Eris x Reader Pt.2

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AU Note: Besties I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit off. I am terrible at writing fight scenes so I just skipped some things through. Hope you're going to like it tho.

It's been a month since I gave birth to our daughter, ever since then me and Eris have been preparing to overtake the throne from his father. We organized secret meetings with every single High Lord,without Beron finding out.We knew we could've never been able to fulfill our plan alone,so we got ourselves allies.Everyone agreed to help us,even Tamlin himself.

While me and Eris handled Beron,we needed someone to hold of his brothers,who wouldn't give up without a fight.Six High Lords for the six sons.

A day before the planned downfall of the former High Lord,Eris took his mother aside to tell her that he wished she went with him on a walk to a very special place for him.The Lady couldn't resist her son's wish and so she went with him. Little did she expect,that she was on her way to meet her future daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

''Where are we going,my dear.''-asked the Lady of Autumn.Her voice smooth like honey,filled with love towards her son.

''Just a few more minutes mother,and you shall find out''-smiled Eris,putting his hand on his mother's back,leading her towards the cabin,where his mate and child resided.


''My love, we're here.''- I heard Eris call out for me, I was just changing Kiah's diaper when they arrived.

''Where are we my son,please tell me.''-once again asked Eris' mother,as she heard what her son just said.

''Mother, I took you here because I would like for you to meet my mate and my daughter,while we handle some important matters back at the castle.''-explained Eris,giving his mother a warm smile.

''Mate,child...?What do you mean..?''-trailed off the Lady,just as I came down the stairs,Kiah in my arms,inspecting her surroundings.

''Oh dear mother,Eris.''-the Lady gasped,tears filling up her eyes.''Oh my boy, I never thought I would live long enough to be able to witness one of my sons become a father''-cried out she.

''And you dear, I cannot thank you enough,for accepting my son the way he is , loving him and giving him a family'.''-her tears started falling.

''Its nice meeting you My Lady, now, would you like to hold your first granddaughter?''- I asked,giving out a smile filled with love.

''Please dear,call me mother from now on,and yes,yes of course I would like to hold her.''-she answered,stretching her hands out,waiting for our child to be placed In there.

A few hours later

Eris's mother was filled with joy,listening to our story. How we found each other,fell in love and created a family. But the moment to explain our true plans came finally. The lady was scared,telling us to not risk our lives and the safety of our daughter,but it was too late now. We needed change and we were going to get it.

The day itself finally came,and we left, leaving our child in the hands of her grandmother until we returned,if we returned.

We attacked the castle in the early morning,when not everyone was awake yet. The Lord headed to search for Eris's bothers as we headed to the throne room,where Beron resided right now.

We entered the throne room,using both of our powers combined,breaking the spells that guarded it against intruders.

''What is the meaning of this''-screamed Beron , standing up from this throne,eyes full of fury .

''It's a coup,father dearest. I've decided that I no longer wish to live,ruled by your hand,only using violence and murder to get what you want.'''-screamed Eris, channeling all his power towards his father,attacking him.

We never expected things to go smoothly. We fought for hours.Beron locking the 3 of us in the throne room no one being able to go in or out.

At some point I was knocked out,laying on the floor , split eyebrow and lip.

As I came back to consciousness I saw an opening-Beron being right in front of me,his back facing me.

I took my chance as I got up,taking a tagger hidden under my skirt,going right for the High Lord's neck,stabbing him.

Beron fell to his knees,blood spilling out of his head.

I fell down once again,following him,Eris coming to my rescue holding me up.

''Are you okay, my love?Please speak to me.''-he asked,taking my head in his big palms.

''I am fine , please . Let everyone in,don't worry about me.''- I told him,trying to calm him down.

He went up to the big,golden door opening it,letting everyone in.

''Are you two fine?''-asked Rhysand.

''Yes,yes we're fine,what about my brothers,are they locked up?''-asked Eris as Tamlin went to check for himself if Beron was really dead.

''All of them are locked up in the dungeons,away from each other until you decide what to do with them.''-said Thesan,his smooth voice rang through the throne room.

''He is dead.It is over.'' –called out Tamlin,getting all eyes on himself.

''We did it,my love.We're finally free from his grasp.''-Eris whispered,his lips on my forehead,while holding me like the world was ending.''Our daughter will grow up happy and free,both parents to her side.''-he added,me enjoying his voice,sleep overtaking me.

Years later

As years went on, we took our places as rulers of the Autumn Court.Eris making me his High Lady,and our daughter is the first ever Princess of Autumn,the title never been used before as she was the firstborn female in the thousand years long family tree. Eris's brothers were exiled in the Mortal Lands,memories erased,no trace of Prythian left in their minds.

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