger for two days is just something Jin couldn't accept. Even if he's not his child, he thought, no child deserves that kind of care.

"You know what, I think it's fine. Jimin and Jungkook can help me babysit the kids. That would be better, hun. I don't mind. Besides, Seojoon looks like a quiet and well-behaved boy." Jin said which caused Hoseok to smile brightly.

"Honey, you don't have to--"

"Thanks so much Jin! I really appreciate it. I'm sure you and Seojoon will have a great time together. He's a sweet boy, he won't give you a hard time." Hoseok said, earning a stare of daggers from Yoongi.

"I'm sure he is." Jin smiled.


I missed updating lovey's!

Thanks for your patience. Love y'all!

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Borahae 💜

~Author-nim 😊

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