Cassian x Reader

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Y/N's POV:

As a General of the Peregryns and a possible heir to the throne I had more responsibilities and ways of manners than everyone else,even my brother himself.

You see Thesan was a free and an old soul,he ruled well and everyone loved him,his life was like from a fairly tale.

Ever since I turned 10 years old,all the nannies that i changed always thought me the same: be  respectful,do not let emotions interfere with politics,no matter who stood in front of you.

And it was like this,until another general sweeped me off my feet, Cassian was a charming goofball whose iron,stone cold facade covered a sweet and caring soul.

His attempts to receive my attention continued for over a decade,until. I finally gave up one day as I realized life was not only politics and strategies when you were from one of the royal families.

Because of our busy schedules,and different whereabouts every other day,we barely get to see eachother,today was one of the rare occasions we had to meet. The High Lords held an annual meeting, discussing important matters about our borders, defences ect.

As a General,I too was present,but my attention was captured by something else,or someone, different from the matters discussed. It was no one else than my lover,who was sending me electric waves by just looking at me.

After the meeting a ball was held,a perfect opportunity for me and Cass to get to enjoy a few dances together,no one suspecting anything. I was twirled around countless of times,until I found myself into the hands of no one else but my brother dearest.

"If you don't mind, General, I'd like to have a dance with my sister." winked Thesan in Cassjans director.

"No objections here, I'll find you later." He smirked,as he got lost in the crowd.

Another song started playing the next moment,but it seemed like Thesan had more important stuff than a dance.

"So I see someone finally got to warm up your bed, sister dearest." he laughed as we moved around.

"What the-" I started as he interrupted me.

"Don't worry. I'll be keeping your little secret,no one will find out. Needless to say, I'm happy for you, Y/N. I was getting concerned that your heart was too cold for someone to be able to warm it up." he smiled as he picked me up as a part of the dance.

My only response was a big smile as I was happy than someone accepted our relationship with no objections.

After a while ,my feet started hurting when I decided to take a break. I was greeted by lots and lots of people,who wanted my attention,but my heart desired only one person.

" I see you have other thoughts in your head, sister, go find him, I'll deal with everyone in here." I heard my brother whisper in my ear.

Without wasting a second I shot through the crowd,in a search for the beholder of my heart and thoughts.

I was in one of the empty hallways when I felt a pain of strong hands circle around my waist. If it wasn't for the two syphons that were shining on each of Cass' hands It would've ended ugly for the both of us.

"I finally have your sweet ass just for myself."I heard him whisper as he pressed me hard against the marble walls,his knee coming in between my legs, spreading them apart.

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