Azriel x Reader Pt.2

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After almost a month of sulking around Mor's house I finally got myself together and went back to work.

I wasn't even near to getting better both mentally and physically. I still cried every night,Azriel's words still echoing through my head, nightmares started a couple of nights ago too.

I was told constantly by my friends what I should forget about him,but I couldn't.
When you meet someone who makes your life better and made you love yourself the way you are you can't get over them easily.

I saw Elain around the city a couple of times, I don't think she saw me though,she was too interested in her plant shopping.

I still had my hopes up that maybe one day me and Az can be still together. I still couldn't understand though where the sudden change came from. We were happy or so I thought we were. My suspicions were starting to confirm one day when Feyre and Nesta themselves came to me, implying that Elain has been spending money on some particular herbs for almost a month now.

At first I didn't get their point until I made an investigation on my own, regarding those herbs when I found it. A list of ingredients and a spell for a love potion .

The person who got that potion in their system experienced hallucinations,or dreams while their actions were actually happening in real life.

The Azriel I loved was locked inside his own mind, thinking that he was dreaming. He never stopped loving me,he was forced to do so without even knowing it.

We shared the information of what we had found with the rest of our friends. At first the boys were confused,but after taking a good look at what we've found everything snapped in it's place. Now we had to think of a way to stop him from receiving another dose of this potion.

It was time to get my future husband back from the claws of that bitch.

I have lost everything in the beginning of my life I was not going to lose the person I loved the most too.

A few days later Feyre was supposed to hold her sister with her for as long as possible,while me and Rhys sneaked inside of the apartment I used to live at. Since we weren't able to find an antidote for the potion the only option left was for Rhys to break Azriel's mental shields and take him back to reality. When he did I was going to be there for him,just as he did for me.

And here we are , standing face to face with him,my heart increasing its rate as I just looked in those beautiful eyes,how I missed them.

"What are you doing here? What's the meaning of this!?" asked Azriel,his voice raising with every single word.

" I'm bringing you back to sanity,brother." replied Rhys as he took him by surprise. Jumping in his direction, holding his hands behind his back as he took him down to his knees.

Watching Azriel struggle made something inside of me twist,like it was calling out for me to help him,but this was for his own good.

As Rhys went inside his mind, Azriel's face started to make faces indicating his pain,he trashed around and soon started screaming.

Seeing him in pain brought me to tears again. I couldn't wait for this to be over,so I can once again be in his arms,to breathe in his calming scent.

After almost 10 minutes of struggles everything suddenly stopped.

Azriel's face went calm as he stayed like this for a few moments before his beautiful eyes opened again.

This time the look inside them was different. He was confused, disorientated.

"Y/N?" he asked "baby,what happened. Why can't I remember anything?" He asked desperately.

I couldn't contain myself any longer as I threw myself on the floor right in his arms. He immediately responded to my hug,placing a small kiss in my neck.

"I'm so happy I got you back,Az. You've no idea what I went through after you were under her control. I thought I once again have lost everything." I sobbed as I looked in his eyes . I couldn't take enough of them.

"All I could see was you baby , that day...she came to visit implying that there was something important to talk to. When she came she offered me to try a drink that she made herself. I could see and feel everything. I saw you but I knew it wasn't you. I was locked up in my own mind and I couldn't get out." explained Az as I could see tears form in his eyes too.

"It's okay, love. You have no fault in this. I'm just happy I got you back. I don't think I could've made it any longer if I had to see you guys together every day." I replied.

"I chose to get you out of therr and marry you for a reason,Y/N.It was because I love you,with all ny heart, don't think it's ever going to change." He said as he kissed me sweetly.

A moment of silence passed when we heard the door of the apartment snap open, Elain storming inside, furious look in her eyes and features.

"What did you do , you bitch?!" She screamed as she went in ready to attack me,but before she could go any closer she was met with angry Rhysand.

"You are arrested for illegal witchcraft and manipulating someone against their will,Elain Archeron." said Rhys, his voice colder than anything else I've ever heard or seen.

"You will pay for this,you little whore! Remember my words!" Screamed Elain, trying to get out of Rhys's grasp, unsuccessfully.

"No,Elain. You're the one who's going to pay for what you did . You were selfish enough to risk Azriel's life for your own desires. You tried taking his away from me and succeeded for a short period of time. But you've been stopped and I'd never let you come closer to us again in thousands of years." I told her as she looked at me with eyes filled with nothing else but fury.

"I've never thought you'll go this far,Elain. Yes we had our shared feelings but it was a long time ago! You should have moved on already and let me live my life with the woman I love! Not give me a love potion to keep me a prisoner of my own mind. I hate you,Elain Archeron ,and I hope you'll rot in the Prison where your place is." said Azriel as he motioned for Rhys to take her away.

He winnowed probably to take her to a cell far away from us.

As we were left alone together Azriel took my face in his as he gave me a passionate kiss,one that I've been craving for an entire month now.

"I'm so happy you're back to your normal self,Az. I love you,so much." I whispered, forehead touching with his.

"I'm happy I'm back too,love. I'll spend every possible second making up for the paint I've caused you. I'll love you forever,Y/N, never forget this." he responded as he took in my features.

Time skip

All this happened 5 years ago. Now we were happily married,we did that only a week after Azriel was brought back to me,we couldn't wait any longer.

We moved to a bigger house,just as Mor told me all this time ago,and right now me and my husband were in our beautiful garden, enjoying a peaceful day together as our son , Felix, played with his cousin in the freshly blossomed flowers.

You see, Felix was not our son. Azriel found him in a ruined building during one if his missions and he didn't have the heart to leave him there,so he took him and brought the little boy back to our house.

I've never left Felix like something other than my own son,I loved him with all my heart and I was ready to walk worlds for him. Both me and Azriel did.

After all that we went through we finally had our little family and we couldn't be more thankful. Two broken souls ,who found each other and mended into one.

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