Helion x Reader

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Y/N's POV:
Me and Helion met on the last meeting before the war with Hybern, our bond didn't click until I saved him from one of the creatures attacking him. He was bleeding, almost dead when I saw him. The moment we looked into each other's eyes and we felt our mating bond.

After everything went back to some kind of normal he sent a letter for me-asking if I'd like to meet him and go further in with our relationship.

I was very happy that he decided to acknowledge me, he was a Lord after all and I was just a worrior and Cassian's sister. Even though I was a part of the Inner Circle everyone looked at me like I was a child, too young yo understand what's happening.

Nobody knew where I was disappearing to but also nobody noticed. Everyone though I was training by myself, while actually I was comfortable in my mate's arms in the Day Court.

He showed me around, taking me to all the important places, meeting with his friends. At some point i felt like i belonged there more than in the Court that i was born into.

It was during another one of our secret meetings when he sensed something different in my scent-which turned out to be a little baby, growing inside of me. The next heir of the Day Court was about to arrive in less than a year.

Finding out about the news, Helion was ecstatic-he told me he wanted us to be together all the time, without me hiding my relationship from my brother and his friends, and wanted me to move to the palace of Day, where he lived.

We decided to throw a huge celebration, where Helion was about to intoduce his mate and tje news about my pregnancy were to remain hidden for a few more months.

I personally delivered the invitations for the Inner Circle when I went home the last time. Everyone has become very suspicious since then, they were asking questions. What was i doing there?

After all everything calmed down and everyone went on their own way, except one person-Mor.

Ever since I delivered the invitations she followed my every move, every word. I knew she had gotten her eye on Helion long before me and he met. For as long as I know they slept together once, after that we met and we've been only with each other ever since.

Time skip

It's the day of the celebration today. I left nefore sunrjse so I can go to the Day Court to get ready. Helion said he picked the best dress for me, fit for a future High Lady. I was finally getting the respect I didn't receive from my closest people.

I was going to rule by his side, not him using me only for my womb to carry his heirs. He loved me and respected me-I wanted nothing more.

"I don't think I've ever seen a woman more beautiful than you, darling." - said Helion.

"Thank you, love." - i answered giving him a bright smile.

"I've got a gift for you, I wanted to give it to you now, but I prefer you put it on after our announcement." - he said as he pulled from behind his back a big, rectangle, velvet box.

"It used to belong to my mother before sje passed, one of her last wishes was for my future lover or mate to have it when we're about to become parents. She wanted it to be worn by the next Lady of this Court." - he finished and opened the box.

There lied a beautiful crown, made of thin layers of white and yellow gold, a few diamonds laying at the top of it.

" Helion it's beautiful, I don't even know what to say. "-i let out a small laugh of nervousness, giving him a hug.

"Say that you'll wear it. That you'll honor my late mother's last wish."-he answered with a hopeful tone.
"Of course I would wear it, thank you love." - I said giving him a peck on the lips.

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