Eris x Reader

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Things have changed now. Ever since yhe Autumn Court got a new High Lord - Eris, things have beeb different. It was like the earth itself was happier.

Me and him have know each other since toddlers, my mother used to work as a maid in the Forest House and I ended up growing up around all the sons of the High Lord. Now it was only Eris left.

I come from a poor background, my family wasn't rich but we made things work, I have 2 brothers who loved me and my mother dearly. They helped us as much as they could while me and mom took care of the house.

It was just a normal day when 3 people from the High Lord's personal guard came to the village's square, announcing that Eris wishes to meet 3 women from our village, one of them that will be chosen for his wife later. You can imagine my surprise when I heard my name being called.

Me and Eris had feelings for each other, it was a long time ago but I guess they never died since he has chosen me as a potential future wife.

My excitement was crushed the second I saw the other two women, Cressida and Fiona, daughters of the two most rich families in the entire court.

They were shining like diamonds, new, expensive dresses, their hais making them looj like royalties. I looked down at my clothing - my dress was new but it looked like it was taken out of the trash beforr theirs. My most prized possessions was worth nothing compared to them. What was I even doing here.

"And what are you doing here, poor thing" asked Cressida, her tone mocking me and my looks while Fiona gave me  disapproving looks.

"She was chosen, just as you two are. And if I was you, I'd keep my mouth shut." I heard a smooth voice, my ears perked up at his voice.

I looked up, directly at his eyes while the other two took their heads down, bowing before their High Lord.

"If it was up to me, the two of you would fly off the second you came in here." said Eris as he came up to me, giving me a hug.

"A maid is going to show you to your rooms. You'll stay here for a week before I make my choice, until then, make sure not to disturb the way things go." said Eris as he left and a maid took his place, showing us the hallway to our rooms.

Time skip

The few  things from my bag were now unpacked and placed where they belonged when I decided to take a walk around the garden, I haven't been here in years and I've kinda missed it.

I was enjoying the fresh air and bird songs when I felt a strong presence behind me. I didn't need to turn to know who it was-it was the man who captured my heart years ago and haven't let it go ever since.

Me and Eris used to meet secretly while his father still ruled. Him taking me to all hus favorite places where we could be alone without worrying that someone can see us. It was all sweet as honey until the war started. Eris had to go with his father to lead their people leaving me behind.

After that our court was attacked, leading to us leaving the Forest house and hiding in deep in the forests. I have already lost my hope to neet hin again until I heard my name yesterday.

"I thought I'd see you again, Y/N. You have no idea how much I longed for you. I looked for you everyday, everywhere but U couldn't find you. Until 2 days ago a spy of mine informed ne that they had seen a glimpse of you in one of the small villages. Gods Y/N, I never got to tell you how I felt towards you, how much I love you. "said Eris on one breath, coming towards me, taking my hands in his.

" Eris... I.... I don't know what to say. I've always loved you, but we never had a chance to be together while your father was on the throne. All this time I hoped that you returned my feelings, and now when I do... I couldn't be happier. I love you Eris. " I said as I smiled widely.

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