Eris x Reader Pt.1

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2 weeks passed since they took me in as a prisoner in the Spring Court for something I didn't actually do. I was accused of attempted assassination on the High Lord of the Spring Court.

An accident happened which resulted in an explosion in one of the alcohol storages,which made things even worse. The situation worsened with the fact that Tamlin was nearby that storage,and given his unstable temper and the fact that I was sent as an ambassador from the Night Court made me the scapegoat. Here I am now,in one of the cells of Rosehall mansion with my feet bound to the wall by chains.

Every morning I'd get the one meal per day that I was allowed,that was it, nothing else. It was a stupid idea to even think that my brother would even bother to look for me. The General was too busy to look or even think about his half sister,who was the only one who stayed by his side through all the shit he went through in his childhood.

I didn't fit in their little group, according to their standards. I was too private,not wanting anyone to push their nose in my business. According to our High Lord this was putting everyone at risk,in his words I could be a traitor.

He didn't have to say it out loud, everyone understood what he actually meant. And so their best idea was to send me off to different places to represent the Night Court as a political figure when Rhysand couldn't attend.

My thoughts were interrupted by a smooth voice I didn't expect to hear in this place.

"Well that's a sight to see." said a blurred figure hidden inside the shadows of the dungeons.

" What in the Mother's name are you doing here?" I asked "Or are you just another illusion that my brain is trying to play me with."

"I'm not an illusion, darling. I'm here in the flesh." said the tall figure as it revealed itself.

"Eris?! It's really you." I said, opening my drowsy eyes as much as I could to make sure I was actually seeing him here. "Are you here to make fun of my situation or even better,to end my misery?

"Indeed it's me,Y/N. And killing you is the last thing I'm here for. I have a proposition for you,one that nobody,even you can refuse." he said,a slight smirk appearing on his smooth,pale face.

"I doubt that,but let's hear. It couldn't hurt me more than how I am now."

" I can get you out of here,you will receive my protection,you won't have to go back to your brother and his friends. I need people I can trust in my Court. I want you as my second-in-command. Accept my offer and I give you my word, nobody would ever be able to touch you or say anything to you,not even Rhysand and his influence."

"You wouldn't do this from the good of your heart,Vanserra, someone else might do it,but not you. What's your price." I asked, staring at him waiting for an answer.

"Oh you know my peace,little star. My proposal from a few years back still stands." Was his answer.

"You couldn't leave things as they were could you? You always need to have some sort of drama going on in your life in order to function properly."  I demanded, rising slowly from the ground,pain shooting through my whole body.

"I've had my eyes set on you for a long time,little star. You only have to say 'yes' and you're free. I need someone with neutral views towards the other Courts, someone who rules with their brain not their heart,but also deep down they have a good soul." Eris said, kneeling slightly in front of my cell.

"Seems like you've got yourself a wife, my Lord." I smirked, receiving the same response from him. With a snap of his fingers the chains around my feet were no longer in one piece.

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