Cassian x Reader

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A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey! 💗

Quick A/N: so I'm about writing a part 2 where Nesta meets our character and creating some drama.Let me know what you think of this. Lots of love xx

Summary: After hundreds of years of suffering in one of the Illiryan camps Y/N finally found her mate, the charming General of the Night Court. The thing is,that he is still suffering from Nesta's rejection that took place almost half a century ago.

Y/N's POV:

In all of my 390 years of life, I've been miserable. Being raised as an orphan in one of the many Illiryan camps is not a luxury. Women around here are treated as nothing more than child barriers and maids. Constantly being harassed can leave a big mental scar in your mind,not being able to stand a male's touch anymore. My only dream was to find a way to get out of here,but it seems like there is no possible way to do so.

So here I am , my back being whipped in front of the entire war camp for not obeying a male , Loke, when he wanted me to relieve his sexual desires. My cries going quieter every time the whip comes in contact with my skin tears already gone from crying too much.

''Please...''-I croaked out-''I learned my lesson, please let me go.''- I cried out,my back scarred for life and bloody.

'' I do not think so''- my punisher says, his voice filled with irony,he clearly was having fun on my back,both figuratively and literally. I might be dead soon but not my sarcasm.

Just as I was about to pass out there was a loud whooshing noise that was followed by a loud,commanding voice:

''What in Mother's name is going on in here!''-as I looked up from the ground it was not someone random,but out General Cassian himself.

''You are not my master, I am just applying the camp's rules.''- Loke said, his voice arrogant and filled with anger.

There was another voice seconds later, a voice that I haven't heard in years, it belonged to our High Lord-Rhysand.:

''You shall obey your High Lord's commands then. Leave....the girl....alone, or there will be far more painful consequences than just whipping your back too.''- Lord Rhysand said,as I felt my hands being untied and my body falling on the ground.

My visions was going blurry and I was ready to pass out when I felt 2 strong hands picking me up and pulling me into a hard male's chest. As I looked up to see my savior's face,my entire body started tingling and then there was silence once again, I felt our mating bond snap in its place.

Oh my... so it's him who's been assigned by the Mother herself to be my one and only,even after his first mate rejected him almost 50 years ago. '' It was going to be messy'' I thought. I doubt he is ready to accept another mate so soon. I have heard stories,about faes that were never able to recover and accept another mate after the first one's rejection. I just hope that he will get me out of here, I desire nothing more than that. I want to live a peaceful life, it didn't matter if it was with him or on my own.

''Hey,hey look at me''- I heard Cassian say as he shook me in his hands,trying to make me stay awake as long as possible.'' I will get you out of here okay, please just try and stay awake''- he said,voice filled with concern.

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