Cassian x Reader x Azriel

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Nobody ever expected something so shocking as having not one but two mates at the same time,both of them alive and breathing.But here I am,two of the strongest Illyrian males being my mates and currently being in a huge argument about whose child it was that I'm carrying at the moment.

"You can't know that this child is yours before it's born. Stop creating no needed tension, don't you see what this is doing to Y/N, she's needs calm and peace...not more stress than she's already experiencing!!" I heard Azriel shout at Cassian, holding him by the collar of his leathers.

They usually never fough,only when one made fun of the other...but never rhis serious.

Ever since the three of us spent a night filled with love making and passion,later funding out about my pregnancy,both of them were on edge-constantly thinking of the possible outcomes. Even though my anatomy mare it possible for me to bare a child with wings everyone was worried after witnessing Feyre's birthing experience.

We've met with Madja a couple of times and every single time she assured the two men that everything was going fine ,that both of us were healthy. What was bothering me was the news our healer shared with me only the last time we met. There was a possibility of me carrying not one but two babies-twins.

This is what made things more complicated.I decided not to tell my mates , because that would made things even worse. Azriel would blame himself if something happened to me and Cassian would  nag him forever about it. That's why I stayed quiet , at least until the birth starts.

"Hey,can we please calm down. I really need some peace today." I said with a quiet voice . The second those words left my mouth Azriel let Cassian go, coming to my side and pressing his lips to my hair. It seemed like Cassian didn't approve of it, as we heard him give out a growl.

"Cassian,please I want both of you to work together. When our baby arrives it will need all three of us..." I started but I was interrupted by Cassian again.

"I am not a father of this child. Stop telling me otherwise,I won't take care of someone else's spawn." Spit out Cass, those words cut deep in my heart. I never expected that he would be so mad with me carrying a new life.

"Whatch  your mouth Cassian-" started Azriel.

"Well,if you were so against me being pregnant,you could've told me to get rid of it before I fell in love with my child and it almost being born. You could've saved yourself much anger and nerves if you just said you did not want to raise a child. I'm sorry that such a little life is making you so angry." I muttered, leaving both of them in the hallway as I headed to my room.

Time skip

I was in my last month of being pregnant,but that didn't mean my relationship with Cassian got better. He avoided me and Azriel,only speaking when needed. Everyone knew what was going on but never mentioned it since they knew we were all on thin ice.

I was so thankful for Azriel being there for me. He helped me when I needed someone at the hardest times,he showed me he wanted this,that he wanted the child I was carrying.

He was there for me too the day when my water broke and I went into labor.
He wanted to be right next to me all the time,but that was interrupted when I told him to go get Cassian too.

I didn't care if he didn't want to be here. Judging by my huge size,I knew I was carrying twins but never opened the subject. If there was a possibility of them being his I wanted him here.

Azriel left me with Madja as he headed to find my other mate. If something happened to me...I wanted them to be there for our children,never leave them alone,make them feel loved.

Few minutes later both of them winnowed inside of the room. The moment I felt bothof them close to me my pain subsided-perks lf the mating bond.

"I need you here Cass,I need both of you here." I said through teary eyes.
He only nodded at me with the same sad expression as the two men stood at both my sides taking my hands in theirs as another contraction hit me.

"My suspicions wdre correct. It is not just one baby. We're working with two here. It is not going to be easy." said Madja, sweat forming on her forehead.

"W...what-twins? Like two babies?" splattered out Cassian, Azriel with the same shocked expression as his brother.

"Yes, twins. Now get back to reality, yours mate needs you two." said seriously Madja as she leaned in to check on me.

"You need to start pushing now, there's no time to waste ."she added.
"Everything is going to be okay love, we're with you." said Azriel, pressing a other kiss to my hand .

"If ...if something happens to me,take care of them...please. They need someone to love them unconditionally. If I'm not here to do it with you,do it for me too. Love them from me too,both of you." I breathed out.

"Nothing is going to happen to you,Y/N. Tomorrow we're going to be holding the our children, something we created together. And you'll be here with us."said Cassian,his words gave me a bit more power as the pain sucked every bit of it out.

Time skip

Hours went on and on. Excruciating pain shredded me like in a million pieces,but in the end...I was still here-alive and breathing. In the begging of dawn our son was born. His small head covered with  thick black hair,but that wasn't all. Shadows danced around him and his wings. He was with no doubt Azriel's child.

The second his father held him in his hands their Shadows mended together, greeting themselves like old friends.

I felt Cassian tense beside me as he watched Azriel stare at his child,look full of unconditional love. Now I understood him,he was afraid that we would be left out, though that both children were mine and Azriel's. He feared that he would have to watch us become a family while he just stood there,with no one to care for.

His fears were crushed when a second loud screamed echoed through the room. That was our daughter, loud as her father, hair curly like his too. Watching him take the small girl in his arms as tears streamed down his face made me cry too.

I had just given birth to two perfect babies,and I was still here to enjoy their presence and loud screaming.

"Thank you so much,Y/N . You've given me the most precious gift everyone could wish for. I hope you can forgive me for being so cold towards you the last few weeks. My fears took a hold of me. I was scared of being left alone to watching you two become parents. I thought luck once again passed around, missing me,I was an asshole for doing this to you. I love you so much." He said, leaning down giving me a kiss as our daughter wailed in his arms.

Azriel soon joined us too as we watched our children look for their siblings. The second their arms touched theirs tears stopped and soon they fell asleep.
We were gifted with the most precious giftd every person,fae and other being could ever wish for. And we were three to share the joy of it .

Thaddeus and Aria grew up to be an inseparable pair of twins,who loved getting in trouble together. It was a bit weird explaining our bigger family to them in the beginning,but after all they were thankful and happy the way things were and we couldn't ask for more

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