Tamlin x Reader Pt.2

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I have been back in Rosehall mansion for maybe 3 months,but it hasn't been a day that I have stopped thinking about her. She was in my thoughts constantly.

The day I left her home my anger took the worst of me. When I saw her reaction when Lucien called me the Lord thought she was going to be angry with me . So I acted before thinking and ended up hurting her feelings.

I missed her presence,her warmth every night when I have nightmares. There's no one to wake up to after a night terror,no one to hold me as memories from under the Mountain flooded back in my mind.

I finally came to the realisation that I wanted this woman for the rest of my life. As my wife ...and if she accepts as my High Lady too.

Today I finally got the balls to go back and find her. Apologise, Tell her how sorry I am and how much I love her . This was the woman for me and no one else.

I rode my horse,Aspen, deep into the Spring Court's forest in the direction of her small cabin. After hours I finally found it.

It was quiet around the house, inside of it too. I knocked but I never got a response,so I decided to just go in .

The furniture was covered with sheets,the table and chairs covered with dust. It was like nobody lived here anymore.

After looking around the house I was met with the bedroom door . Her sweet scent was coming from this room. Thank the Mother I thought, without giving it a second thought I opened the door.

I expected her to be asleep ,but no. What I saw horrified me. She layed in her bed, skin pale as a white bed sheet,chest falling and rising slowly, she was looking up at the ceiling. I don't even know if she noticed me.

I ran to her side,taking her cheek in my hand,her skin was like ice . What was wrong with her?

"Tamlin? Is that you? Am I dreaming again? Oh please let me wake up,not again." she croacked out as her eyes became glossy.

"It's me,my love,yes. What happened to you? I need to know." I asked desperately.

"After ...you...left..."she started , needing to take  breaths after every single word. "I started... feeling sick." She continued but stopped,just looking at me.

"Please,Y/N I need to know so the healer knows what to do!" I said, sending with a wave of my hand a message for Lucien to send a healer to where I was.

"I went..to a healer...she said..she said my heart...was too weak...she said...I need medication...but..it was...too expensive...for me...to afford it." She finished as tears started to fall down her cheeks.

I left her here without even knowing something was wrong with her. If I have stayed or just...taken her with me she wouldn't have been in this condition right now... probably taking her last breaths.

"I'm so sorry,my love. You have no idea how sorry I am for acting this way. I love you so much. I called for a healer,she should be here soon. You're going to be okay, then when you're healthy, we're going to be happy again. Please just hold on my love. I can't lose you." i begged her.

"I...love you..too... Tamlin" she said,even weaker than a few minutes ago.

I heard a whoosh in the room ,right behind me. The healer arrived sooner than I expected.

"My Lord, I need you to leave me work,please wait outside. I shall call for you when she's stable" said the young girl.

I nodded , heading to the living room as the waiting began.

An hour later the healer came out of the room, carrying a small bottle of some kind of liquid.

"She's stable for now My Lord. This is what she needs to take for her condition. It's very sour and the herbs in it are expensive. I understand why she let her condition get this bad, these are very expensive and can't be found in the Spring Court only in the Night Court. I got it as a gift from a relative,but maybe you can speak with the High Lord himself to send you some." Explained the girl.

I only nodded as I let her leave and headed back to the bedroom. She layed there, wide awake. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Tamlin, you're still here? I thought you left."said her sweet voice . How I missed the sound of it.

"You shouldn't have called for anyone. I can't afford the medicine for my condition. I am going to die sooner or later."she whispered the last part.
She was ready to die,just because of  something she couldn't afford. I was not going to let her die because of this.

"You're not going to die,Y/N. I came here looking for you I want to apologize ,for everything I said that day. I didn't mean any of it. I thought you were going to be angry with me because I kept a secret my heritage. So I acted quickly to save my feelings from being hurt,but it only made things worse. I need you in my life Y/N and I'm going to do everything I can to keep you save and healthy. Only if you accept my apology. Even if you don't... I'll do anything possible to send you doses of your medicine every month. I love you,I only want you to be safe." I said, kneeling down to her bed.

I looked down at the floor,ashamed to look at her beautiful eyes. Seconds later I felt a soft hand holding my chin.

"Tamlin, I never stopped loving you. Your words hurt me yes,but you were a constant thought in my mind. You were going to be the last person I thought during my life. I might need some time,but.... I'm ready for us to try again." She said with a soft smile as her hand caressed my face.

I took both her wrists in my hands, placing a kiss on each of them .

"Thank you so much,Y/N. You have no idea how much love I have in my heart. I'm happy that you're ready to forgive me. I'll make you the happiest I can and you've ever been." I said, smiling down at her as I kissed her forehead.

We spent the rest of the day together,laying down on her bed as she recovered . A few days later I took her with me as we headed back to Rosehall mansion.

Time skip

10 years passed since Y/N came to live with me and so many things have changed.

We were married now, me and Rhys finally fixed the bad relationship we had. After he met Y/N and hearing her side if the story he agreed immediately on sending us the herbs she needed and here we are 10 years later.

"I'm so happy I'm here with you" said Y/N from beside me as we watched the sun setting from our balcony.

"I'm happy I came to find you all those years ago." i replied as I kissed her forehead.

"You know I've been thinking about something recently,but only if you agree."she said and I could feel her nervousness.

"What is it , love? You can tell me."

"I've been healthy for the last couple of years,ny condition is almost healed now.... I've been thinking...maybe we could....we could try for a child in the near future?" She said hesitantly.
I was quite shocked , I never thought of having children one day,but with the woman I love I'd love to share a family one day. There wa sno doubt in that.

"If I have to be honest...I never saw myself as a father,but with you, with the happiness and love you give me...I can imagine myself with a little girl ,maybe." i said giving her a shy smile. I'd love to have a daughter that has all of her mother's beautiful features and her strong spirit.

"If you're ready to share this with me love,so am I."I said as I kissed her again.
Whatever the future had in for us we were going to accept it.

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