Azriel x Reader

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Things were finally getting back to normal. No more wars,no more death...but for one Illyrian warrior there was still something that was about to hit him out of nowhere.

the voice of Rhysand rang through the halls of the House Of Wind where the winged man was currently residing.

"What is it,brother?" Azriel appeared out of one of the rooms, face sweaty, breathing heavily from a training session.

"A letter a arrived for you this morning. I meant to give it to you earlier but I got caught up." The High Lord explained as he took out an envelope from one of his pockets. "Tell me ,Azriel, what would Autumn's High Lord want from you, personally?" asked Rhys with concern and a bit of annoyance.

"It's from Eris?" the tone the Shadowsinger spoke with showed that he was just as surprised as his brother.

"It indeed is. And I would like to know what this is about as soon as you read this letter." said Rhys. "Do it now",he added.

With a shake of his head Azriel tore the envelope open and began reading.

Hello, Shadowsinger.
I know that this letter must've been quite unexpected. However, I needed to send this as soon as the war was over so that finally everything can go in its place. When the sun sets,meet me at the border between Night and Dawn,alone. This is an important matter and needs to be discussed privately.

Eris,High Lord of the Autumn Court.

"He wants us to meet at the border,says it's an important matter that we need to discuss privately. Tonight at the border with Dawn." explained Azriel, reading over the letter once more.

"There's no way I'm letting you go alone, even after Eris became our ally we still can't trust him fully,not yet." objected Rhysand as he straightened his posture, representing his opinion on the matter.

"I have to go,it sounds important. And if something happens I'll alert you immediately. I promise. We can't miss this if he himself says it's important." answered Azriel.

"As much as I don't like this I'll let you go. But be careful,you never know what to expect." The High Lord put his hands on his brother's shoulder .

Time skip

It was getting dark as Azriel waited at the edge of his court's border for the High Lord to arrive.

"Ah, you're here. Good. To be honest a part of me doubted you'd come." a voice, belonging to Eris sounded from behind a tree as he showed himself seconds later.

"What was this letter about, don't waste my time if you're not going to get to what you wanted to talk about ." Azriel replied, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Calm down, Shadowsinger. I don't like rushing to the point, I prefer to take my time and prepare the soil." smirked Eris.

"That's it I'm leaving." said Azriel, turning his back to Eris,wings spreading, preparing for flight.

"Do you not wish to know about your son?" echoed Eris's voice, followed by complete silence." If it was me, I'd like to."

It took Azriel a moment before he returned back to the world and what followed wasn't surprising.

"What is this bullshit you're talking about! Do not test my patience!" roared Azriel as he pinned Eris to a tree.

"I am not lying,Azriel. It is you who as I see does not remember. As you know... you've slept with many women,but there was one particular who captured your heart,9 years ago if I have to be precise." spoke Eris,his voice calm as the dead of night.

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