Eris x Reader

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"Are you sure I am allowed to touch these books, or even be in this library?" You asked.

"You're allowed to be here as much as I am," Eris answered. Today he had suddenly appeared in front of your chambers, whisking you away from your tasks for the day, claiming he wanted to take you somewhere. You found yourself in the library of the Autumn Court with Eris, looking through different books.

"And you're confident that if someone finds us here, there will be no issue?" You asked once again.

"You're about to become my wife, Y/N, nobody can cause a problem because you visited the library with your fiancé," Eris said as he came up to you, cupping your cheeks with his hands. It brought you comfort, one that you couldn't describe quite well but it was there.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you know my father is, he was never fond of our marriage but due to the High Lord's word he agreed. I won't be able to find peace until we are actually wed and I am free of my father's reign," you said, his captivating golden eyes staring deep into your soul. That is what you loved about Eris, he could read you like an open book. Nothing could go unnoticed by him.

"I know, my love. But even if he attempts to punish you for spending time with your fiancé, you know I will gladly take matters into my own hands and he shall never do such a thing again."

Your father, Lord Vortigern, was a cruel and oppressive lord from the Autumn Court. He saw  Eris as beneath him and unworthy of his daughter, even thought Eris was the heir to the Autumn Court. However, due to political pressure and the potential for alliances, he reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

You, on the other hand, were unable to step away from Eris ever since you arrived at the Autumn Court. Nobody expected for the young Prince to find interest in the daughter of such a ruthless lord.

"Here, take a look at this," Eris changed the topic, handing you an old, leather-bound book embossed with golden ornaments on its sides.

"What is this book about?" you asked, your interest growing stronger.

"Well, since you're about to join my house, bear my children, and raise them alongside me, I thought it was about time for you to start your journey studying the ancient language of the founding Lords. It'san important part of our traditions and customs." Eris said, his answer making you gasp.

"Oh Eris, that would be an honor," you said, pecking his cheek in a thankful manner.

"I asked, and I was told that this book is the best to help learn the basics, the most important phrases and words, how to pronounce certain sounds and write," he explained, placing the beautiful book in your hands. His hands had found their way down to your waist, holding you in a strong grip while he explained the contents of the book. Your eyes never left his; you were smiling while listening to him talk about the contents of the book.

"Today, I would like to give you a small task," he said. "What is it?" you said, nuzzling your head in his chest.

"I am about to tell you a phrase, nothing complicated, your task is to find its meaning while studying our language. Do you think you can do it?" he asked, a smirk present on his face. He knew, and loved, how competitive you became when someone gave you even the smallest challenge. He knew you could do it.

"Of course I can do it. What's the phrase, write it down for me, I shall come to you the moment I find it," you said.

"It is settled then, my beautiful storm," Eris replied.

He grabbed a piece of parchment and some ink, scribbling down the phrase that you were about to search for during your studies. Taking the parchment in your hand, you saw two words written on it in what you assument were ancient runes.

"I cannot wait to find out its meaning, my Lord." you said, your voice full of excitement.

The two of you spent the remainder of the afternoon together, walking around the Autumn Court, sneaking small kisses and a few touches here and there until it was time for you to go before your father sent out a search party for you.

It's been a week since that day; you were enchanted by new language that had been introduced to you. It was beautiful in its own way, and you loved that about it.

Today, Lord Vortigern was throwing a feast, celebrating some obscure event, but before that, a tournament was held. You sat in a seat assigned especially for you, as the heir's fiancée, with a full view in front of your eyes.
As potential heirs, Eris and his brothers were to participate, the whole family of High Lord Beron was present as well.

Eris was winning, and you couldn't be prouder and happier. Your future husband was a strong and skillful warrior; you felt safe with him. There was nothing else you could ever wish for. You only wished to be loved and protected.

It was the final round of the tournament, and Eris was about to face no one else but your own brother, Bertram. Maybe, in another life, you would've been worried about your brother getting hurt, but not in this lifetime. Your brother was nothing but cruel to you, adding on to your father's abuse, you couldn't care any less if something were to happen to him.

Everything was going smoothly until your brother managed to knock Eris off his horse. Fear instantly took over your body, your hands gripping the handles of your seat. The two men ended up in a hand-to-hand combat on the ground. At first, your brother Bertram had Eris pinned down to the ground, throwing punch after punch. Your eyes filled with tears at the sight of your brother attacking the only meaningful person in your life; you could never escape their control.

You were too upset to notice your fiancé's eyes catching a glimpse of your distraught state. His body and soul were overtaken by fury. The next thing you knew, the fight was overturned; Eris had your brother down, one hand gripping his neck with every ounce of strength while he landed punches on Bertram's head. The crowd was wild, everyone screaming, encouraging their Prince. Eris had won; your brother ended up surrendering before any fatal injuries could be made by your fiancé.

The moment the two men went away, you wasted no time in running off to find the fire-haired man.

"Eris!" you yelled as you saw his armored body. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. The moment you got to him, your body flew into his arms, sobs escaping your lips.

"Are you okay, love? Gods, I was so worried, I couldn't bear to look at him going absolutely feral on you," you rambled, your hands now holding his face, inspecting it for any noticeable injuries.

"I am okay, my beautiful storm. Do not fret yourself about my physical state. I will recover from any injury," he said.

His next move surprised you; his lips were hungrily fighting within desperate attempts to express his affection. This was the first time ever for anyone to witness their future Lore showing public affection. Some whispered disapprovingly, witnessing a member of the High family kissing a woman who was yet to become his wife. Others couldn't help but smile at the scene.

"I have something to tell you, Eris," you said, trying to catch your breath.

"What is it?" he asked, a knowing smirk present.
"I love you too," you said, placing your hands on his neck as the two of you shared another loving kiss.
Your task was completed.

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