Lucien x Reader

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A/N: this is a short one that I wrote rather quickly so I'm sorry if there are some plot holes or mistakes in my writing ❤️

It was a peaceful morning in the Day Court, everyone was still asleep judging by the quiet halls of the estate.

I was the only one awake, sitting on a chair outside in the balcony, admiring the magnificent view that the sunrise created every morning. Lucien was still sound asleep, knocked out from exhaustion from meetings he had the previous day.

  Despite the beautiful view and the peaceful moment I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling inside if me. Was I enough for this man that sleeps every night right next to me? Was I enough for the little girl that looked up to me as her mother figure? I probably wasn't.

"Love? Why are you awake at this hour? It is still very early,come back to bed." I heard sleepy Lucien say as his head slowly lifted from the fluffy pillows.

"I just couldn't sleep, it's okay,you need your sleep don't worry about me." I told him as I headed back to the bed, laying next to him.

"You do this when something is bothering you,love,you can't fool me. You better tell me what it is." He said as I felt his strong,toned arms envelop my smaller form, bringing me into his warm embrance.

"I just...I was just I enough? For you? For Sol?" I said out loud as I felt my heart beat go faster with every second.

"What?" He said as he gave out a laugh. He was laughing?!

"Why are you laughing?! I'm being serious expressing my insecurities and you're laughing!"My eyes widened as I exclaimed as I hit him with a pillow that was close to me.

"I'm sorry my love but I just couldn't hold it in. Who said such things for you to think this way?" he asked,his eyes looking for answers in mine.

"Nobody said anything it's do I know if I'm made for this,for being your partner,for being your daughter's role model? I wasn't raised properly,I grew up around servants I don't know how to do all this,how to raise a child of a noble. I don't want you to regret thus one day Lucien." There I said it, everything that's been building up in my mind.

"You're all I could ever ask for,Y/N. Don't ever doubt yourself and your abilities. I would never choose to be with a woman I do not love or do not approve of being a role model for my daughter. After Jesminda I thought I'd never find love again,I felt lost with no purpose on this world,but then you appeared. You opened my heart for life again,you rebuild the broken connection I had with Sol, you're my anchor on this world,Y/N,you and Sol are my most precious things that could ever exist for me. I love you,and I will for eternity." He said as he leaned in for a sweet kiss,my face flushed with embarrassment but also from all the love I felt at this moment. He proved all I thought until now to be wrong, I had nothing to be afraid of,I was enough, enough for him and for Sol,and that's all that mattered.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up,wake up! You promised we will go see the dolphins at the lagoon early in the morning!" a loud,cheery voice echoed through the halls, probably waking up everyone that was sleeping.

"There she goes." Lucien laughed quietly, nuzzling his head in my neck, giving it a small kiss.

The next thing we knew we were being attacked by our little ball if energy,who tackled me and her father in our backs, laughing loudly.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" giggled Sol as her father grabbed her in his arms hiding them both under the covers.

"Okay my little lady,a promise is a promise,we will go,just give me and your mom a few minutes and we will go see those dolphins of yours." Said Lucien as he got up with her in his arms.

Holding hands our little family headed towards the lagoon that was located in one of the most beautiful beaches of the Day Court. The sand was glistening like gold,small sea shells laid around, making it look even more magical.

Watching Sol interact with the beautiful creatures made my heart flutter, seeing her wide smile made me realize that we were doing good,we were raising a smart,kind and beautiful girl that was going to grow up to be even better woman.

"I love you so much, I'm sorry for thinking this way".

"My beautiful girls. You two are my whole world,never doubt your worth and your abilities,my love. You're all I want and all I need." Whispered Lucien in my ear as his arms wrapped thightly around my waist.

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