Kallias x Reader

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Y/N's POV:

I was just preparing the ingredients for me and my son-Nevis to bake a cake, a surprise for his father, that he insisted so much on making, when I heard the pitter-patter of small feet coming down from the staircase . Seems like our boy woke up from his nap earlier.

Me and Kallias were separated during Amarantha's reign, before he left that day I lost him, he took me to a hidden cabin, deep in the snowy forests of the Winter Court. It was small, but safe you see as he put protective wards before he left. I spent the next 50 years living there on my own.

When I heard the news that it was all over I couldn't wait to see my mate again, to feel his touch and his kisses again. And so, just  a year after he came back to me and things settled down, we found out I was pregnant with the next heir of the Winter Court.

"Mommy, mommy, did you start without me?!" - the small voice of Nevis rang through the house, his excitement over filling the kitchen.

"Of course not, my love. I was just about to come wake you up, but it looks like you got up on your own, like a big boy." - I said, picking him up, placing a kiss as his arms curled around my neck, giving me a "strong" hug as he liked to call it, as strong as his 5-year-old body was.

"Let's get started baby, so that cake of yours can be ready just before daddy comes home." - I said as I set Nevis down, getting a bowl for the ingredients.

"I'm going to make daddy the best cake he's ever had!" - exclaimed my son. His mood was everything, I was happy that we didn't have him before Amarantha's wrath, now he can grow up happy and careless with both his parents by his side.

"Sure you are baby, now go get some eggs for momma." - I smiled, petting my sons head, the feeling of his platinum blond hair in my fingers reminded me of his father. Kallias' has been away for almost 3 weeks, being busy with the other Lords, still trying to fix everything that was destroyed during the last 50 years.

I myself couldn't wait to see him again.

Time skip

We just finished making the cake, as I called for one of the women that helped me around the Winter Mansion so she could take over the process of baking the cake, as I went to bathe Nevis, who made himself look like a polar bear by dropping a bag of flour on his head.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home? He promised he would be back before sundown, but the sun is almost down and he's still not back yet!!" - shouted my son, his eyes teary, he was clearly upsed and I couldn't blame him. But you never know how long those meetings take.

" I know baby, but let's give you a bath and hopefully daddy will be back by the time we're finished."- I took his small, chubby hand in mine, leading him towards our bathroom.

Another time skip

Kallias's POV:

I was finally able to go back to my family after 3 long weeks of staying in the Day Court. I missed my wife and my son dearly.

It seemed like the time we had together was never enough after being separated for half a century. But right now I was dreading nothing more than going to the bedroom and getting a long, relaxing sleep.

I got back to the Winter Mansion, it was suspiciously quiet, as most of the time Nevis's voice wall all around the building. Thank the Mother, I don't think i could handle another minute filled with raised voices and shouting.

Before I went to bed, I stopped by my office to leave some documents I received during the meetings these weeks and check everything that arrived during my absence.

The peace and quiet were awfully interred by my son, who like a tornado snapped the door opened and threw himself on me.

"Daddy, daddy, you're finally home! Me and momma missed you so much! Can we please go play in the snow outside daddy? Please say yes. I want ti spend some time with you!!" - started rambling Nevis. He was getting on my nerves.

Don't get me wrong, I love my son to death and I would destroy the world for him if needed but right now, I couldn't take his small, toddler voice anymore and I snapped.

" Shut it boy! Don't you see your father is tired. You have so many toys to play with, and instead of doing that you come right at me. Leave me to take a rest. Go find your mother or something!" - when all my stress and anger was finally let out and I came back to my senses I heard quiet sobs, coming from no one else but my son. His eyes were full of tears,and more were streaming down on his small, innocent face.

"I am sorry daddy. I will go play with the new toy momma got for me." - he sobbed out and before I could reach out to him and apologize he ran out of the room, his cries filling the hallways.

Mother please help me, I thought as I put my head in my hands. It was all too much for me and I took it out on my son. Sometimes I felt like an awful father, and now this made it ever clearer.

Y/N's POV:

I was in the kitchen, cutting a few  slices of cake for Kallias, Nevis and myself when I heard shouting followed by my son's cries echoing around the house. This can't be something good.

I went off to look for my mate finding him in his office, staring outside the window into the beautiful, snowy mountains. One of his hands rubbing his forehead.

"Kallias, my love, what happened?" - I asked as I went to him, hugging him from behind, my head settling on his shoulder.

"I am an awful father, Y/N and what happened right now just confirms it. I can't allow political problems to enter in our family. I just scared Nevis away because I was just tired. I need to fix this." - he said, turning around to face me as I gave him a welcome home kiss.

" You're not an awful father, Kallias. Our son loves you so much. He was so excited to get you back home. We even baked you a cake that he helped with. He's still too young to understand that sometimes we need some time for ourselves to rest before we take on playing with him. Now go let's go find him together. "- I said,taking my mate's hand in mine, heading towards our son's room.

Quiet sobs were coming from behind the closed door.

" Nevis, baby. Daddy bis here looking for you. Please let us in. "-I said while knocking.

A few seconds later I heard him move fron the door as I opened it, letting Kallias enter alone. They had to talk just the two of them.

Kallias' POV:

"Hey, little man."- I said, sitting down next to my son who was curled up in a small ball on his bed.

"Daddy I am sorry. Don't be mad please, I love you I didn't want to make you angry." - his small voice came out mixed with more sobs.

My heart broke hearing those words.

"I am not angry, my boy. I was just tired and I took everything out in you. I should be the one apologizing. I promise I will never raise my voice on you again."- I said, pulling him towards me as his small hands found my shoulders, holding on them for a dear life.

" You promise daddy? "-he asked, looking at me with his snow like eyes.

" I promise, now, what do you say we go get mommy and try that cake she mentioned earlier?" - I offered.

I don't think I have ever seen his eyes light up faster.

"Yes, yes let's go daddy. I helped too, you will love it." - he screamed, grabbing my hand hurrying out of his room where his mother waited for us.

"I see all is well now?" - asked my beautiful mate.

"All is well, my love. Let's go get some cake."-I said as i picked my son in my arm, the other one going around my mate's waist as we headed towards the kitchen.

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