Lucien x Reader Pt.1

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AU NOTE:The artwork above is not mine, but i put it as a reference for this one-shot!!!


Summary: Lucien and the reader have been trying to have a child on their own for quite a while,but nothing seems to happen. Desperate and sad,Lucien says some hurtful things, having to do something with his actual mate,Elain,who he rejected so he can be with the reader.

Nothing seemed to work.Visiting healers,drinking teas that were supposed to help with conceiving, nothing helped us in getting a child of our own. After seeing Rhys and Feyre being so happy after getting Nyx, Cassian and Nesta expecting twins any day now made us even more desperate.

You see, I and Lucien are not mates. We met after he had already met his mate-Elain,but together they decided to reject the mating bond,both of them having their heart set on somebody else.Everyone was shocked when they learned the news about them rejecting the bond. Elain was the kindest soul I have ever met, having nothing against me. I can't say the same about her sisters though.

Feyre and Nesta weren't happy with the news. Seems like they wanted everyone from the Inner Circle to be with their mate, but as some tails say, sometimes the Cauldron makes mistakes. And when it does we have to fix them ourselves,in my case-being with the love of my life.

''Did you check it already?''- I heard Lucien say from behind me, his hands going around my waist,hugging me from behind.

Every month we had a healer make a special potion for me,that can detect a pregnancy with a drop of blood from the woman that's supposed to be pregnant.

''No, I was waiting for you to come back,so we can check together.''- I said, desperation clear in my voice. ''Lucien, I don't know if I can take seeing that purple color one more time''.

The potion had 2 colors- purple stands for ''not pregnant'' and pink for ''pregnant''. All the potions that we used in the past 5 years of trying for a child were purple .

''Love ,please, even if you're not with child,it does not mean we have to give up. You heard was Madja said, it sometimestakes our  kind decades to conceive a child. We have all the time in the world to get ours. Even if we can't have our own,there are thousands of children around Prythian, waiting for someone to take them in and love them as their own. Not getting pregnant doesn't mean our chances for a baby are gone. We can handle this together.''- explained Lucien,his voice soothing my soul that burns every single day with desire for a child.

Thank the Mother for him, if it was somebody else in his place I don't think they would've stayed with me for that long, childless. But Lucien did,and he loved me in every way possible. I can't afford to lose him.

'' I love you,so much.''- I said,turning my body around,still in his arms,hiding my head in his chest.

Listening to his calm heartbeat was the only thing that could make me calm down at this moment. Knowing that he's here,with me, that we are together.

''I love you too,very much,now let's go check out .Give me your hand.''-hands joined together, we headed towards the bathroom's counter where a small vial stood.

''Okay, I'll open it.''-I said. Hands shaking, I took it in my hands,taking the cap off , looking inside.

My heart shattering once again as it did for the last 5 years,every single month.

''What is it?''-asked Lucien,hope evident in his voice.

''I am so sorry..''-I choked out, tears already going down my cheeks.''We are not having a baby''- I started crying.

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