Rhys x Reader Pt.1

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A/N: before someone attacks me I'd like to say that I've taken parts from this story from another book (Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas),full credit to the original author. I just loved this book and I wanted to make something similar 💖


Was I snoring?” she whispers.

I smile, trying not to laugh. “No.”
She’s so self-conscious, and it’s adorable. I hug her to me, feeling so filled, because everything I need is in my arms right now. Her curves fit every inch of mine, and I’m whole. My chest fills with something almost too much to contain.
She breathes calmly, and I run my hand over her naked stomach, my body coming alive for her. So easily, like it always does.

Suddenly, her small voice pierces the quiet room again.

“You got me pregnant,” she whispers.
I still. What did she say?

No, that can’t be right. We’ve been careful.
When I don’t say anything, she turns around and faces me, her guarded eyes on mine. “I missed my period last week,” she says timidly. “I took a few tonics earlier today. Best I can figure is I’m about a month along.”

I close my eyes. Oh, my God. A baby?
My baby.

“I hope she has my eyes,” she tells me.
I open mine. “Your eyes?”

“Well, she’ll be a mix of both of us, after all,” she explains, “and I want her to have your smile. It evens out, right?”

I touch her face. “You’re sure? There’s a baby?”

She nods. “I’m sure.” She looks at me warily and asks, “Is that okay?”

I open my mouth, no words coming out. A baby? I picture myself waking up with an infant in the middle of the night, being throws baby food at, changing smelly diapers,and I’m overwhelmed, but strangely, I feel...so fucking in love with her and the idea of her body growing with my child.

But I wanted her to have choices. Does she really want this?

The only thing I know is that I want her. I want everything with her, and I wish, for her sake, it wasn’t yet, but I wanted this eventually.

“I love you,” I whisper. “I love you so much.”

She exhales and smiles as if she were holding her breath that whole time, and climbs on top of me, straddling me. 

“I love you, too.” She kisses me, her naked body molding to mine. “I was so nervous. I didn’t know if you’d want more kids, or—”

“Shh, baby,” I tell her, kissing her and holding her face. “I love you. I just…” I pause and then continue, looking up into her eyes. “You’re stuck with me now, aren’t you?”

She gives me a little smile, and I take her ass in my hands.

“I’ve seen lots of bad love, Rhys,” she says. “We both have, haven’t we?” And then she does the barest of grinds on me, awakening my body immediately. “This is the good kind. When you find it, you keep it. Nothing is more important.”
I grow hard as she moves against me, and I hold her face, staring up into her eyes.

“Do you love me?” she asks.

“I’ll never stop loving you.”

She dives in, kissing me and hovering her lips over mine.

"I’m so lucky,” she whispers. “We’re so lucky.”

I dig my hands into her and pull her closer, but there’s suddenly nothing there, and I blink my eyes open, seeing that my arms are empty. It was a dream, and I can’t slow my breathing. Whipping off the sheet, I sit up, swing my legs over the side, and bury my head in my hands.

I've been having the same dream over and over again ever since she disappeared,every single night I'm reminded of what we could've been,what we could've had if our relationship had come out different.

“Fuck,” I choke out, my forehead covered in sweat.

I’m still hard, blood pulsing through my cock, because I can still feel as much now as I could three months ago. I’d give anything to have her in my arms right now.

Standing up, I pull on my pants and head out of the bedroom. I pass Nyx's room where he’s asleep inside and quietly open Y/N's door.

Her room’s been closed up for 3 months and I’m overcome as soon as I inhale.

She’s everywhere, and I close the door and switch on the light.  Everything is just as she left it. Her favorite books sprawled over the floor,a few gowns laying on the bed , everything screamed her name.

I can’t get away from her, and I never want to. I I was in love with Feyre at one time, but It wasn’t like this. Feyre's been gone for over than 3 centuries now.She was taken away from us too soon,but as much as I loved my first wife and mate,the moment I laid my eyes in Y/N that faithful day,I knew I was a goner.
And I never even told her. She doesn’t know that I love her.

I never thought I’d say this, but Azriel is right. I would’ve loved her with everything I had. She was it for me. I would’ve gone to any  length to make us the happiest woman ever. But I blew that chance.

By choosing to keep my only son by my side I drove away the woman that had found her way to my heart. The day Nyx found out our relationship he gave me an ultimatum, either she leaves or does he. There was no in-between. Without even giving me the chance to speak Y/N chose for me, winnowing away from the Town House.

The only thing I received from her after that was a short letting where she explained her sudden disappearance and how she couldn't let me lose the only family member I had left. She also explained that her going away was probably the best option since she didn't have anyone to lose. You had me baby,you should've just stayed, I could've figured something out. We would've been a family by now if you hadn't abandoned me.

I have been regretting my choices for the past 3 months,Azriel and Cassian had the hard task to look for Y/N all over Prythian no matter how much time it takes them. I had to find her,no more doubs,I knew what I wanted and that was her. Nobody else.

A sudden rumble through the bug mansion pulled me out of my thoughts. That should be Cassian,no one else dares to come over so late at night.

Without even bothering to knock on the door he knew where I was,I always went to her room whenever I was lonely and he knew that.

"I found her,brother. She's working as a healer in the Winter Court,it was a pretty distant area where she's at that's why it was so hard for us to find her." Said Cassian,his breath laboured from him flying all the way from his previous destination.

"Take me there! Take me there now!" I said as I headed in his direction, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Now? Right now? It's way past midnight Rhys we can do that in the morning." He tried reasoning with his High Lord.

"Right now, Cassian. I waited long enough for us to find her I'm not willing to wait another minute even." I saidzmy eyes piercing through his.

I'm coming to get you back,my love,just wait a little bit more, nothing will come in between us this time.

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