Cassian X Reader Pt.2

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2 months passed since Cassian’s proposal and ever since that day we started preparing for the ceremony that was going to bind the two of us together forever.

At first Rhys made a proposition to hold a big, extravagant ceremony for us,but then we decided that this moment was too special to be shown to so many people.

In the end we ended up deciding on a small ceremony,family and close friends only.That included: the Inner circle,Lucien and Varian,who was invited by Amren
Here is how the entire thing was supposed to go: Me and Cass were going to get sworn in by a Priestess , only in the presence of 2 other people who were considered witnesses,confirming our bond and our love in front of the Mother herself.

After the ceremony was over,me and Cass would  get our mating tattoos, sealing in our mating.

We decided to skip the part were we went to consume the mating bond,us having it done the night when Cassian proposed .

Right at this moment, Mor, Nuala and Cerridwen were busy helping me get ready for the ceremony. Feyre and Nesta were given the task to go get my dress from the local seamstress,who decided to test my patience and finish my dress the day of the ceremony.

‘’Calm down,girl.Everything is going to be okay’’-said Mor,probably for the thousand times today,trying to give me some peace of mind,sadly- it was not helping me much.

‘’How can I stay calm,when just yesterday my dress was hanging on that wooden mannequin , only halfway done.’’-I huffed,brushing my hair.

‘’Think about the fun we are all going to have at Rita’s after that.Don't let something small ruin your fun.’’-she encouraged.

‘’Yeah,yeah fine.Now let’s get everything ready so when they bring the dress we are already done with everything else.’’-I hurried,wrapping a robe around myself.

Cassian's POV:

Today is the day. The day we finally seal our souls as one. Only a few hours left. I mean,my heart has always belonged to her,ever since the day we met,but now we were about to make it official.I could feel her stress through our bond, I just hope she’s alright.

Small-time skip


‘’Alrighty,now just the veil left.’’-said Mor,taking out a thick,white piece of fabric that was supposed to cover my face,symbolizing my innocence before my mate,only that I was not so innocent already.So much for traditions I guess.

‘’Okay,put this thing on my head and let’s go get this done.I’m way too excited to wait anymore.’’-I smiled. Thankfully my dress was ready on time,my stress gone now,only happiness and excitement left.

At the temple

Here we are already.Let’s get this party started. I thought to myself.
Everyone was already there waiting for me to arrive.

Cassian was standing next to the Priestess in an Illityan traditional attire,waiting for me with a big smile on his face.

‘’You look beautiful,as always,my love.’-I heard Cassian send through the bond.’’I can't wait to tear that dress off you tonight.’’-he added.

‘’Contain yourself,Cass.You’ll get that opportunity.For the next few hours let’s just be happy and share this moment with our friends and family.’’-I said,sending a soft caress down our bond.

‘’If everyone is here,we shall begin then.’’-said the Priestess.’’I would like to ask everyone to leave except the mates and their two witnesses.’’-which in our case were Mor and Azriel-our closest people.

Everyone else left,only 5 people remained in the sacred room.And so the Priestess began:

‘’With this gathering today,we are here to bind two old souls together,with the Mother’s blessing.Let those two have long lives,filled with nothing more but happiness,health and success. Give them rich offspring,give them power,give them love.’’-she started,eyes glowing,power filling her voice.
’’Now for when I say-repeat after me’’-she added.

Both me and Cassian ended up with teary eyes after listening to the other one repeating the sacred vow to the mother.

After the ceremony ended ,on both of our left arms appeared a tattoo,similar to one representing a bargain,only that this one represented our forever union.

After receiving lots and lots of gifts,and after we changed into more comfortable clothing everyone headed to Rita’s to a night full of happy moments.

‘’I would like to ask my bride for a dance.’’- I heard Cassian announce before everyone ,extending an arm out for me.

‘’And I shall accept,dear.’’-I replied,taking his tattooed hand in mine and we headed to the dance floor ,where slow music started playing.

A few minutes later,Rhys and Feyre joined us for a Dance,followed by Amren and Varian.

‘’I can't believe you are mine already.’’-muttered Cassian in my ear,placing a small kiss over my neck.

So he already started teasing me.

‘’Now and forever,my love.’’-I said, kissing him on the lips.

‘’Now and forever.’’-he replied,taking my lips in his.

We danced for hours,getting lost in the rhythm of the music.

It was already pretty late when we headed home,Cassian having way too many drinks,barely able to fly as to the apartment,almost crashing us into a tree,twice. Oh, how I was going to tease him with this performance of his.

‘’Cass,Cass please hold up at least until we get to the bedroom,I don’t want you sleeping on the floor.’’- I said,his heavy body almost slipping through my hands a couple of times.

‘’I don’t want to sleep either,baby,that small body of yours makes my friend down there pretty excited.’’-he muttered out,placing kisses over my neck going down to my collarbone.

‘’No,you are going to sleep.We can do whatever you want In the morning,I want you in your right mind when we share our first time as an officially mated couple.’’-I pushed him off of me.

I went to get him some water,but when I returned he was already out cold.I guess I am going to sleep too.

The next morning

I heard loud growling,looks like Cassian woke up.

‘’And so he arose from the world of sleep.’’- I teased my mate as I went to kiss him. He cupped my small face in his big hands,his tongue dancing with mine.

‘’I am ready to get what was promised me last night,baby.’’-Cassian said,his morning voice like a song to my ears.

‘’And you shall receive it,dearest.’’- I replied.

I took off my nightgown,laying down on the bed in front of him,legs spreading as he watched,the sleep disappearing from his eyes,lust taking its place.

‘’Oh baby you have no idea what you just got yourself into.’’-smirked Cass,as he slowly leaned down taking the most sensitive part of my body in his mouth,tongue dancing over it as I gave out a loud moan.

’’Yes baby,let it all out,I want everyone to
hear your sweet voice.’’-he said,before getting back to work.
And as he said,everyone did hear us after all.

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