Tamlin x Reader Pt. 2

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The next day I received a letter from my brother, where he wrote about my mother wishing for me to go on a visit to the Night Court.

I was hesitant at the beginning, but when Tamlin found out he convinced me to go.

"I ser everyday how sad you're when your family, especially your mother comes to mind. They might not accept me but you're their daughter. They love you, you should go my love." said Tamlin, kissing my head as he held squirming Alina in his strong arms.

"Okay then, I'm supposed to visit for lunch-which is in a few hours so I should get ready, I suppose." I said as I stroked my daughter's soft hair.

"You should wear the beautiful, light green gown I gifted you last year on Calanmai. You're going to take their breaths away. Let them see you're happy and taken care of." suggested Tamlin with a smile.

"I love the way you think, Tam, thanks for the idea. Now I really need to start getting ready." I said, pushing him out of the room.

Time skip

I was ready by the time Nyx was supposed to come pick me up.

"You look beautiful, my love. Almost makes me want to lock us up in our room and stay there for the rest of the day." I heard Tamlin say, hus head coming to my neck, leaving small kisses on it.

"Your offer is very tempting, dear, but you'll get that opportunity tomorrow, now it's time for me to go see my family again. Are you and Alina going to be okay together?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't worry" he stopped for a second, his ears perking up "your brother just arrived, you should go." he said, giving me a big kiss before I headed to find my brother, who turned out waited for me in our front ward.

"Are you ready, sister?" asked Nyx as I hooked my arm around his.

"Let's just get this over with, and please brother, don't leave me alone today. I'll need your support." I pleaded, tightening my arm around his as we winnowed away, back where I was born in.

As soon as we arrived I felt the so familiar scent that I've grown up around, the harsh wind blowing against my face and the mountains surrounding you from everywhere.

We werr greeted by aunt Mor who came out a frw seconds after our arrival. As soon as she saw me she gave me the biggest hug ever.

" You have no idea how much everyone missed you, Y/N. I'm so happy to see you." said aunt Mor as she still held me in her arms.

"It's good to see you too auntie." I responded, hugging her as well.

"Let's go, kids, your parents have been waiting for you to arrive." she said, taking my hand, leading us towards the so familiar garden. Where I spent almost my entire life-reading, training or just enjoying the fresh air.

When we entered, my eyes fell on my mother, who was pacing nervously around the table, probably waiting for my arrival.

The moment she felt my presence she ran towards me, eyes full of tears as she embraced me, apologies spilling from her mouth.  As for my father, he stood on a good distance between us.

My mother took my face in her hands, inspecting it like she expected to see something out of her liking-when she didn't she once again started speaking.

"My dear girl, you have no idea how much I missed you. It was a dirty move frim me to make you choose between your family and mate. I know you might be still offended, but I have all the time to wait for you to forgive me, if that's possible." she said with teary eyes.

Unable to hold my emotions any longer my tears started falling too, returning my mother's hug.

" I have missed you so much, mommy. You have no idea. I spent every single day thinking about you-you soothing voice and warm embrance. I thought you have disowned me, I wanted nothing more than to be in your arms again." I sobbed, holding her thigh.

"Oh my baby, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have spoken recklessly. I'd never give up on you. Even after a thousand years." she replied, brushing my tears away.

"I love you mom. So much." I said one more time.

"I missed you too, dad." I added, looking towards my father, after hearing my words I was met with another warm embrance, this time from my father.

"I missed you too, baby girl, and I'm sorry too." he said, kissing my hair softly.

"Come on, kids. Let's go sit down for lunch,while Y/N tells us how her life has been. I heard you have a baby now. My baby has a baby of her own." said ny mother, shaking her head with a small smile.

Time skip

We had a very nice time, I finally felt complete. I had my family back, my mate loved me, our daughter loved me too. Everything was finally ib its place,but now it was time for me to go.

"I'm very happy we are finally again mom and dad, but now I have to go. My daughter needs me. Maybe... some time you can come visit us? If it's not too much to ask for." I said with hopeful eyes.

"Despite our history, we need to get past what's happened all those years ago. For both ours and our courts sakr. I'm sure we can think of something as a reason to visit you darkling, I promise." said my dad.

We said our goodbyes as my brother took me back to the Spring Court.

There awaited me my mate, holding our daughter for her small, chubby hands as her shaky legs wobbled while trying to take a small step towards me.

"Look at you, my small sunshine. I'm so proud of you." I cooed as little Alina fell on her small butt and began making gabby motions for me to pick her up.

I obeyed her and took her in my hands as she snuggled closer as possible.

"How was it?" I hope everything went smoothly, love. "Tamlin said from a distance as he joined our group hug.

" Everything was perfect, Tam. The emptiness in my heart is finally filled with its missing piece. I have everything I need now, my love." I said as I kissed his jawline.

" I'm happy when you're happy, love. Even after all the things me and your family have been through. After all these years, I think I've finally realized what was this thing inside of me that pulled me towards your mother so many years ago. It was you, my love, you were destined to be with me even before you were born. " explained Tamlin.

It all made sense now, our bond was formed hundreds of years back when Tamlin himself was born, it was just waiting for me to appear on this world too.

With no hesitation I claimed his lips in mine, sealing our love once again.

" I need to put Alina down for a nap, but after I do that... keep your promise, take me to bed and show me how long you've been waiting for me, love. Show me your love again." I whispered, teasing his lips with mine.

"Your wish is my command, my Lady. I shall make you see stars tonight." he murmured against my lips, teasing mine with his tongue.

Our intimate moment was interrupted by a loud wail from the small girl in my arms, her telling us to stop and let her get her so dreaded nap.

Both of us laughed as we went to her room, tucking her in before Tamling took my hand in his, leading me to our bedroom, to a night filled with love and pleasure.

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