Eris x Reader

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AU Note: This one was requested so I decided to split it into 2 parts so I can make everything clearer and not rush things too much!!

Lots of love 

Summary: The entire action is based at the Autumn Court. Nobody knows of the secret engagement that happened between the oldest son of High Lord Beron and the reader.One day , while visiting his lover,hidden deep in Autumn's forests ,Eris learns the news that makes him come up with the idea to take his father's place as High Lord of the Autumn Court together with his future wife by his hide.For a better future.

Y/N's POV:

We loved each other deeply,but nobody knew. Me and Eris have been in a secret relationship for years, hidden from the eyes of his father.Who with no thought would've gotten me executed if he ever found out. That's why,when one day Eris suddenly popped down on one knee and proposed,we decided that I should stay hidden from his court. Until the circumstances got better at least.

Our life as an engaged couple was going smooth.Eris visiting every couple of days,telling his father that he had important work to deal with,away from the castle. That's when he came visiting to our cabin. I always welcomed him happy,with open arms.

It was all the same until one day I discovered that soon,we were going to have another live in our arms to protect our child. I was carrying another heir for the throne. If Beron found about our child,Mother knows what he would do. He could take them away from me,raising them to be a ruthless person,or worse kill them.

Eris came to visit a few days later.The news took a toll on him.He sat at one of the windows for hours,not saying a word or move at all.

When he came to his senses he came up to me.Showering me in hugs and kisses,telling me how happy he was that he was going to become a father.Then came the same realization that hit me after all the euphoria. The awful thoughts about what his father would do.

That was when we decided.After our child was born,we were going to do everything in our power,to kill Eris' father,him becoming the next High Lord.Saving everyone in the castle from their misery.


Eris's POV

I was about to visit Y/N the day after tomorrow,when I got a word from the healer that was secretly tending to her during her pregnancy.She was in labor and there was nothing I could do to sneak out and go be with her. It was at night already when I got the chance to leave and go to her. I was just hoping he and our child were okay.

When I got to our cabin I could sense the smell of blood from outside. Fear like ive never felt filled me. As I ran through the door and to the bedroom I saw her laying there.She was okay, thank the Mother. And there, in her arms lay our child,created with so much love.

It was when I heard my fiance's thought was I pulled out of my trance.

''Eris?''-she said,voice filled with concern

''Master Eris,come meet your daughter.''-said the healer.

'''Daughter? It's a girl?''- I asked .Still not able to process all the information.

I was a father now. I had another life besides mine that depended on me,on my actions. We needed to move fast. I was not going to let my daughter be raised in hiding and fear.

''Can I...Can I hold her?''- was all I could speak out loud.

''Yes of course love,please come here and take a look at her..''-smiled Y/N, bribing me with the sweet thought of my child in my arms.

The moment I got her in my hands was the one I was going to cherish forever. Her bright green eyes opening,taking the sight of her father in.She even smiled at me,with her small face.

''Kiah''- I muttered. ''I want to name her Kiah''- I said smiling,not even realizing it. I wanted her name to mean something about new,new beginnings. Exactly what we wanted.

What we were going to do was all about her.So she can grow up loved and free.

I then looked over my lover: get ready sweetheart. Once you've recovered,we put our plan into action. We're taking over this court.

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