Azriel x Reader

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"I can't let you do that, Y/N! You could die!" - Azriel raised his voice after hearing my idea.

"Why not Az? We love each other, and with my sickness making my human body weaker every day I won't be able to live ling enough. I want to be together with you forever! You said you waited 500 years for me, and now you're ready to let me die in pain, because you're afraid of trying to save me!"-I answered, my voice raising too.

You see what's the problem here. I am a mortal girl that was brought to the faerie lands by mistake.

Me and Feyre were good friends, going hunting together to provide for our families. That's how I ended up in Prythian, when we were taken by Tamlin as a revenge on killing his dear friend.

The only difference was that I tried and escaped Tamlin's grip one night and that's when I was found by Azriel, who was going around Summer's border that night.

When he saw that desperate state I was in, he took me to where Iater found out was the Night Court. I have never seen a place more beautiful.

With every single day I spent there I found myself falling harder for the dark-haired shadowsinger.

And here we are, 2 years later arguing over that fact that I was going to die in one way or another if he didn't let me try something.

I had a heart decease, I was born with it and struggled with it for my entire life. When me and Az decided to go further into our relationship I had already accepted the fact that I was going to die one day. But now I find out that there might be a way for me to live. It might be worse than death itself but it's worth trying. And I was not going to give up.

"I don't want to lose you sooner than expected, Y/N I accepted that your life will last shorter, but now I'm not ready to let you die even sooner." - said Azriel.

"It is my choice whether I want to do it or not, Azriel. As much as I love you, you can't stop me do something when I've already decided."

"So you're ready to risk what we have, to risk our love. Just to try something that could kill you!!" - he was shouting now, voice dripping with pain and anger.

"Yes! Yes I am ready! Because I want eternity with you Azriel!" - I returned his shouting.

"Then I can't continue being a part of this relationship." - he murmured, his back facing me now.

This left me speechless. I never expected him to go that far.
"What... What do you mean?" - I asked, barely a whisper.
"If you're going to put your life at risk, I prefer not being there to witness it. I no longer wish to be with you. For the better of us. This way you don't have to think that you're leaving me alone, and my heart won't hurt so much knowing we weren't together during that time. That's my decision and I expect you to accept it. "-he finished as he walked away, leaving me alone in the living room, face tear-stained as I clutched the place over my heart that was beating way too fast.

Time skip
Azriel's POV

It has been about 2 weeks since I left Y/N in the House of Wind after ending our relationship. I thought this was for the better but now I was starting to regret my decision.

There was a hole left in my heart, my shadows barely left my mind at peace, always talking about her.

Today I have just returned from checking over one of the camps when my shadows once again started whispering about her, this time though they were going wild.

Our other half. She's in pain. She's dying. She needs us. Take us to her. Out other half.

My heart dropped when I heard those words. Something was wrong.

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