Azriel x Reader

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In a small village hidden deeply in the forests of the Human lands lied a family secret that nobody outside of the family knew about.

A curse,they called it. Skipping a generation,a child in the family was born with an immortal life. 300 years ago I was the last child that was born into this family.

Everyone else,that was cursed like me,was already dead, either killed themselves from grief of the loss of a lover or gone mad from all the things life has put them through.

Ever since finding out about this,at the age of 20, I have never been able to live at peace. I've watched lovers of mine die from an old age,be killed at wars,or just simply leave for not being able to accept the thought of their partner's life being a secret.

And that's how I made that rule,no matter what happens,I made myself a promise,every 15 years I'd leave the place I resided at,no matter how painful it is for me. I thought I was going to live a lonely life for eternity until one day I met someone I thought had lost 150 years ago.

I was at the town's market, buying food for myself,a normal day I'd call it. I currently resided at the kingdom of Scythia.

I've been living here for about 13 years and soon it would be time to change locations as well. Anyways,now it's not the time to think about this.

As I was minding my business a certain face in the crowd caught my attention, making me freeze at my spot immediately. How is he here? How is he even alive? It's been a century and a half. Is this just my brain playing games with me? Am I finally going mad as my ancestors? There was no way all of this was real.

As if sensing my shocked stare the tall figure turned around sharply,eyes cold,as if staring through my soul. Azriel.
I gripped the basked that I was holding for dear life as if the ground was about to swallow me whole.

Few moments after seeing me started walking towards me,long and fast strides,I couldn't move, I felt powerless.
I felt a touch on my forearm,and the next thing I knew he was dragging me towards one of the empty corners of the market.

"Y/N" was the first thing I heard,his voice was just as it used to be all this time ago."Is it really you,Y/N,is it really you or is just my mind playing games with me?" his voice was gentle as a feather.

"Azriel." was the only thing I could say at this moment. I was shocked.

"It's me Y/N, it's me." he replied, staring into my eyes.

The next thing I knew I was hugging him as strong as I could.

"How are you here, Azriel? It's been so long,how are you still the same as I remember you?!" Reality was finally hitting me,but still my questions remained without an answer.

"I could ask you the same thing Y/N. One day you just disappeared! You left me without an explanation! I searched for you everywhere! I thought you were dead!" He was shouting now,his eyes glistening.

"I... It is too much to explain right now,but how are YOU here!? I also have questions that need answers!" I replied trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"I will give you answers,as long as I receive them as well." He said, taking a strong hold of my arm as we disappeared in the unknown.

Moments later we found ourselves in a nice open field,with me screaming on the top of my lungs. What was happening!?
"What did you just do?!" I screamed as I tried to run away from the man who tried to keep me in place.

"Don't run!" Said Azriel as he ran after me, throwing me over his shoulder as he headed in an unknown direction with me still yelling and punching his back.
After a short walk a cabin appeared in front of us,it was small but it looked cozy,it was screaming Azriel.

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