Tamlin x Reader

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During my long lifespan I have never had the opportunity to meet one of the High Lords that ruled over our land-the Spring Court.

That was until a few months ago when I found a wounded man ,a few meters away from my forest cabin where I've lived for almost my entire life.
He was beautiful-long , blind hair streaming down to his shoulders, green eyes that looked like freshly blossomed leaves,and a beautiful,strong body.

He was badly injured-a dagger in the middle of his stomach, clothes torn , hanging around his body ,soaked with his blood.

The moment I saw him I felt the urge to help him. I took him in,took care of his wounds and stitched them up as good as I could. I was a healer who just finished my training. I was just starting to learn how real life was.

He slept for 3 days straight. When he woke up I tried asking him questions,like where was he from,does he have a family that we should look for, but i never received ab answer.

He asked if he could stay with me in the house, promising to help me with work I couldn't do myself. Of course I agreed.

His name was Tamlin,I learned,the only thing he told me.

He lived with me for 3 months before one day out of the blue he took me aside, confessing that during those 3 months he had fallen in love with me . And I couldn't blame him,because I did too.

After that faithful day we started our relationship,we were happy together,he was kind and loving,but there still was his past that I knew nothing about.

My questions were answered one day when a knock sounded from our door. Tamlin was the one to open it, in our door was standing a beautiful male, hair red as a raging fire,one of his eyes was missing and was replaced by a machanic one.

"You have no idea how long I've been looking for you,my friend. I thought you were dead,the entire court thinks you're dead, thankfully you are alive." said the male, giving Tamlin a hug.

So they knew each other.

"Lucien I think...'' started Tamlin,but be was interrupted by Lucien as I heard his name was.

"You're a High Lord , Tamlin,you need to return to your duties,to lead your people." Lucien's words shocked me.

Tamlin was my High Lord? How was that possible? Why he never told mr anything about it?

"Tamlin?" I called out for him, finally coming out from my hiting spot behind the wall.

"Is this true Tam, are you the High Lord?" I asked,my voice desperate. "Tell me!"I raised my voice .

"Yes. ..yes it's true. I'm the High Lord. So what? Shouldn't you be happy? You can finally leave this smelly hole you call a house. I can give you a good life. So why are you mad?" his voice was filled with something I've never felt before.

He was acting like a whole other person. That was not the man I fell in love with almost half a year ago.

A smacking sound echoed through the room. It was me who slapped him, my body controled by rage .

"You have no right to insult my home and the way I live . I have built this house with everything I had. Not all of us are born with a golden spoon in our mouth. The man who confessed he loved me 3 months ago would have never said such a thing. But it seems like when you were reminded who you actually were...your true colors came out. " I said. I was not going to let a man ,even if I loved him unconditionally,to insult me and my home that I sacrificed so much to build.

"How dare you speak this way to me..." he raised his voice,but ince again I interrupted him.

"I have every right to return your insuls. Is this how you treat the woman that saved your life,and later gave you everything she had left. You make her feel useless with your titles and how wealthy you are . Well, I will not listen to these things anymore. I want you to leave my house and don't come back, my Lord." I said the last part with gritted teeth, letting my anger out.

For a second I thought I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes,but it was quickly replionxe again with arrogance and anger.

"Of course I will leave. You thinking I'd prefer living in this hell hole with a peasant like you who barely makes any money. I am a Lord, I deserve a decent woman. I saw you only as a distraction,nothing more." He said harshly,his voice like venom.

I couldn't hold in the pain he caused me and so tears started falling down on my face. He used me for his own desires.

"So all the time we spent here was nothing? All the nights we shared together and all the loving words we exchanged were just for you to have where to stick you dick at?!" I was screaming now. The pain in my heart was horrible.

I was hoping that I've finally found a man with a good heart who loved me and was ready to spent the rest of his life with me. Turns out I was wrong.

"Yes" was his only response.

"Then leave Tamlin! Leave my home,leave my life . I don't want to see you ever again. It is enough that you ruined me. Leave!" I screamed again .
Without giving them time to respond I went to the room that me and Tamlin used to share and locked the door.

I don't know how much time I spent locked up in there, but when I woke up in the middle lf the night the house was quiet. They have left. The only man I've ever loved left, leaving with my heart in his hands.

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