The Bone Carver x Reader

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It was a rainy day when I met him. I lived outside of the village nearby,there was a storm outside,the trees weren't visible through the rain and wind.

That was when I heard a knock on my door, I was hesitant at first but then I thought it might be someone in need of shelter.

"Please! I need somewhere to hide! I'm not going to make it in the forest." a desperate voice called from outside.
With not hesitation I ran to the door, opening it wide for the stranger to get in.

The wind was so strong that I barely managed to close the door,I wouldn't have made it if the man helped me .

"May the Mother bless you for saving me."said a husky voice from under the cloak the man was wearing.

Shivers ran down my spine, the voice I heard was cold,like something ancient was speaking to me.

The head under the black fabric looked up my way. I gasped to the view. It was a man,a beautiful man,skin pale,eyes dark,with just a little bit of white in the corners. That was no ordinary fae. It was something else.

"You... you're not scared of my looks?" He asked, eyes full of shock,even surprise.

"Why would I be scared of you. You're a beautiful man if I can say. And you needed a place to hide. I wouldn't have let you die out in that storm." I smiled.

"Let me go find you some dry clothes to put on while yours dry by the fire or you'll get a cold.

Would you like something warm to drink,or some soup? I just made a bowl for myself." J asked with a kind smile.

"I won't refuse some soup If it's not a problem. I haven't eaten for maybe a week or so" he said,his answer making me gasp.

"Of course,its no problem. Please go warm up by the fire while I get some clothes and prepare you a bowl." I ushered him towards the warmest  place in the entire cabin.

Time skip

The storm went on the entire night. The man,whose name I didn't bother asking for,slept on the couch,while I slept in my room.

The next morning if was snowing hard and I couldn't let him leave.

"You don't understand... people are looking for me... I escaped the Prison. I'm a wanted criminal, you shouldn't risk your own safety for a complete stranger." he said as he tried to leave.

"If you really were a criminal you wouldn't have been so polite. You would've threatened me or even killed me in order to hide here. I can tell you're a kind man." I said as I blocked the door.

My voice was followed by a thick silence.

"I....I was falsely accused for illegal actions against the High Lord a thousand years ago...I managed to escape two weeks ago when security was weakened. I can't risk an innocent life trying to hide." he said.

"Nobody comes in that area,you can stay for as long as you need. I've been alone my entire life,I don't mind some company around the house." I gave out a warm smile as he returned it.

"You have no idea how thankful I am for doing this for me." he said, looking down.

"Nobody has ever believed me, you're the first one to do so."

"You said you saw me as a handsome man. What do you see when you look at me?"he asked with a quiet voice.

"Well...I see a pale skinned man,with the blackest hair I've ever seen and eyes deeper that the largest oceans around the world." I replied as I walked towards him slowly.

"I never got your name..."I continued."I'd like to know it if you're going to be staying in here"

"I don't have a name....they call me the Bone Carver. I am not just a fae...I can shape-shift. When people look at me,they see their deepest fears,my forms change depending on the person I'm speaking to....but you. You see my true face, nobody's ever done that. How's that possible?"he explained everything on one breath as I took in all the new information.

So I was right,he was different.

"Then we should think of a name for you,one that suits you...what about suits you pretty means kind and honest person. You told me the truth ... you're not a bad person." I said with a big smile.

"Caris....I like sounds... unique."he said with a small smile as if grew bigger.

Time skip

Weeks,months and years passed. Nobody came looking for the man who was not called Caris-my husband.

Yes,we got married a few years ago ,after finding out he was my mate .

It happened so unexpected, we were running on the small yard in front of the house when we fell over each other. Staring into the other ones eyes something warm and gentle appeared in my chest,and by Caris' reaction I could tell he felt it too.

"You're my mate." he breathed out.

"How's that possible...I thought mates were rare?"I asked slowly, falling in a trance by his eyes.

"I don't know,but I've found you....after thousands of years of walking around earth by myself. I found my other part." he said as he bent down, kissing me with all the passion imaginable.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips.

"I love you much." he replied as he just stared into my eyes. "Marry me....marry me and have a happy life with me by your side. I've never loved anyone like I've loved you. You saw through my illusions,you saw the true me, believed me when nobody else did. Spent the rest of your life with me." his raspy voice said, slowly caressing my cheek as he waited for my response.

"Of course I'll marry you...I love you so much. I'll be honoured to be the woman you call your wife,Caris. I love you with all my heart." I replied as we kissed again.

And that's our story. The story of how two lonely souls met and were reborn,this time with  someone to love forever.

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