Azriel x Reader Pt.2

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A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey! 💗


It's been 2 weeks. Two weeks of suffering without my mate.That day Azriel left and never returned.Later I found out from Rhys that he went to visit his mother.I was so relieved.Horrible thoughts went through my mind,like what if something happened to him,or he went on to find another woman,so he could hurt me as I hurt him. Cassian apologized thousands of times to me,after being scolded by almost everyone in the house.I accepted his apology,but I'm not the one he should be apologizing to.It is Azriel.

I've been occupating our room,barely leaving ,only to go get some food or go to the balcony to get some fresh air when my mind became too much to handle.Our mating bond has never been this quiet from his side. I tried calling out for him,but I never got a response . It was only Rhys or Feyre that were able to get in touch with him so that we know that he's safe.

I was once again in our room when I heard a knock on the door.

''Come in''-I said quietly,my throat sore from all the crying.

I turned my head to see Feyre,standing at the door, looking at me with eyes filled with concern.

''You never came for lunch,so I came up to check up on you.We're worried about you.''-her soothing voice rang through the quiet room.

''I'm sorry that I'm bothering you guys,I just feel exhausted. I can barely sleep without Az next to me so it's been quite hard to fall asleep.''- I said ,trying my best to give her a small smile,hoping it would make things better.Well, it did not.

''He said he's coming back today,you know''-said Feyre

''He is?When?''- I asked,getting up from the bed,my heart filling with hope.

''He didn't say exactly when,when Rhys called out to him this morning he said he's coming back today.''-she explained rubbing my shoulder,trying to give me some kind of comfort,which I appreciated.

''I just hope he had forgiven me, If he decides he does not want me anymore.....''-I started,my eyes watering,tears ready to spill out like a waterfall.

''Hey,hey,look at me''-says Feyre,getting my chin in her hands,making me look up at her ''He'll not do such a thing.For the time I've gotten to know him I've discovered that he does not abandon people he loves and who love him,and you are at the top of the list''-she said,her warm smile lighting up the room. ''Now get up,let's get you ready so you can once again steal his heart when he comes back home''

A few hours later

I've gotten ready hours ago,and now I was pacing inside my room,steam almost coming out of the place on the floor where I've been standing for the past couple of hours. I was just about to give up waiting for him when I felt it,the bond,he was here.

I don't think I have ever ran faster in my life.Running through the big staircase,through the corridors ,right out at the garden.

There he was standing,in his black leathers,in all his glory.His wing wideout,making him look even more marvelous.

My breath stopped just by looking at him.What am I supposed to say to him right now,what if he's here to say he wants to end everything with me.The stupid kiss, could ruin my entire life right now,and it wasn't even intentional.My thoughts were getting the worst of me and I didn't realize that Azriel has moved,standing right in front of me.As I look up,his eyes staring into my soul, tears once again ready to start falling. Once again I look down to my feet but then one of his hands came up and got a hold of my cheek,making me look up to him,oh those scarred hands that used to hold me during night storms and nightmares,how I missed them.

''My love''-he says quietly,like if he speaks louder the earth under us would crumble. ''Please do not cry my love, I am so sorry.So sorry for leaving and not listening when you wanted to speak.I never wanted to hurt you,please forgive me''-his raspy voice sounding through the quiet garden.

''Oh Az,you do not owe me an apology,it is me that should be apologizing ,please ,don't leave me.That kiss, it was never on purpose,please believe me Azriel,please.''-I choke out.My hand circling his waist,hugging him like he is about to disappear forever,never wanting to let go.

''I am not going anywhere ,love.I came back to you.I'm sorry for not responding whenever you called out for me through our bond,I felt everything-you sorrow,distress and guilt.You owe no one an apology.I am the one who caused this.I know our nature is based off on instincts and when we see something like what happened our first thought is to become angry,and when we do things end up badly.Cassian came by my mother's house yesterday,he waited for hours refusing to leave until he spoke to me.Eventually I gave up and heard what happened.I'm sorry for not believing you back then.''-he explained.

I understand him,if I was in his shoes and saw him kissing another woman I would've reacted the same way, not listening and making up my own story inside my head.

''Let's just make a promise to ourselves that if something like this happens in the future,we are going to listen to each other,and not think irrationally. Let's hear each other out''-I say,now smiling,my heart filled with joy.

''I promise my love''-he says ,his lips grazing mine.''Now let me taste those delicious lips of yours that I've been craving for so long.''

A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey! 💗

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