Cassian x Reader

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"It's seems like you've come to me again, General." you said as you turned around with a small smirk.

" Indeed it happened." Cassian replied as he came closer.

"Whatever type of information you need,tou know the price,Cassian." you said as you turned around,now facing him.

"I know,dear,I know." he said as his lips started roaming over your neck, leaving small, but strong kisses all over it.

He rarely came to you for something else rather than much needed information,but when he did,the only way to receive it was to give you pleasure,and that he did best.

Time skip

The two of you layed in bed,your head propped over your palm as you stared at Cassian's naked body,barely covered by the sheets,while one of his hands slowly caressed your bare hips, staring in your eyes with a gentle look.

"You've gotten what you needed,why are you still here,General? You never stay that long after." You asked, a curious look in your eyes.

"I've been meaning to speak to you about this,Y/N. I want you to come with me,let me help you get out of the bastard's grasp that's been holding you for ages." he said as he sat up in bed,hus lazy look replaced by a serious one now.

"What? Where did that come from?" You laughed out,not taking his response seriously.

"It came from my heart,Y/N. Both of us know we have feelings for eachother,but never admitted it,I decided to act first,so let me help the woman I love,Y/N."

"You're not thinking straight,Cassian. We just had sex, your dick is thinking not your brain, collect your thoughts and leave." you said as you stood up from the bed,wrapping a sheet over your body,heading for the dress laying on the floor.

"I'm speaking from my heart,Y/N, I've wanted to come here and take you away for so long,now I finally got the courage to do so and you're acting this way!" he said, getting up from the bed, following your around the room.

"You know if I run away the bastard's going to come after me,and when he gets me he's going to kill me. I can't do that Cass, I value my life. He killed my entire family, I want to stay alive,please." I started rambling,tears appearing in my eyes as I remember my dead family.

"I'll help you,baby,let me help you ran away, you'll be protected with me,nobody can hurt you when you're with us. We can have a happy life together away from here. Just let me help you,please,Y/N." he said as he took my face in his hands,our foreheads touching as I felt his warm breath over my lips.

"Help me,please help me and never let me go,Cassian, that's all I want,please." I begged as tears continued to stream down my cheeks.

"I'll never let you go,Y/N. I love you. And I'm sorry that it took me so long to realise it."

"I love you too,Cassian, please,take me away from this misery." I said as I have his lips a small kiss as we stayed like this for a few seconds,before taking my most needed possessions and disappearing forever from the hell hole I used to consider a home

Time skip

"Good morning,my love." I heard a familiar voice whisper as a kiss was pressed to my cheek,the morning sun washing over my face,waking me up from a sweet slumber.

"Morning,Cass. What's the occasion for waking up before me." I smiled as I stared up at him with a sheepish smile as I saw the tray filled with breakfast in his hands.

"Well,Cassandra woke up very early this morning,which resulted in coming up to daddy,asking to make pancakes for momma. So here we are." he asked as he looked at the door,where a small ball of curls appeared,smiling with a toothless grin at both of us.

"There you are,good morning, princess." I said as I opened up my arms for her to snuggle into.

"Morning,momma. I love you so much."  she said as her small arms wrapped around my neck.

"Cassy, why don't you let mom taste the special breakfast we prepared for her?" asked Cassian.

"Okay!"her small voice echoed through the room as she began taking out napkins from the box over the shelf next to the bed while I just started into my now husband's eyes lovingly.

"I'm so in love with you."I whispered to Cassian as I watched my  daughter with a smile on my face.

"I love you too. I'm so happy that you agreed to come with me all those years ago. " he replied as he kissed me sweetly.

"Thank you for not giving up on me when I needed it most." I said.

"Never,not now,not in a thousand years." was his answer as we stayed like this for Gods know how long.

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