Nyx x Reader

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I grew up in one of the many orphanages in Velaris, along with others-Bastards and secret love children that were unwanted. But I was the worst. Everyone knew my mother and despised her and I blame no one. I would too. I do too.

My heritage made my life a living hell. I was teared like trash, beaten and starved by the care takers in the orphanage. I tried living my life quietly, not making any noises so I would remain unnoticed when someone's is looking for a punching bag. But even that didn't help sometimes.

One day when I was sent to gather firewood for the annual bonfire the orphanage made I met a beautiful male. Who turned out to be my mate. Raven hair, beautiful caramel skin and those deep, violet eyes that looked at me with so much happiness and excitement.

He introduced himself as Nyx. He didn't speak about his family, but by his clothing I was able to determine that he's not just an Illyrian, he came from money. Lots of them.

I didn't care about anything else then being with my mate and receiving his love. When he told me he wanted me to meet his parents I was kind of unsure but then I realized that the longer I put it off the worse.

The only this that bothered me were my family roots. Being birthed by the most hated woman ever. When Nyx found out who my mother was he needed some time to take it all in, but later he found me again assuring me that I was everything he wanted and nobody could chanfe that.

And so here I was, dressed in a beautiful dark blue gown, gift from Nyx from a few months ago for my birthday. It had lots of gems going down the puffy skirt of the dress and small stars covering the upper part.

I tried styling my hair up, so it wouldn't be so noticeable but it was a lost cause. The moment his parents saw it they would know. Everyone did the moment they look into my hair.

"Are you ready, dearest." - Nyx appeared out of nowhere on my bedroom's doorway, scaring my soul from my body.

"Mother above! Nyx, don't do this. You know how much I hate being scared." - I said, putting my hand over my racing heart.

"I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean it. Now let me look at you." - he said, taking my hand and making me twirl around twice.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." - he breathed out, giving my cheek a peck.

"You don't loom nad yourself, love. Black definitely suits you." - I complemented my mate as I snaked my arms around his waist, giving us a few intimate moments before I had to fave his family. Whose names I still did not know.

"Don't you think it's time you tell me your parents's names, Nyx? We're just about to leave." - I said, looking into his eyes.
For a second I swear that fear flashed through them, but I brushed it off.
"Of however you want it to be. I don't mind." - I quickly added, making him take out a long sigh.
"Let's just leave for now, baby." - he toom my hand as we winnowed away.

The next moment we found ourselves In front of a massive house on a tall mountain, thousands of steps going down fron the entrance of the house, I couldn't even see their end.

Where the hell did he bring me to?

" Let's go inside. My parents are probably waiting already." - he said as he pushed with one hand the big door, his other holding mine.

As we walked in my breath was taken away, the ceilings were so tall, every inch of the hallways covered in beautiful black marble, gold strings going through it. Lots and lots of paintings covered the walls.

In that moment I felt so small, all my confidence leaving my body. What was I even doing here. I was an orphanage, raised amongst other orphans. What did I have to offer such a family.

I wasn't even good enough to give them grandkids. They would be tainted with remains of my evil mother.

"My son...finally you guys arrived." - I hears an excited voice call out. As I looked up towards a big staircase where the voice came from, I almost fell down. There stood no one else than the High Lord and Lady.

He called Nyx "son" so that means... I felt tears burn my eyes, ready to spill out.

My mate was the son of the people that my mother hurt the most. With what rights do I even step inside their home. I had to leave. I needed to get oit of here. That's why Nyx never told me their names, that's why he hid it from me. I'm sure he didn't tell them anything about me either, he was probably ashamed. And I wouldn't blame him.

"Father, Mother. I'm happy to see you again. It's been quite some time. I brought my mate with me this time. Just as I promised." - said Nyx as he still held my hand, that was probably shaking very hard right now.

"I am so happy to finally meet you dear..." - the High Lady started but her speech was cut off when she sae my face. Everything in it screamed of my mother. Every single part of my face.

"Nyx, what's the meaning of this." - his father asked. His voice already angry, words venomous.

"Father, please listen..." - Nyx tried explaining but his father cut him off this time.

"I do not want to listen. Take this girl away from our home. How stupid do you need to be to even think about bringing the Devil's child in this house." - he screamed. "And you..." - he turned towards me "How could you even think about stepping in this house. Leave, before I send you to the prison and never see a bright day again." - he said.

By now I was a sobbing mess. Clutching Nyx's hand as my entire body shook.

The High Lord was right. I had no right being here. I needed to get out of here before I made even a bigger mess.

" I am so sorry my Lord. If I knew where I was going I would've never agreed. Mother, if I knew who my mate was I probably would've never accepted our bond. Pleased, forgive me." - I sobbed out.

I tried getting my hand out of Nyx's bit he held it too tight for me to be able to pull my hand out.

" Nyx, please. Let me go. Before things get worse."-I pleaded.

" Mother, father, please let's talk about this. I love her. She's my mate and If I have to I'll fight for her. Just like as you dad fought for mom. I'd never abandoned her." - said Nyx.

Oh, love. My heart fluttered hearing those words. But there was no point saying that.

" No, Nyx. I want this spawn gone from our house. Now! "-his father screamed once again.

Not being able to take it anymore I snapped my hand out of my mate's grasp and I ran. I ran as fast as I could and as farther away as my feet could carry me.

I got out and ran down the stairs. The harsh wind mixing my hair and tears. I never looked back. It was for the best. Just as the High Lord said, what job a spawn, an orphan have with the Prince of the Night Court-none.

I ran as fast as I could, but one harsh blow of the raging wind made me trip,falling down the stairs. I probably have ran through the half of them when I started falling, down to their bottom.

I was probably going to die. There was no way I could survive this. Bit given the hate and anger I faced in this world I was ready to do so.

My mate had no way of being with me, taking away the only reason for me to go on.

As I kept falling down I closed my eyes, ready to embrace Death with open arms.

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