Rhysand x Reader

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A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey!  💗

A/N: This was sent to me as a request  from a friend of mine who asked me to post this,after I edit it to my liking and style of course! ☺️ So feel free to add suggestions or critiques if something is off, please! It would be deeply appreciated! Also please vote,it means a lot to me and it also helps this book rise in different rankings, reaching a larger audience!!!💗


The High Lady was missing,she disappeared like thin air during one beautiful,starry summer night. Nobody knew what happened to her, nobody felt a foreign presence in the Night Court that would seem as a threat for their Lord and Lady.

The Inner Circle searched every single corner of their estates,every possible place they knew that where their High Lady visited in order to find peace and quiet, nothing. She was missing and nobody knew nothing. She disappeared, along with the next ruler of the Night Court that was growing in her belly.

Time skip


I can see him," Y/N said, mouthing as she spread out her wings,shot up in the sky and in the next second, she was gone,just a black speck heading in the direction of the battle, leaving Amren no choice but to follow behind her .

"Rhys!" she cried out as she plunged into the battle, but it was too loud, too deafening for him to hear her, so  she flew in a straight line toward the Mountains.

It was too risky that her sudden entry into battle would attract the wrong kind of attention.

Y/N  had her long dagger on her hip and a stolen sword she had just swiped from an enemy soldier but just as she was about to be attacked by an infuriated creature ,the Truth Speaker and the Ancient one, caught up to her quickly, flying up to her side,along with other Illyrian soldiers,who had come after seeing their leaders. 

"Rhys!" The High Lord checked his sword mid swing, pushed an Attor away with the brunt of his heel, and then changed directions.

"Y/N!" yelled Mor. "I think he sees you as well!".

His High Lady  turned in another direction and her eyes widened.Rhysand had in fact, changed directions and was heading towards her.

He landed softly on the ground, and so did she and the pair went to cross the distance between them, meanwhile slashing their enemies who were standing in their way. Rhysand's sword cleaved through those creatures as if they nothing but air between him and his lover.

Y/N knew he saw the enemy, but it was almost as if he looked straight through them, as he cut them down, one by one, his gaze never left her.

When the last one fell, he slung the blood from his sword and threw it on the ground  before Y/N fell into his arms. And despite everything-the battle, the fire, the smoke, the enemy all around them he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

"I had to find you," she said breathlessly, wrapping her arms around his neck, threading her hands through his hair. He kissed the corner of her mouth, her cheek, her forehead, in between words.

"I am glad you did," he said, "I'm so glad."

"I had to tell you I escaped." She breathed heavily,her eyes not leaving his for even a moment.

Rhysand's only answer was to claim his mate's lips with his in a loving and tender kiss.

"I need you to be safe,please. Let Amren take you to a safe place,this way we can both know the other one is at peace. I can't keep fighting not knowing where you are,if you're okay." He told her,their sweaty foreheads touching.

"I'll go, I'll go just please come back to me, I need you,we need you." replied Y/N as she waited for his response.

"I will,my love. I will come back to you and we will have the life we've always dreamed of. Now go. Go!" Rhysand said, yelling the last part out as he left Y/N's hands go and headed to the center of the battlefield again, leaving his beloved once again,deep in though if she was ever going to see her husband alive again.

Time skip

The High Lord and Lady of the Night Court both slept, dozing off and on and then off again.

The bed was not the softest, nor the sheets the finest, and the sharp smell of smoke from the fire on the battlefield still hung in the air, but Rhysand and Y/N both slept better than they had since a long time ago.

For her, it was the comfort provided by the feel of his arm curled protectively over her stomach and for him for him, it was the softness of her hair against his cheek. 

Even when Rhysand woke up and pulled himself up,rising to check in on the Illyrian soldiers he could not bring himself to leave his wife.

Instead, he traced lazy circles on her hip, palming the warmth between the blanket and her skin. He did not want to leave her. Only on the other side of the fabric walls of their tent, Rhys could hear Cassian organizing groups to send to the battlefield to help the injured ones.

Reluctantly, he untangled his legs from Y/N's and slowly drew his arm away from where it had been draped across her side until a hand clamped firmly around his wrist.

"Where do you think you are going?" Y/N asked him in a firm voice, though a yawn punctuated her words. Rhys turned to meet her eyes.

"There is much work that must be done today, my love." he told her.

"They will require the High Lord's assistance." She tightened her grip on his wrist.

"I require the High Lord's assistance right now," she said with a gentle tug on his arm.

He smiled then and kissed her. Rhys could not name the feeling that welled up inside him when she said she needed him, just an intense sort of pride that she was there and well and that she wished for him to stay with her.

It was the feeling of being wanted, needed. And he craved it, needed it in the same way leaves do when they turn toward the warmth of the sun. The beautiful thing was that his mate gave him that feeling so freely, without any tricks or terms.

"I'm so glad all this is over."said Y/N as she reached out for him, pulling his face down to hers,their noses touching. "We can finally start living again,no more deaths,no more sorrow."

"I promised you this exactly, didn't I." Replied Rhysand as he kissed his wife's lips softly,one of his hands reaching for her stomach, feeling the small bulge,where beneath the skin of her body laid another small, innocent life that was to be remembered as the moment in their lives when they actually started living.


A/N: This was sent to me as a request  from a friend of mine who asked me to post this,after I edit it to my liking and style of course! ☺️ So feel free to add suggestions or critiques if something is off, please! It would be deeply appreciated! Also please vote,it means a lot to me and it also helps this book rise in different rankings, reaching a larger audience!!!💗

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