Devlon x Reader

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Y/N's POV:

Never in my life had I thought about finding my mate or falling in love. Ever since I was little everyone un my family knew i inherited my father's temper, building walls around myself and not letting anyone in, and nobody ever bothered trying to pass through them.

That's why I devoted my life to becoming a Valkyrie and serving the High Lord, who happened to be my brother-Rhysand.

I have just finished my training and have joined the Valkyrie when one day while visiting an Illyrian war camp with my brother i found my mate. And it was no one else but the Lord who ruled it-Devlon, the man my brother deeply despised.

Ever since then I decided to stay with him in the camp and that was when the relationship between my brother and I changed forever. He never really bothered to come check up on me, only sending Cassian or Azriel. Even though I didn't show it, deep down I was hurting for my big brother.

Even a bigger surprise was Devlon's attitude towards me. I expected him to be cold and distant but he  wasn't. He treated me with resped and as his equal. He was the only one who put some effort in trying to get past my walls. And he did. And I loved him for that. Not to forget to mention how amazing he was in bed.

A war with Hybern was approaching and everyone was on edge. My mate was too, as he had an entire camp to prepare for war, not knowing how many he will loose.

Right now I was preparing for bed when Devlon finally came back to our house. Tired expression placed on his face. Recently we barely had any free time for just the two of us. But given the times, even sleeping in each other's arms was enough.

"How was your day love?" - I asked as I went to massage his tensed shoulders.

"As stressful as always. Your brother is being a pain in the ass no less." - he grumbled.

"That's the way he is, love. '-I said, placing a small kiss which led to me being swirled around, finding myself in my mate's amrs.

" I love you so much. "-he mumbled, giving me slow, passionate kisses.

" I love you too. "-I answered, he was tje second person I've ever said those words to, the first one being my mother.

"I made a decision about you during this war. I want you to stay here and rule over the camp while I'm gone. Everyone repects you. They'll will acc you as their leader."-he finished, teasing my neck as he spoke.

"I am ready to accept whatever you say right now. Just promise me one thing. Promise me you will return back to me, alive." - I said as I took his face in my hands, looking into his deep, dark eyes.

"I promise to give every lasr bit of energy I have left to return to me, love." - he answered. With that we went to sleep, dreading the upcoming day.

The next day

It was time for all the worrios to leave for war, leaving only the injured and women and kids in the camps.
I was saying my goodbyes to my closest friends when my brother and his frinds arrvied. So it was finally time.

"Devlon, Y/N it's time." - my brother said, meeting my eyes for the first time ever since I chose my mate.

"Brother, please can I talk to you alone. Just for a second." - I asked with a quiet voice.

"Of course." - he answered as he motioned to to a more secluded area.

"What is it?" - he asked.

"Brother, I know you probably wish to go as soon as possible and not spent another second with me, but please just listen. I know you do not approve of me and Devlon, I know how much you despise him. But I love both of you. You are my brother, and as much you don't want to listen,I just wanted to wish you luck, and if you come back... we can maybe fix the ruined sibling bong between us. Come back alive, brother and please... bring him back to me. I love him. "-by the time i finished I was already sobbing, I was looking towards my feet, not dating to look my brother in the eyes.

" I understand. Thank you, Y/N. "-was the only thing he said before he turnes his back on me as he headed back to his mate, hugging her and giving her a kiss in the forehead. Oh brother how I miss your love. I wish you never hated me.

And so they all left, leaving the camp almost empty. We didn't know how many were going to return, I just hoped my closest people would come back alive.

Time skip

It has been a week since they left. Things have been pretty calm, everyone was doing their job trying their best not to think of the possible deaths of their loved ones.

Me and Devlon have been talking through out bond, it was the only possible way of comfort, it was not much but enough for us.

It has been at the begging of the second weeks they were gone when I heard someone winnow in, and the sounds of wings flying and landing. They were back. But deep inside me something told me I was not going to like the outcome.

I ran outside the house, right to the training area where everyone was. Mothers and wives wrre hugging their sons and mates, crying tears of joy and thanking the Mother. I saw my brother amd his friends. The only person I didn't see was Devlin.

"Brother, where is he? Where's my mate?" - I asked, my heart beating faster with every second i didn't receive an answer.


"WHERE'S DEVLON, RHYSAND?!" - I screamed, tears falling out of my eyes.

"He's at the healer's tent, but he's not good. He was heavily injured last night. We came back as soon as we could, but ot still took time." - explained my brother, my heart shattering woth every word of his.
After hearing all of this i ran towards the healer's tent. Heavy smell of blood hit me when I entered,my heart clenching hard.

On a bed layed Devlon, his entire body bloody, his chest barely moving as a healer tended to his wounds.
"Y/N."-I heard him croak out.

"I am here my love. I'm here, save your strength. You need it in order to heal." - I sobbed out, holding his hand in mine. I was not aboit to lose the only man who evee loved me.

"I want you to know. I love you, with all my heart. Remember this if I don't make it."

"You're going to be fine, my love. You will heal and we will be together again. I won't let death take you away from me." - I promised him, holding his head evem tighter.

Hours passed.

I stayed by my mate's side every single minute,praying to the Mother that she would spare him. I was almost asleep when I heard someone enter the tent, that being my brother.

" Is it not enough that you made me suffer by isolating me for so long so you come in here to watch me as I pray for my mate's life?" - I spat, my sorrow and pain getting the worst of me

"I am here to apologize, Y/N. I never hated you, you're my little sister I have always loved you. I was just never ready to see you take in your own path in life. I hope someday you'll find it in your heart to forgive me" - said Rhysand, leaving the tent ad the only response he got was my silence.

"You know you shouldn't be so hard on him, love. He's your brother after all." - said a voice i never expected to hear again.

"Devlon! You're awake. Thank the Mother, I thought I was never going to hear your voice again." - I let out another sob, this time a happy one as I kissed my mate, his lips warm not cold as they were hours ago.

"You're not getting rid of me that easy babe. And you know it. I gave you a promise and here I am back to you."-finished Devlon as we shared another kiss.

He was back,and we were going to be okay.

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