Rhysand x Reader

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Summary: Y/N is just a normal Illyrian woman, working in a local bookstore. Her mate finally decided it is time for her to meet his family, especially his mother and sister. So he takes her to the house of wind.

Y/N's POV:

"Are you sure, Rhys?"-I asked.

"Of course I am, my love. I've never been more sure. We've been together for almost 2 years and 1 since we mated. I think it's appropriate for you to meet my family." - he said as he took his hands in mine, sending a soft carres down the bond.

"Okay then, if you say so." - I smiled, giving him a kiss."To be honest I'm a little bit nervous about meeting your mother, after all, she's the only woman more important than me." - I added.

"You have nothing to worry about, dear. It is my father I'm worried about. But with me by your side nothing will happen to you." - he said as he pulled me closer to give me a hug.

"I have a special dress I want you to wear. My mother made it for you and it would make her verg happy if she sees you wear it."

"Of course I'll wear it. It will be an honor to me." - I smiled as we intertwined our hands together, going for a nice walk.

Time skip

I looked myself in the real-sized mirror in front of me. A beautiful light blue dress hugged my body. It was the most beautiful dress I've ever seen. Like it was made for me.

Strong hands wrapped around me as Rhys' face popped up from behind me-giving my neck light kisses.

"You loom so beautiful." - he murmured. "You look like a royalty."

"It is amazing Rhys. Like your mother made this especially for me, for my body." - I said as I put my hands over his.

"And she did. She made this one and more dresses as a dowry for my future wife. In case she wasn't there when I met the one. But here you are, wearing it. You should've seen ber reaction the other day when I told her you wanted to wear the dress. She's never been happier. "-explained Rhys as we stood in the same position.

" I think it's time to go, Rhys. You said we have to be there by 7 and now it's 6.50"-I said as I turned in his hands.
"Yeah, let's go." -he answered, taking my hand in his as he winnowed us away.

Just a few seconds later we found ourselves in front of the big house at the top of the mountain.

"We're here, Mother." - Rhys called out, his voice echoing through the entire house.

A few seconds later we heard two pairs of steps coming down the stairs. One belonged to Rhys's mother and the other pair to his sister, who just turned 10 years old few weeks ago.

" Rhysie!!!" - shouted little Ilta, her wings fluttering with excitement as she ran towards her big brother.

"Hello, little star. I've missed you." - he picked her up, showering her woth kisses as he received a handful of giggles.

"My boy." - I heard his mother say from behind.

"Mom." - replied Rhys ad he headed her way, embracing her as well.

"Mom, this is Y/N, my mate and your future daughter-in-law." - said Rhys, his mother's hand in his as he led her to me.

"It is an honor to meet you, my Lady." - I said as I bowed my head as a sign of respect.

"Please, dear, no need of formalities, just call me Esther or mom if you wish. After all we're about to become a family soon." - she saod as he hugged me.

"I've heard so much about you, I couldn't wait to finally meet you. And when Rhys said you agreed to wear a dress of mine, you made me so happy." - she added.

"It was an honor. After finding out it was made for Rhys's mate it made me even more emotional." - I said.

"I'm glad you like it, Y/N." - she answered.

"Is... is father here, mom?" - asked weary Rhys.

"He is not. He sent down the bond earlier that he's beem held up with some important matters and will return in 2 days at best." - said Esther, at the same time I could feel relief fill Rhys's body.

"It's better that it's just us. This way we can have a nice evening." - said Rhys.

"Come one Rhysie!!! I want to get to know Y/N better and you're just standing there!!" - yelled Ilta as she took my hand amd ran towards the dinimg room.

"Sit here right next me and big brother." - exclaimed she while putting a lot of effort to pull the chair for me.

"As you wish, little princess." - I laughed as I sat where she told me to.

We had a nice dinner, we laughed and smiled as Esther told me stories about Rhys as a child. Now I was on the balcony, staring in the beautiful night sky.

Rhys left with Ilta when she insisted for her brother to put her in bed this time.

Another presence beside mine pulled me out of my stargazing.

"I'm really happy you and my son found each other, Y/N. I was very scared that his mate would be too afraid of him or use his for his power. But seeing how happy he is with you and how gentle you're with Ilta, I couldn't be more happy. Me and my mate never loved each other and now seeing my son happy and in love is my best achievement. Take care of each other and be happy. "-said Esther as a small ran down her cheek.

" I am so happy I found him too, Esther. At first I indeed wad scared, him being the High Lord's son, but he never gave up on me and now I'm thankful about it. I love him so much. "-I said.

" I know my son will be happy with you, this was my biggest goal in life. For him to turn out a kind, but strong sould. By looking at you two I can tell you'll be together forever. "-replied Esther.

" And I want nothing more than this. "-I answered.

His mother and sister were the kindest souls and I couldn't be happier to have a better mother and sister-in-law.

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