Rhys x Reader Pt.2

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A/N: This chapter is fresh out of my laptop and is still not proofread. I wanted to post it as soon as I finished it so if you see any mistakes, no you haven't. I was listening to "I wanna be yours" by Arctic Monkeys while writing this chapter,so I think it would really help set the mood! Enjoy, and I hope you like it, it's been a while! <3

Unable to defy his High Lord's demand Cassian put his hand on Rhys' shoulder, letting him inside his head to give him a clear view of the place where they were supposed to travel to. The second his Lord got a mere glimpse of it the two disappeared among the shadows of the night.
The next thing the two Illyrians saw were snowy mountains, frozen trees and thick snowflakes falling from the night sky. It was both magnificent and terrifying for someone who wasn't native to the land. Taking a look at their surroundings they found themselves in one of the few military camps of the Winter Court, camps like this were rare for this Court but a few still existed with the knowledge of the High Lord only. Their purpose was to train the best spies and soldiers to ever serve their master. That's why it was so hard for any of the three men to find the woman who left with Rhysand's heart all those months ago.
And there she was, in one of the small cabins, taking care of an injured boy after he participated in one of his first combat trainings. The smile on the woman's face was more powerful than any cure or spell to make a creature feel better. Her presence only was capable of doing miracles the second she entered a room. And Kallias knew that, it was one of the reasons he agreed to let her work in such a special and hidden place, she'd be a treasure to anyone who was lucky enough to have her on their side.
Rhysand's mind was fuming and screaming at the same time. A part of him wanted to fly over to the place where the Winter Lord resided and strangle him to death for hiding his lover and taking away his happiness,but another part of him was screaming for him to go to his lost love and have her in his arms, breathe in her sweet smell and feel the rhythm of her heart. His revenge could wait a bit longer but his heart and mind couldn't. He was already on his way towards the small wooden building.
Y/N had just finished working on the young boy and had sent him away to rest when she heard the floor crack, indication that there was another presence in the room. She turned around expecting to see another wounded man waiting to be fixed but what she saw instead made her freeze on the spot. Her love stood at the door in all his glory, eyes fixated on her delicate figure as he soaked in her appearance that he had missed so much during the last few months. She swore that her heart was ready to burst, thinking it was her mind playing tricks on her, she thought she was going insane.

"Rhys? Is that you? Is it really you or is my mind playing with me?" She asked, taking one small step towards him, her whole body shaking.

"It's me, it's really me,love." He answered.

The two stood a few feet apart for a moment more when he rushed in her direction, embracing her shaking form in his string arms as she started sobbing in his chest, her arms going around his shoulders, pressing him as close as possible to her body. The two lovers soaked in every second of the moment the both of them have been dreaming of for months.

"I've missed you so much, I've been seeing you in my dreams every single night, I've been hearing you voice and feeling your touch every single day since I'm here." She cried loudly, gripping his leathers.

He listened to her broken cries and sobs, his heart breaking with every tear that escaped her beautiful eyes. This was one of the few times Rhysand,the almighty High Lord felt broken and defeated.
"I've missed you too, darling. There's not been a moment where I wasn't thinking about you. I have spent every second looking for you ever since you left. I promised myself that I was going to find you and bring you back to me, by my side where you belong. Come back with me, Y/N. Don't leave me to live a miserable, loveless life when we can be together and be happy. I should've fought harder for us, I shouldn't have let you go that easily. Please, come back to me." Rhys said, their foreheads touching now, his voice was filled with so much pain and so much love at the same time. He was ready to do whatever she told him to,to fullfil any wish that she had.

"Oh Rhys, I love you so much, and I would come back to you in a heartbeat, but remember the reason why I left. I can't be the one to break the bond between you and your only child, Rhys. If me being away is the price I have to pay for your family to be whole I will do it. Even if it means living a lonely life without the man I love." She whispered against him, tears still falling down her rosy cheeks.

"But my family is not whole,Y/N, it will be with you by my side. Nyx is still young, he has been on this earth for a centennial, while I've been on it for seven. He is yet to understand how love works. He is angry yes, he is angry with my for loving another woman and thinking that I'm trying to replace his mother. But he's wrong, Feyre will always be his mother and my first love, but she will never want for me to live through eternity with no one by my side to make me happy and help me keep going. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to bring you back home, love. I just need your love, that's all I'm asking for." He said, leaning in to capture her cold lips in a soft but passionate kiss, every single emotion he had bottled up inside during the months she was gone was now released in this kiss.

Rhys finally felt alive, as if he was sick and a simple kiss brought life back to his body, body with no soul.

"If this is what you want,if you are ready to take the risk of angering your son, I'm ready to come back to you. I want you to be happy,Rhys. I never realized that by running away I never helped you, I only made it worse. I'm sorry for hurting you love, it was never my intention. Please forgive me." She said against his lips. The woman was finally brave enough to take a look at his eyes, those beautiful eyes, shining like the brightest star in the sky, filled with love and adoration for her, only for her.

"Of course this is what I want. From the moment my eyes found yours this is all I've wanted. To have you by my side, to love you and cherish you. Forgive me, for not trying hard enough to keep our love safe,for letting pressure control me and push you away. I want to fix this. I'll spend eternity trying to fix my mistakes. Only if you'll have me back."

"Of course I'll have you back, you're my true love,the one I've been looking ever since I could remember. I will never forgive myself if I lose you. " She responded. Her tears long gone,replaced by a bright smile, one that could light up the entire universe.

"Let me take you home, darling. Our home, where you and I both belong." He said, detaching his body from hers as he took a hold of her hand, heading for the door.

"I'd love to go immediately, Rhys, but I can't just leave without telling anyone. I doubt Kallias will be happy if he finds out another High Lord took away one of his people."  Y/N said.

"The person we're talking about is the woman I love. He can try doing something to us without baring any consequences. And also, he knows I have been looking for you. He should be happy I didn't go for his head after I found out he's been hiding you . I'm taking you home, back to Velaris. Now." He said.

The next thing Y/N was that she was being lifted up bridal style as Rhysand exited the small cabin. The second Cassian saw the two he ran up to them, placing his hand once again on his friend's shoulder as the three disappeared in the shadows for the second time tonight.

"I'm happy to see you again, sweetheart. It's been a nightmare without you here. Hopefully you can bring us our brother back ." Cassian said the moment they arrived back at the Night Court. The sun was about to rise in an hour or two.
"I've missed you, Cass. I'm happy to see you as well." Y/N said as she gave him a big hug despite the quiet growls from the other man in the room.

"Calm down, pretty boy. She's all yours." Was Cassian's response, a drop of sarcasm laced with his tone. "Go and let your bride have a good sleep. I bet she's tired. " He said, giving the two a smile before leaving the room and the house .
The only people awake in the house right now were Y/N and Rhys, Nyx still sound asleep in his room, unaware of what was happening.

"He's right, darling, let's get you to bed. We have all the time in the world to talk when you've rested well." Rhys said, placing a hand on Y/N's waist as the two slowly made their way towards his room where both of them had the best sleep imaginable after being separated for months. They knew everything was going to be alright, the only thing needed was for the two to be there for each other and not let anything come in between them

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