Helion x Reader

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A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey!  💗


Never have I imagined that one day I'll be made a High Lady of the Day Court. I come from a poor background,it was only me and my mother ever since I was 5.My father left us when I was 5 and we never heard of him anymore.Ever since me and my mother worked hard for our food every day.She's at the market every day,trying to sell some of the vegetables we grew in our garden,but the money was never enough to live a stable life.
Because of that when I was 12 I started helping a local tailor,that made some of the finest dresses in the entire Day Court, whatever she made from a dress I helped for I got a few coins from it.

10 years later

I was once again helping in the process of making a dress,not for someone random,but the High Lord's mother herself.It had to be perfect. I was just working on the sleeve's final touches when the bell above the door rang,signaling that someone just came into the shop.

''I'll be with you in just a minute.''- I called out,taking the bracelet with all the pins off of my wrist,heading out of the back room.

''No pressure darling, I have time.''-called out a smooth voice,belonging to a male.When I brought my face up I saw the most beautiful man ever-High Lord Helion himself.

''M-my Lord, I never... I never expected to see you in here,how can I help you.''-I asked,my voice trembling, he was so captivating-his golden eyes,plump lips and smooth cheekbones,every single detail on his face and body so attractive,so kissable....that's when it happened, I never expected my mating bond to be with him.He was destined to be my mate,my one and only....

''You okay darling?Your face is a little bit pale,maybe you should sit down for a moment.''-he said,gently taking my upper arm in his big palm,leading me to a chair nearby,my entire body tingling when we touched.

All my life I have hoped to get a mate who would want me,who would love and cherish me,but now...the High Lord ,a peasant destined to be with a Lord,so pathetic.That's
a story only possible in books.No, I need to collect myself,act normal Y/N it's not the time to for self-pity.

''I am sorry my Lord, I just never expected to see you in our shop,how could I help you?''- I asked,trying to sound as calm as possible,like I have not just gotten my dreams shattered.

''Don't be so nervous my darling,I just came by to see how is the work going on a dress I ordered for my dear mother a while ago.''-he answered,giving me a small smile,a smile that could win and cause wars.

''Yes my Lord,I was working the final touches just when you came in,if you'd like you can come and check it out ,it is in the back room''

''Let it be a surprise,I just need it done in 4 days ,it's a gift for her birthday,I will come by to get it.Maybe you can do that for me,and also do me another favor...?''-he said ,his eyes wandering on my face.

''Whatever you need my Lord,its not often I get to do something for the rulers of the Day Court.''- I responded,smiling.At least I will see him one more time.

''I need someone to accompany me to my mother's birthday party....maybe you could be my lady for the night"-his eyes filled with hope.

''M-me,you want me to accompany you,my Lord?''-my eyes shocked,as was my brain.

''Yes,my darling,you are a beautiful gem,everyone deserves to see you''-his voice is like a song to my ears.

''Okay then, I-I'll be ready by then my Lord.''-I said,giving him my best smile,trying to hide the excitement bubbling inside my chest.

4 days later

I was ready,ready for the night of my life.Probably the first and the last one with my mate,when...if he discovers our mating bond he'll probably reject me.I shouldn't set my expectations very high.

The bell above the front door rang once again,making me known of the new presence in the shop.Turning around I was met with my mate's golden eyes,staring deep into my soul.

''Hey''- I said simply.

''You...you are the most beautiful''-he said in response..''And my mate''-this part took me off guard.He knew it was also going to be over soon.

''I...''-I started not knowing what to say.

''You knew?''-his shocked voice asked.

''Yes,yes I knew,but I didn't know what to say,you can just reject me already so it can be over sooner than later.''-my voice started to shaking already.

''Reject you?Why in the world would I reject you.You're my mate,the person I've been waiting for my entire life.I would never reject you.I want you right next to me.''-he said,voice sincere.

''I am not worthy of being your mate,you deserve someone better.''

''I deserve you,you were made for me,even before our birth,we were destined to be together.I will not reject you nor will I leave you alone.I want you with me,in my palace,if you have a family they can come too.I want my mate with me and happy. I am ready to give you the world if you ask that of me.''-he was smiling.He was accepting me the way I was,no prejudice,so was i.

2 years later

So much changed during those 2 years.I and Helion accepted the mating bond,and we are so happy.

Not long ago we discovered that I was carrying the next heir of the Day Court,which made the preparations for my High Lady ceremony much more intense,me wanting it over before I am big and angry.My thoughts were interrupted by my mother:

''Am I interrupting?''-she asked,a big smile on her face

''No,of course not mom,please come in.''-I said giving her my biggest smile

''I just wanted to check up on you,see if you need anything.''-her soothing voice rang through the room

''Mom,you took care of me my entire life,please now leave this to me, it's my turn.''-I said,giving her my biggest hug.

''My baby,I'm so happy for you,you worked so hard for almost your entire life,you finally got your happy ending.''-she said,her eyes tearing up.

''It is not the time for tears mom,come on wipe your face and think about the new addition to our family that will be arriving soon.''-she nodded.

''If it's okay I would like to get my soon to be High Lady for a few seconds''-said a third voice,belonging to my mate.

''Of course my boy, I'll be leaving you alone for now.''-my mom smiled,giving me one last hug before leaving.

''So...how's our next High Lord doing in there.''-he asked,arms going around my growing belly,nuzzling his head in my neck,inhaling my smell mixed with his,that carried the sign of our growing child inside of me.

''He's being very active these days,I think he can feel that both of his parents are very excited.''-I said giggling as Helion tickled my belly.

''I cannot believe I met you,my beautiful wife,I've waited over 300 years for you,and here you are,in my arms,carrying my child,about to become my High Lady and rule beside me for the end of our time.''-his tone serious laced with lots of love and affection.

''I finally got you and I am not letting you go,you and our son are the most precious ones for me in the entire world.''

A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey!  💗

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