Cassian x Reader

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Cassian x Reader
Summary: Cassian and Y/N have been meeting for some time. Going on dates and stuff, but there's a secret that Y/N is hiding, and because of it she becomes distant from Cassian.

I met Cassian out of the blue. I was out looking for a nice gift for someone dear to me when I bumped into Cassian. I don't think I've ever seen a male more beautiful than him. We immediately clicked, him offering me to help me find a gift.

We had a fun time and when it was time for me to go home he asked if I was up for a date. I said yes, and it was the best decision ever made.

Cass is amazing, treating me as every woman should ever be treated-like a queen and nothing less.

We went on dates, we had picnics, he  took me flying a few times, and I even met his brothers-Rhys and Azriel. He had an awesome family and I could only be jealous of it.

The thing is-I have a son. Yes, that's right I'm a single mother of the nicest little boy. His name was Amato-meaning "dearly loved". And he was, I loved my son with everything I had.

I was too young when I had him, and it was not a pleasant process. His father raped me, which resulted in a pregnancy and him leaving. I never saw the man again, and I was grateful. I perefer my son being raised by me and no one else. Well, eventually Cassian... If he doesn't abandon me once he finds out about Amato.

I few days ago my sister decided to pay me a visit. I was quite surprised since we were jever close while growing up and when I got pregnant I was left alone to deal with everything. When my sister visited it was never without a reson. Sje always had something to say in order to hurt me or my son. This time turned out she somehow found out about Cassian and me.

"Do you think someone would even look at you when they find about that spawn you call your son? They will leave immediately. And who do you think you are to even think about befriending the General. He is out of your league. You should stop this before you get humiliated in front of the entire Night Court. "-those were her words.

They cut deeply in my heart. I didn't pay attention to them once she left and I went on with my life with my son and Cassian. It was all a bliss until Cassian took me out one day and asked me to move in with him. He admitted he was in love with me ans wanted nothing more than to wake up beside me every morning and go to bed at night with me in his arms.
I was ecstatic, about to agree but then reality hit me.

What about Amato? I still haven't told Cassian aboit him. Who would want a woman with a child that was a result of a rape. No one.

"What do you mean you don't want to? I thought we loved each other. I thought you loved me. Is it too early. Did I upset you with that proposition?" - words were frantically spilling out from his mouth, trying to find out the reason for me refusing.

"Cassian no. It is not that I don't love you or it being too early. I have my own reasons. And I.. I think we should stop seeing each other Cass. It's better this way."-I said, my last words hurting the most.

By the expression on his face I knew I hurt him deeply.

" What? Why? Tell me why, you said there was a reason, at least tell me what is it?! I deserve to know why the woman I love doesn't want to share a life with me!!" - he added, his voice rising.

"I choose to keep this for myself Cass. Please, don't ask me, I think it's better if you don't even look for me anymore." - I said, voice cracking as I left for my house, back to my son. His happiness and well being were more important than mine. It's always been like this and it will continue to be.

Time skip

Cassian's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since Y/N decided to suddenly end our relationship. I thought we were happy together, if she had said yes I would have later on proposed to her.

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