Azriel x Reader

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When I was just 16 years old I was bought illegally by a woman who claimed that she was going to give me a new life. Out of the misery of the orphanage that I lived at.

All my hopes were crushed when she revealed her true intentions. She brought me to a pleasure hall , she claimed it to be hers, for me to work there. According to her I was old enough to be able to "work" for my own expenses.

She gave me food and shelter,while selling my body to all types of perverts who wanted nothing more than to satisfy their disgusting needs.

I loved like this for almost 130 years before the man who stole my heart came into my life.

The Spymaster of our Court. A night for him to take out his anger through sex turned out into a loving relationship.

We met secretly every chance I got,until finally he was able to get me out of my mess of a life.

With the help of the High Lord,who by now was like a brother to me,he helped me get a home of my own,find a job and lead a normal life.

I couldn't be thankful enough for their kindness.

After a while Azriel proposed on my first starfall with the Inner Circle.

Everyone was so happy for us, Feyre and Nesta cried and laughted, Cassian and Rhysand congratulated us with big hugs,Amren was Amren but she still congratulated us. Everyone was there except of Elain, but I never paid any mind to it.

Me and Azriel lived together even before getting engaged. He claimed that he wanted some peace and quiet and not always hearing Nesta and Cassian's sex sessions and I accepted without any protests.

It was a normal day for me,going home from work, I couldn't wait to get into Az's arms and jsut cuddle for the rest of the night. Our wedding was just a few months away and we were getting more and more impatient to be made a husband and a wife .

I had gotted my fiancée's favourite wine from a store .  It was pretty expensive but I saved up for a few months and decided to buy it for his as a late birthday present that was a few days ago.

I got home right in time for dinner and by the shoes at the door I could tell Az was already home . Perfect.

Everything shattered to pieces when I entered the living room.

There stood Azriel, shirtless with his pants almost taken off,and Elain...on top of him... Naked. He was inside of her fucking her.

The picture in front of me made me lose my balance,letting my bag fall to the ground,the bottle inside of it shattering ,the carpet staining with the red liquid.

The sound made them come back to reality,both their heads snapping in my direction.

Elain had a smug look on her face, telling me with no words that she got what she wanted,that my man was hers.
Azriel's face was emotionless.

"What...what is going on in here? Azriel? What is this?"I asked, finally coming back to reality.

It was silent for a moment until he stood up,lacing up his pants as he headed towards me.

"Don't you see what's going on!? I'm finally getting something that hasn't been used a million times already." he said, a mocking voice  coming out of his mouth.

"Do you think I'd want a woman who's been a whore her entire life? Huh, you're quite wrong if you think so. I want a real woman, one that can bind herself to me for eternity,not  one that's opened her legs for money for an entire decade. You disgust me,Y/N. I don't want you, nobody would want you." his words like venom.

I had fragile feelings, I cried for the smallest thing, years full of abuse can do horrible things one one's mental health.

I was crying a river by the time he finished his "speech" . The ring on my finger was taken off the next second,as I threw it on the ground. I hadn't even taken the time to put my shoes back on before I ran out on the street.

I had nowhere to go. This apartment was basically Azriel's. I had no place to stay.
The only place I was able to think of was Mor's house that was a few streets away. She was my closest friends,so I hoped that she could take me in for some time.

I don't know how long I walked to the house,but when I got there I was taken in the second she saw my crying state.

After explaining everything to her she tried to take in everything. She was more shocked than I was, claiming that Azriel never mentioned anything about leaving me. Even said he was planning on getting a bigger house for us since he was planning to ask me about starting a family.

I guess that was just a curtain for what was actually going on. He had another lover. A woman who was untouched and ready to give herself to him.

I was nothing compared to Elain. She was beautiful, innocent and kind. I was a girl born for the sole purpose to be used as a slave for another's desire.

Azriel was right. No man would want me, I was used and barely managed to get out of that place. I was lucky he was kind enough to help me.

I spent the next few weeks closed up in one of Mor's guest rooms,never coming out of it.

During this time everyone had found out about what bas happened. Feyre even came to see me,Rhys was furious,Cassian no less.

I loved them for their support and kindness, but my chest was left empty as the man who held the key to my heart was too busy warming up the bed of another.

I was just hoping that one day all the pain I was feeling right now would stop forever.

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