Reagar X Reader

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A\N: Hello, everyone !!! I just wanted to let you know that I just posted a sneak peek of a new book I am starting to write! One of the one-shots I've written in here inspired it. It would mean so much to me if you check it out and help it grow, reaching a wider audience! I've been thinking of doing this for a long time, but I decided to actually start just now after gaining some experience in creative writing courses in college and how I can develop my ideas and plots.

Thank you all so much for the love and support you've shown me and I hope you'd join me on this new journey!  💗

A/N: Okay people hear me out!!! This is something completely new that I've wanted to try and write for a while! Please be nice and read the whole thing before saying something! It would mean a lot of me if you tell me if it's good and if it's worth to include this character in future stories!!! There are some plot holes I know that but I just couldn't wait to share this with you , I will edit it some time in the future to make it perfect but this is it for now❤️


As my father liked to say, marriage between nobles wasn't just a simple ceremony that would be held and sealed with a kiss. It was a political deal made between two families that would result in peace between the two courts and keeping the "royal blood" pure.

It all started with an arranged marriage between my older sister and Reagar,the son of the High Lord of the Night Court and the next heir in line. This was a very important matter as my parents liked to say and also another reason for the tension in our home, nothing should come in the way of this marriage happening.

Given the fact that my family was about to leave the next morning for the Night Court,me and my two other sisters were called in our father's study to be told once again about the way we should behave during our stay there. 

What nobody expected was the discovery we made the next morning,my older sister,who was supposed to be the Night Court's bride has gone missing, already left the borders of the Autumn Court,even Prythian itself.

My father was furious,his anger resulted in burning half of the family garden,my mother's hands when she tried to get him to calm down,and a hideous burn scar on my face as I was the closest person in his sight after my mother.

With my sister disappearing and being disowned by my father,in the matter of seconds the role of the future bride landed on me,the next daughter in line. My world shattered in seconds. Our father's hold on his two daughters got so tight after that we couldn't even eat our food in peace without a servant or a guard hovering over us, following our every move.

It's been a week since we arrived in the Night Court but I was yet to see my future husband. You see his father had appointed him a general of his Court and he had the task of running all the training camps that were built all around the Night Court.

I was on the balcony of my room,the only place I was allowed to be at. Ever since we arrived here my father demanded that I was to stay here and go nowhere else. I ate in my room,slept there and everything else you could think of I did there. With the small of my eye I noticed my father and the High Lord walking around the large garden, having  a heated conversation.

"What your daughter did dishonored not only my family but yours as well. I'm letting this pass one time,but if your other girl pulls something like this as well,you and your whole bloodline will regret this deeply and won't live to see another day." Aeris- Reagar's father spoke angrily,his voice laced with venom,eyes cold as death.

"I realize how big this problem is and I promise that my daughter would not do the same thing this filth did before we came here. Y/N is too foolish and afraid of her father to try and anger him again. She suffered the consequences of her... sister's...actions. She will not dare to do the same." My father hissed as his eyes looked ahead of him,arms crossed behind his back as the two men continued their walk.

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