Azriel x Reader

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It all started as a political alliance between the fae courts and the mortal lands. You were a princess sent from a small kingdom to represent it in front of the courts.

After an assassination attempt,that got your entire family back at home killed,you were taken into custody in the Night Court. The Spymaster himself giving you his word to protect you. That's how the story began.

Every day, except when he wasn't away on a mission, you would go out together for either breakfast,lunch or dinner, sometimes Azriel himself would prepare something to eat at home.

It became a routine for the two of you to spent time together, leading to the two of you falling in love. Like people say, nothing lasts forever.

Azriel came back home one day,after meeting with Rhysand. Everything before that was okay, nothing seemed like there was some wrong with your relationship. You were wrong thought.

Everything went downhill when those words that you'd never forget came out of Az's mouth.

"I think we should stop whatever we're doing." he said as he stood at the doorway of the small kitchen,your back facing him as you prepared a drink for the two of you to freshen up.

"What do you mean? " you asked with a smile as you didn't quite get the meaning of his words.

"This,us. This needs to stop." he said, motioning between you and him with his hands.

"What? Why?" you said, realization finally hitting you as small pieces of your heart began to break off of it.

You have lost your entire family not even a year ago, Azriel was the only person you loved and cherished that was left in your life,and now you were about to lose him too.

"This was never meant to become something more than me protecting you from any harm coming your way. I am not a man who does relationships." was his explanation.

"I...I thought we were okay,Az. What's the sudden change of your opinion. I thought we loved each other." You said as a lonely tear fell down your cheek.

"It might have been for you,but not for me. It was my task to protect you and now, you're safe. My part is over. You can stay here for as long as you wish. I have a place to stay." he said, not even a drop of emotion evident in his voice.

You still were unable to assimilate everything going on. The only thing you knew was that you weren't going to stay here and be humiliated, better live on the streets than stay at the house that you shared with your now ex lover.

"You don't need to worry about me, Spymaster. I can take care of myself. Keep your house, I will be the one leaving. I will be out of here within an hour, don't worry." you said,your voice cracking at the end as you headed to the bedroom.

Moments later you heard the front door close, indicating that he had also left.

With small tears falling down your face you closed the door to the small room, finally letting out the tears fall freely.

Pulling out a small duffle bag,you stuffed inside of it the most important of your belongings, leaving everything that Azriel's ever bought for you.

Not even an hour later you left the house, heading to wherever fate lead you to,even if it was your own demise. All of your family was already dead,maybe your time was coming too.

Homeless, roaming around the streets,while looking for a way to get back to the mortal lands.

Azriel's POV, before he came home

"What do you think you're doing with the mortal princess, brother?" Asked Rhysand as he poured us a drink.

"I only want the best for you,and that mortal girl is not it, Azriel." added Rhys as he turned in my direction.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked,rage burning so bad inside of me that I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

" I want you to break off any contact you have with her,or I'll sent her away myself,even worse if she puts up a fight." he finished off his sentence,voice colder than ice. My entire body froze as fear replaced my rage.

As much as I loved her, I had to protect her,even if it meant never seeing her again.

Time skip

It's been a weeks since Y/N left. I came back to the cabin a few hours later to find most of her belongings left there,only the things she arrived with gone. Everything she had from me she had left there.

I was about to leave for one of the training camps when a worried Mor appeared in front of the cabin.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she headed in my direction.

"She's leaving, Azriel. I do not know what happened between you two,but she's found a way to return back to the mortal lands. A small ship sails in this direction every month, she's about to board it any second now. Don't miss you chance for happiness just because you were ordered so!" said Mor as fire and determination burned in her eyes.

"How do you know all this?" I asked but I knew I wasn't getting any answers,she had her ways.

"I've seen her,Az, she's not going to make it back to the Mortal Lands. Don't let yourself lose another woman you love."


"Okay girl, we're about to leave in a few minutes, get inside or we're leaving without you." said the old man,who I earlier found out was the capitan of the ship.

"Nobody will be boarding that ship until I say so." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

As I turned around I saw Azriel standing there in all his glory. The moment the old man saw him he bowed and left us alone, going inside of the ship's cabin.

"What are you doing here, Azriel? You left me and now you're not letting me try and go back home? That's cruel and even pathetic. At least let me go back to my homeland in peace." I said as I waited for his response.

"I never wanted to let you go,Y/N. I was ordered to do so,and now I regret it dearly." said Azriel as he took a step towards me slowly.

"What do you mean you were ordered?" I asked.

"Rhysand called for me before I came back home that day. He said that he was worried for our future together because you were a mortal woman,he ordered for me to leave you,or he was going to use force if you refuse. I regret listening to him now, please, don't leave." he explained as I listened carefully, taking in every word he said.

"I have one question,Azriel. And I want an honest answer." i said as I got closer to him, carefully taking his chin in my hands.

"Whatever it is,I shall answer honestly."

"Do you love me?"I asked,and I waited.

"Of course I do. So much. I'd spent whatever time we have left together trying to make up for hurting you and now listening to what my heart said." he answered as  both of us now stood there,not speaking a word.

"Then let's run away. Let's het away from here,from the people who want to separate us. We can go back to my land, nobody can touch us there. We'll be safe." I said as I gave him a hopefully look.

He took his time, considering every possible outcome of this situation,but his final answer was the most important.

"Okay,okay let's do it. Let's leave now. We don't need a ship. I can winnow both of us there,right now." he said as I finally got to see that beautiful smile of his again.

"Take us to our new home,Az. Take us away from any harm." I said as I leaned in closer to his face, planting a soft kiss on his lips. Not even a second later we found ourselves in front of the castle's entrance.

Years went by from this moment on, we lived our lives happily together, without thinking about the worst that was to come one day. The only thing that mattered was the present and only the present.

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